SpecsFor MVC - Can't get site to build / appear - asp.net-mvc

I am attempting to create some UI tests using SpecsFor MVC, I am coming at this from a new user's point of view in terms of testing so could be easily missing something obvious.
The site I'm testing against already uses it's own test DB so I do not need to create one. when I build and debug normally on this site it also starts up a couple of WCF projects which we use for service layer interactions. Presumably I'll need to start these in the specs config but have not got that far yet.
I've followed the documentation and have created this method:
protected override void AfterConfigurationApplied()
var config = new SpecsForMvcConfig();
.UseMSBuildExecutableAt(#"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe");
_host = new SpecsForIntegrationHost(config);
The routing of the site is set in the Global.asax hence the setting in the above method.
I also have this very basic test in place to just see if I can get it working:
protected override void When()
SUT.NavigateTo<HomeController>(u => u.Index());
SUT.FindLinkTo<HomeController>(u => u.About())
When I debug the tests it successfully starts Chrome but hangs for ages and eventually fails with this error:
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:49924/session/bd15d6a15395b4ca204437c340639501/element timed out after 60 seconds.
I'm not sure where that port number or session etc are coming from.
If I'm running my web project normally (outside of this whole testing project) I see a URL like this:
I would have thought I'd see something similar for these tests cases? It doesn't really matter in any case because they're not working.
Am I missing some element of the config? Do I need to set up the WCF layer to run as well?


Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Middleware.IFunctionsWorkerMiddleware Unit Testing

Looking for some examples on how to setup unit testing around IFunctionsWorkerMiddleware. All the examples I've found are for MVC and not function apps.
Example for MVC, but looking for .net 6 using function apps
using var host = await new HostBuilder() .ConfigureWebHost(webBuilder => { webBuilder .UseTestServer() .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddMyServices(); }) .Configure(app => { app.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleware>(); }); }) .StartAsync(); var response = await host.GetTestClient().GetAsync("/")
Thanks in advance.
In order to test the middleware we need to spin up a host using HostBuilder; as part of configuring host builder we can stipulate it needs to use the test server (an in-memory webserver).  This is what we will make request against an what should be executing the middleware. Every single example I've found and tried are all for MVC  and nothing for function apps.  and every attempt pretty much results in a gRPC issue (gRPC is spun uo by the function app process by default, I cannot find where/how to not set it up).

Async Function Fails when called as part of a Constructor

I'm rather new to Blazor, but I am currently trying to get access to some classes from within a class library that I've created and deployed as a Nuget package. As background, the Nuget package is an Api library, which allows me to talk to a webservice (I don't know if this is relevant or not). However, every time I go to the page where I'm testing, the page never loads and instead I left looking at the browser loading circle until I navigate away or close the application. During my testing here, it seems like it's the #inject call of my interface into the Blazor component which is causing the issue as when I remove it and try to load the page normally, the page does so.
So to demonstrate what I have setup, here is where I've added the Singletons to the DI:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IApiConfigHelper, ApiConfigHelper>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IApiHelper, ApiHelper>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<ISystemEndpoint, SystemEndpoint>();
Then on the blazor page, I have the following declarations at the top of my page:
#using Library.Endpoints
#using Library.Models
#page "/"
#inject ISystemEndpoint _systemEndpoint
Now I am leaning towards is this something to do with the Nuget package and using it with DI. I have tested the library away from this project (In a console application) and can confirm it's working as it should.
I have also created a local class library as a test to, to see if I could inject a data access class into the page and I can confirm that this works without an issue, which suggests to me that DI is working, just not with my Nuget package.
I did have a look into CORS, given that the Nuget package is accessing an external domain, and setup the following simple CORS policy in the app:
builder.Services.AddCors(policy =>
policy.AddPolicy("OpenCorsPolicy", opt =>
Which is added to the app after the AddRouting call like so:
However again, this wasn't the solution so if anyone is able to point me in the right direction with where I may be going wrong with this or offer any advice, I would be most grateful.
EDIT 1 - Provides details #mason queried
Regarding SystemEndpoint, the constructor is being injected with 2 things, as below:
public SystemEndpoint(IApiHelper apiHelper, IOptions<UriConfigModel> uriOptions)
_apiHelper = apiHelper;
_uriOptions = uriOptions.Value;
My Nuget Library is dependant on the following:
EDIT 2 - Doing some further testing with this I have added a simple Endpoint class to my Nuget library, which returns a string with a basic message, as well as returning the values of the 2 UriConfig properties as below. I added this test to 1) sanity check that my DI was working correctly, and 2) check the values that are being assigned from appsettings to my UriConfig Object.
public class TestEndpoint : ITestEndpoint
private readonly IOptions<UriConfigModel> _uriConfig;
public TestEndpoint(IOptions<UriConfigModel> uriConfig)
_uriConfig = uriConfig;
public string TestMethod()
return $"You have successfully called the test method\n\n{_uriConfig.Value.Release} / {_uriConfig.Value.Version}";
However when adding in the dependency of IApiHelper into the Ctor, the method then breaks and fails to load the page. Looking into ApiHeloer, the Ctor has a dependency being injected into it of IApiConfigHelper. Looking at the implementation, the Ctor of ApiConfigHelper is setting up the values and parameters of the HttpClient that should make the REST calls to the external Api.
Now I believe what is breaking the code at this point is a call I'm making to Azure Key Vault, via REST, to pull out the secret values to connect to the Api. The call to KeyVault is being orchestrated via the following method, making use of the Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets Nuget Package, however I assume that at the heart of it, it's making a REST call to Azure on my behalf:
private async Task<KeyVaultSecret> GetKeyVaultValue(string secretName = "")
if (_secretClient is not null)
var result = await _secretClient.GetSecretAsync(secretName);
return result.Value;
catch (ArgumentException ae)
catch (Azure.RequestFailedException rfe)
return new(secretName, "");
So that's where I stand with this at the moment. I still believe it could be down to CORS, as it seems to be falling over when making a call to an external service / domain, but I still can say 100%. As a closing thought, could it be something as simple as when I call call the above method, it's not being awaited????
So after persisting with this it seems like the reason it was failing was down to "awaiting" the call to Azure KeyVault, which was happening indirectly via the constructor of ApiConfigHelper. The resulting method for getting KeyVault value is now:
private KeyVaultSecret GetKeyVaultValue(string secretName = "")
if (_secretClient is not null)
var result = _secretClient.GetSecret(secretName);
if (result is not null)
return result.Value;
catch (ArgumentException ae)
catch (Azure.RequestFailedException rfe)
return new(secretName, "");
I am now able to successfully make calls to my library and return values from the Api it interacts with.
I can also confirm that this IS NOT a CORS issue. Once I saw that removing the await was working, I then removed the CORS policy declarations from the service and the app in my Blazor's start-up code and everything continued to work without an issue.
As a final note, I must stress that this is only seems an issue when using the library with Blazor (possibly webApi projects) as I am able to use the library, awaiting the Azure call just fine in a console application.

