How can I reproduce 'Improved GAN' code? Problems with theano/cudnn/docker - docker

I've been trying to reproduce the code found here, with respect to the "Improved GANs" by OpenAI, but I'm having a lot of trouble setting the environment (a Docker container).
I just can't make Theano work properly with this code.
I created a Docker container to test it, but a segmentation fault is raised when I use the stable version of Theano installed using conda...
Some posts suggest to use the development version of Theano instead, but when I update it, Theano can't find the Cudnn anymore
(gpuarray/", line 98, in _dnn_lib raise RuntimeError('Could not load cudnn library') RuntimeError: Could not load cudnn library)
If someone have some background with Theano/lasagne/docker could help me I would appreciate it a lot. If requested I could paste my Dockerfile, or anything that could help.

I managed to "fix" it using the following dockerfile.
Hope it can help someone :)
Apparently, it needed an older Theano version for it to work properly.


Error with Slick Module when clearing cache during installation

Has anyone run into this before?
I am doing a local install of Drupal 8 with docker and composer. I'm on a Windows machine using WSL. When I clear the cache (drush cr), I get this error:
Service "slick.manager": Parent definition "blazy.manager.base" does not exist.
Both Slick and Blazy modules and libraries are present. When I try to go to the site it says "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just uninstall the slick module, load the site, install blazy, then enable the slick module again. It's an "ordering" issue due to a new dependency.
It's a bit of a workaround but it should solve your problem.
If this isn't the issue, then please update your question with the output of;
drush pml --status=enabled
(Just for the two modules if you don't wish to copy everything here).

Openpyxl in Spyder

I am using openpyxl in spyder IDE to create a new excel workbook. The program runs with no error, however no excel workbook was created.
I copied the code into sublime text, and ran the code in command prompt and it worked perfectly good, with the new excel created
Can someone please explain what i am doing wrong in spyder and how to fix it?
I got stuck with the same problem. To resolve it I verified the Python interpreter's version used by my Spyder (there were some of them on my computer). I found out that it wasn't using the one I needed it to. So I changed it to the appropriate version's one with the followed installation of the lacking Spyder kernels with python -m pip install spyder-kernels and all the specific modules I needed to complete my tasks.
Hope the advise to be useful. Have a nice day.

Error: Could not find or load main class io.druid.cli.Main

I am deploying Apache-druid image using docker-compose. I am getting following error,
Error: Could not find or load main class io.druid.cli.Main.
I have set CLASSPATH properly. Files are in CLASSPATH.
Any Pointers? Thanks for your help.
I fixed this issue. I was using different version of Druid. Which has differnnt package hierarchy of the class Main. Changed it to correct one.
If others run into similar issue, here's some more context. From Druid version 0.13.0 onwards, the config scripts need to use org.apache.druid.cli.Main. So if you are working on a prior version, and run into this error, change io.druid.cli.Main to org.apache.druid.cli.Main in your scripts. Better option is to upgrade cleanly to a newer version.

Dealing with a large c++ library in a Rails deployment

I have a Rails project that is going to be using OpenCV, and it depends on a certain version of it (
I'm looking for deployment advice. The Ubuntu opencv package is an earlier version and therefore not suitable.
I can see a number of possibilities, but I'm trying to think of what will work best.
Just write it up in a README and expect people to follow it: download this, apt-get that, etc...
Add opencv, tagged at the version we need, as a git subtree, and include a Rake task to build it.
Write a script to download and compile the needed code.
Something else ?
None of them seem all that great, to tell the truth.
Can your application be made to work with OpenCV 2.4.2? That is available in Ubuntu 13.04, and you could request it be backported to 12.04. If not, you could update the source package to (which would require learning about debian packaging but might not be too difficult since you would be modifying an existing package instead of starting from scratch), upload it to a PPA, and instruct your users on Ubuntu to install OpenCV from there. You could also package your rails application and put it in the PPA, which would make overall installation even easier.

Need help configuring ImageMagick

I've directly downloaded the tar file from here onto my desktop for Mac OSX (which is what I'm using) and extracted its contents. Now I've read the following instructions on how to set it up, but honestly they're a bit too cryptic for me. I was wondering if anyone could please break down these instructions into simpler, bite size pieces for someone who typically has trouble configuring new things...
I'd truly appreciate any help! Thanks!
Btw, my end goal is to set this up for the Paperclip plugin.
The first step would be to install MacPorts if you don't have it already. Once MacPorts is installed it should be fairly straightforward based on the instructions listed at the link you provided.
sudo port install ImageMagick
For others interested in this topic, I might look into installing homebrew instead of MacPorts.
