The app is not showing on full screen on iPhone but is running fine on the simulator - ios

The app is completely visible on the full screen in the simulator but does not show up completely when I run it on the device. Here with attaching the screen shots for consideration.

Add a splash screen. It will solve your issue. The top & bottom black color is because you didn't added a splash screen. Add it & it will return to a full screen view. This happened because you have migrated the project which developed in an older version of xcode

A solution for your case
You need to add splash screen #1x (Image for non retina display, don't put #1x), #2x, #3x of all devices, and check this 100% your issue will be fixed.
splashscreen.jpg (#1x, Don't need #1x for non retina display)
Please check splash screen size in this link
If still your issue not fixed please let me know or check above link.
Update :
Please check Launch screen interface file base name in info.plist
Please check In General Tab and check

What have you done to make the app FullScreen?
Maybe this will help:
Add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES
Info.plist is one of the file below the Main.storyboard or viewController.swift

You need try following solutions.
-> Add Launch Images and select in setting.
-> Add Launch screen storyboard and select it as Launch screen file in Setting.

This happened only because of the splash screen for (Size 640 x 1136 ).
When you will add this size of splash screen this issue will solve.
If you already added then, i would suggest you to recheck the Size of your splash screen.
You have to check your image size only no need to do something else.
Please do one thing uncheck your iOS 6 or Prior from Assets.xcassets.
You can check it in this image.


App does not fit on anything but an iPhone (Plus Models) [duplicate]

Running my App in the iPhone X Simulator (GM Seed) I am noticing two strange effects:
the App does not use the full screen space (top and bottom area is black)
a strange white bar beneath the title bar
Does anybody know what is happening here and how to resolve this? I can't find any new settings in Interface Builder.
When using launch images (instead of the much easier Launch screen file), you need to provide the properly sized launch image for each device size you wish to support. Once you add the additional launch image, your app should take advantage of the new screen size.
The new iPhone X requires a launch image sized at 1125px × 2436px which is a 3x image for 375pt × 812pt.
Of course if you switch over to using a Launch screen file instead of individual launch images, your app will automatically adapt to all device sizes without any additional work.
I have figured out this issues in iPhone X. Launch image size (1125*2436px)
Please flow this below steps.
1.i)Choose your project name in Xcode.
ii)Select your project target
iii)Then select Launch images source
You can get Migrate popup
i) Choose Assets
ii)Select Migrate
After that select your Assets.xcassets in your project
Then select Launch image in assets
i)Then select attribute inspector
finally check your Launch image source. you can see set Launch image.
iPhone X needs different launch image sized 1125px x 2436px (375pt x 812pt #3x).
Check human interface guidelines for more details.
I have figured out how to fix (though I still don't understand why this happened only on iPhone X) LaunchScreen storyboard on iPhone X with seeing black top&bottom bars.
I have LaunchScreen storyboard with one UIImageView.
UIImageView's top&bottom has to be pinned to SuperView's top&bottom. NOT to SafeArea.
I fixed it by simply inserting some random text in the Lanch Screen File textfield. I dont even have a Launch Screen File... XCode is so buggy.
Although this fixes it in simulator (still very weird and unexpected) when uploading a binary to iTunes Connect it will fail due to not finding a LanchScreen file of name "random-name"
Just ran into this while trying to update an app I hadn't worked on in a while.
On Xcode 9.4, I was able to fix this by doing the following:
Add a launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch Screen
Make sure the newly added launch screen storyboard is selected as the launch screen file under project settings.
If you already have a 1125px × 2436px launch image but the app is still not using the full screen check to make sure that your image is PNG.
if you removed LaunchScreen.storyboard; Choose your project, select your project target, General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Launch Screen File: Select here Main.storyboard instead of LaunchScreen.storyboard
Just had this problem... When I selected the project & the correct target I had a blank for the 'launch screen file' under the app icons and launch screen images tab. I set it to the default LaunchScreen and the resizing issue I faced was taken care of.
You may check in project target launch screen file is not set to empty if it is empty it may cause problem.
Yes me too face that top spacing issue in iOS 15,
iOS 15 needs some new size of the Launch images
So you please check your all the launch screen images
Check your Attribute inspector is portrait for Launchscreen

iPhone X safe area size [duplicate]

