fitnesse shows column header as surplus value - fitnesse

I get surplus mismatch values as result when I execute my fitnesse test. The surplus values are of the column header which match the number of rows I expect as result.
Also, the values are being shown as missing while they are correctly returned by my code. Please find below the screenshot.

obvisously, the result has told that keys(field) of query table is not exsit[field xxx not present].
I think you should not add ? end of fields,example: [Name?] should be [Name]
you can refer the user guide:


Refining a Query formula with two 'where' conditions

I need to write a Query formula to pull through unique values from another sheet, excluding rows that contain certain keywords and also excluding any empty rows.
I've written this formula:
=UNIQUE(QUERY('Sheet Name'!A1:AZ,"Select A where A is not null and where not A contains 'STRING'",1))
Unfortunately this gives a VALUE error. It works with either of the 'where' clauses but not with both.
What am I missing?
You don't need to add the seconde 'Where', it just implies that you continue to add conditions into that statement:
=UNIQUE(QUERY('Sheet Name'!A1:AZ,"Select A where A is not null and not A contains 'STRING'",1))

Resolve DGET function "More than one match found" error

I am trying to match a list of range with certain criteria in a google spreadsheet. I am using DGET function for the same. Everything is working fine but the problem comes when there are many entries that contain the whole string and I receive "More than one match found in DGET evaluation.".
For the better understanding look below:
Sheet "Form Responses 1":
Matching sheet entries:
My Formula is:
=DGET('Form Responses 1'!B:H,"Date",{"Email Address","Logging In or Logging out ?","Date";A2,$B$1,$H$1})
Now the problem is Ronald is matching with "Ronald","Ronaldo" and "Ronaldinho" and I am receiving the error which says "multiple entries found".
How do we solve this?
I solved the problem by Concatenating a constant variable before and after the name. For example Ronaldo becomes mRonamdom and Ronald becomes mRonaldm. This makes the Names Unique and solves the problem.
If you don't want to modify the data but to fix the formula so it doesn't get confused with similar entries in your database parameter you can add a character to the criteria field of the dget function as shown below (I'm using an '=' sign concatenated to the value I want to match with in the database parameter)
A1:B11 is my database
M1 is the matching column name
and "="&F2 is the field with the caracter I chose that I want to match with to retrieve values from the matching database column, now even if the there are more than one matches found (becuase matching substrings"), the addition of the caracter contatenated with the matching value, should take care of the in-accurate error.

Having different count per key in jsonb

I have values in a table called Translation, that contains for every values per example:
=> {"fr"=>"Jaune", "de"=>"", "en"=>"", "bg"=>"", "hr"=>"", "es"=>"", "hu"=>"", "it"=>"", "lt"=>"", "lv"=>"", "nl"=>"", "pl"=>"", "pt"=>"", "ro"=>"", "cs"=>""}
and I'm looking to get the the number of the translation for each language:
I'm trying :
Translation.where("values->>'fr' IS NOT NULL").count
but it giving me 0, which is not correct, do anyone knows how to do it correctly?
The problem that you have is that the keys that don't have values, still exist in the json, so "is not null" will return all of them because the key exist. you have two options here, you can remove the empty keys from the database, so not null will work, or, change it to see if the key is empty
You can do it like this
Translation.where("values->>'fr' <> ''").count
and it will work with the structure that you have right now.

App Inventor Fusion Table Column calling

I developed an app based on App Inventor and Fusion Tables. When I want to update total money by adding some money to already existing money it is giving some error.
When I use SELECT command to get information from fusion table it is taking then number with column Name. When i am trying to add both of them it is giving following error.
Error message
The result from a fusiontable includes always the header row...
from your example SELECT statement the result is
Obviously to add any value to that result will result in an error, because you only can add numeric values...
You first have to extract the value (in your example 5000) from the result. Convert the result into a list using the split block, just split at \n (new value) to get a list, then select the 2nd item using the select list item block.
Note: to be able to update something in a table, you need the ROWID, see also the SQL Reference Documentation of the Fusion Tables API.
For UPDATE statements the first step to be done is to get the ROWID of the row to be updated with a SELECT statement. The second step is to do the UPDATE.

Fusion tables query does not fetch some

I'm having an issue on this table: 1g_ydg74ooUSBzNfQBHOIdgrOKhxZD_92In8xTDg
I'm trying to fetch some results by CODE_DEPT. I used the filter
CODE_DEPT IN ('001', '002', '003', '02A', '02B')
and only the 3 first are fetched.
Any idea what's going on ?
Looks like CODE_DEPT is identified as a numeric column. The last two codes are not numeric and so would not match anything. If you change the column to type Text and you should be OK.