Running my App in the iPhone X Simulator (GM Seed) I am noticing two strange effects:
the App does not use the full screen space (top and bottom area is black)
a strange white bar beneath the title bar
Does anybody know what is happening here and how to resolve this? I can't find any new settings in Interface Builder.
When using launch images (instead of the much easier Launch screen file), you need to provide the properly sized launch image for each device size you wish to support. Once you add the additional launch image, your app should take advantage of the new screen size.
The new iPhone X requires a launch image sized at 1125px × 2436px which is a 3x image for 375pt × 812pt.
Of course if you switch over to using a Launch screen file instead of individual launch images, your app will automatically adapt to all device sizes without any additional work.
I have figured out this issues in iPhone X. Launch image size (1125*2436px)
Please flow this below steps.
1.i)Choose your project name in Xcode.
ii)Select your project target
iii)Then select Launch images source
You can get Migrate popup
i) Choose Assets
ii)Select Migrate
After that select your Assets.xcassets in your project
Then select Launch image in assets
i)Then select attribute inspector
finally check your Launch image source. you can see set Launch image.
iPhone X needs different launch image sized 1125px x 2436px (375pt x 812pt #3x).
Check human interface guidelines for more details.
I have figured out how to fix (though I still don't understand why this happened only on iPhone X) LaunchScreen storyboard on iPhone X with seeing black top&bottom bars.
I have LaunchScreen storyboard with one UIImageView.
UIImageView's top&bottom has to be pinned to SuperView's top&bottom. NOT to SafeArea.
I fixed it by simply inserting some random text in the Lanch Screen File textfield. I dont even have a Launch Screen File... XCode is so buggy.
Although this fixes it in simulator (still very weird and unexpected) when uploading a binary to iTunes Connect it will fail due to not finding a LanchScreen file of name "random-name"
Just ran into this while trying to update an app I hadn't worked on in a while.
On Xcode 9.4, I was able to fix this by doing the following:
Add a launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch Screen
Make sure the newly added launch screen storyboard is selected as the launch screen file under project settings.
If you already have a 1125px × 2436px launch image but the app is still not using the full screen check to make sure that your image is PNG.
if you removed LaunchScreen.storyboard; Choose your project, select your project target, General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Launch Screen File: Select here Main.storyboard instead of LaunchScreen.storyboard
Just had this problem... When I selected the project & the correct target I had a blank for the 'launch screen file' under the app icons and launch screen images tab. I set it to the default LaunchScreen and the resizing issue I faced was taken care of.
You may check in project target launch screen file is not set to empty if it is empty it may cause problem.
Yes me too face that top spacing issue in iOS 15,
iOS 15 needs some new size of the Launch images
So you please check your all the launch screen images
Check your Attribute inspector is portrait for Launchscreen

iPhone X Simulator not running my app in full screen [duplicate]

Running my App in the iPhone X Simulator (GM Seed) I am noticing two strange effects:
the App does not use the full screen space (top and bottom area is black)
a strange white bar beneath the title bar
Does anybody know what is happening here and how to resolve this? I can't find any new settings in Interface Builder.
When using launch images (instead of the much easier Launch screen file), you need to provide the properly sized launch image for each device size you wish to support. Once you add the additional launch image, your app should take advantage of the new screen size.
The new iPhone X requires a launch image sized at 1125px × 2436px which is a 3x image for 375pt × 812pt.
Of course if you switch over to using a Launch screen file instead of individual launch images, your app will automatically adapt to all device sizes without any additional work.
I have figured out this issues in iPhone X. Launch image size (1125*2436px)
Please flow this below steps.
1.i)Choose your project name in Xcode.
ii)Select your project target
iii)Then select Launch images source
You can get Migrate popup
i) Choose Assets
ii)Select Migrate
After that select your Assets.xcassets in your project
Then select Launch image in assets
i)Then select attribute inspector
finally check your Launch image source. you can see set Launch image.
iPhone X needs different launch image sized 1125px x 2436px (375pt x 812pt #3x).
Check human interface guidelines for more details.
I have figured out how to fix (though I still don't understand why this happened only on iPhone X) LaunchScreen storyboard on iPhone X with seeing black top&bottom bars.
I have LaunchScreen storyboard with one UIImageView.
UIImageView's top&bottom has to be pinned to SuperView's top&bottom. NOT to SafeArea.
I fixed it by simply inserting some random text in the Lanch Screen File textfield. I dont even have a Launch Screen File... XCode is so buggy.
Although this fixes it in simulator (still very weird and unexpected) when uploading a binary to iTunes Connect it will fail due to not finding a LanchScreen file of name "random-name"
Just ran into this while trying to update an app I hadn't worked on in a while.
On Xcode 9.4, I was able to fix this by doing the following:
Add a launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch Screen
Make sure the newly added launch screen storyboard is selected as the launch screen file under project settings.
If you already have a 1125px × 2436px launch image but the app is still not using the full screen check to make sure that your image is PNG.
if you removed LaunchScreen.storyboard; Choose your project, select your project target, General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Launch Screen File: Select here Main.storyboard instead of LaunchScreen.storyboard
Just had this problem... When I selected the project & the correct target I had a blank for the 'launch screen file' under the app icons and launch screen images tab. I set it to the default LaunchScreen and the resizing issue I faced was taken care of.
You may check in project target launch screen file is not set to empty if it is empty it may cause problem.
Yes me too face that top spacing issue in iOS 15,
iOS 15 needs some new size of the Launch images
So you please check your all the launch screen images
Check your Attribute inspector is portrait for Launchscreen

Why isn't my launch image loading when the app starts?

I have been reading through all the answers, but still can't figure out to what I'm doing wrong. I went to Project -> General -> Launch Image Source and set that field to LaunchImage, which is in my Assets.xcassets. I have left Launch Screen File field empty. I read at several places to delete LaunchScreen.xib file, but I don't have that in my Xcode project. I also have the right sizes of images that are required by apple for Launch Images. What should I do?
Select Project and go tab General. Make sure you have set image folder and remove lauchscreen.xib
Select arrow and go to folder. make sure you check:
Maybe it will help you.
But I strongly recommend you: use lauchscreen.xib or .storyboard. It is more better than using lauchImage. If you use lauchingScreen, you should use like this::
Drag image to xib , and set image to this imageview check option use as lauch screen on right side of xib file. It will work like a charm :)
Try adding the launchscreen image as the background image of you launchscreen.storyboard
You might want to try adding the retina images to your app. For me this did the trick. No launch image was shown on my simulator before adding them.
Please remember that you need portrait and landscape if your app does both.
LI retina 5.5 is size 1242x2208 retina 4.7 is 750x1334 (portrait) and opposite for landscape is true ie. retina 5.5 2208x1242 4.7 1334x750
Retina launch images are needed for ios 8/9

xcode only running 3.5 inch screen [duplicate]

We have an iPod app built with base SDK as 5.1.
App has a tabBarController with three tabs and each tab has a UIViewController to load a different view.
The app works fine for iOS 6.1 and iOS 7 (3.5 inch display) simulator and device but when we run the app on
iOS 7 (4 inch display simulator) or device we are getting black bars at the top and bottom of the view screen in all three tabs.
If anyone can suggest reason for this or some feasible solution to this problem, it would be really helpful for us.
First thing is that you must add the required default image for 4 inch screen display. Check Properly in you project have image with name Default-568h#2x.png (640 × 1136 pixels)
This Default-568h#2x.png is Necessary for Support app in 4 inch Screen display
Ones you add this image in to you working Project, Remove old Build from device or Simulatore, clear Project and re build and check Hope you issue will solve.
After fix the black Bar issue you can check the device like my answer Give here check this:-
Detect device type
you have two choice if you can't use AutoLayout
Create two xib with same class one for 3.5 inch screen and one for 4 inch screen set using macro with checking which screen appear.
Set Self.view frame using macro with checking which screen appear.
There are also other methods you can use for set self.view frame as using window frame or UIScreen
My problem was I accidentally deleted the value found here:
I added back LaunchScreen, and made sure there was a LaunchScreen.xib. Maybe it will help some others.
Ive had the same problem - black bars at the top and bottom. It was simply solved by setting the drop down in "App Icons and Launch Images" to Main_iPhone:
App Icons and Launch Images Screen Shot
I was facing same problem . I just added launch image and it worked for me.
XCode->Click on Project File -> Select Target-> App Icons and Launch Images -> Add launch image source
This worked!
Pay attention to Step#5 and Step#6 below:
1.In xcode, Click on the Project file in Project Navigator
2.Click General tab
3.Type "Main_iPhone" in the Launch Screen File field
5.Remove the app from device or simulator
6.Then in Xcode go to Product Menu and then select Clean
7.Build again