How can I know if my app is running under Kestrel or HTTP.sys?

What's the best way to know if my app is running under Kestrel or HTTP.sys. All that I have found so far is to check for "Kestrel" in one of the HttpConext property class names.
Within an MVC controller I can do something like this:
Boolean IsKestrel = HttpContext.Features.GetType().ToString().Contains("Kestrel");
i.e. check this:
Features = {Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.Http1Connection<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.HostingApplication.Context>}
When using HTTP.sys I only get:
Features = {Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FeatureCollection}
(Is "Http" here enough to know that this is HTTP.sys?)
There must be a better way. Is there an obvious property somewhere that contains the name of the host being used?
A broader question might be, how do I know what the builder pattern built?
Found something better, but still looking for a Property that has the server name or type.
In an MVC controller:
var isKestrel = HttpContext.Request.Headers.GetType().ToString().Contains(".Kestrel.");
var isHTTPsys = HttpContext.Request.Headers.GetType().ToString().Contains(".HttpSys.");
At the operating system level, netsh http show servicestate will list all active URLs listening via HTTP.SYS.
From code you can locate an instance of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.IServer and check what its implementation is, in netcore 6:
Kestrel => Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.KestrelServerImpl
IIS ==> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS.Core.IISHttpServer
HTTP.SYS => Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.MessagePump
This relies on implementation details (so can break), also other extensions can change these e.g. CoreWcf creates CoreWCF.Configuration.WrappingIServer that wraps one of the above implementations.
you can use System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName
I am not sure whether you want to check this information using the code only or you are just looking for a way to know on which web server your app is running.
In my search result, I found that we could set the ports for a specific web server. When the application will run on that specific web server then it will use that pre-configured port. I am assuming your app also has a similar configuration. You could set the different ports for Kestrel, Http.sys, or IIS. By checking the port number you could say that on which web server your site is running.
You could try to go to the launchSettings.json file in your project where you could configure ports for IIS and Kestral.
Helpful References:
Kestrel Web Server in ASP.NET Core
Understand HTTP.sys Web Server In ASP.NET Core
Hello this is a good question, you question is asking how to find out from inside the code and not from a console.
OOB I did not find anything. So, I had to get very creative to figure this out, sorry for the typo's its brand new stuff...
Option 1:
Since the Kestrel section & endpoints are inside the appsettings.json I used that to find out if its hosted by Kestrel!
//Please create a static class to hold the config.
public static class MyStartupIsItKestrelConfiguration
public static IConfiguration Configuration;
public bool static IsKestrel()
//check your section kestrel??
var kestrel = configuration.GetSection("Kestrel");
// now check kestrel section or any other section
// see picture for kestrel endpoint in app setting sbelow
return true;
Now you can access it anywhere and see if you used Kestrel
//Now add it/save it in your startup and access later
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
MyStartupIsItKestrelConfiguration.Configuration = configuration;
Once you have this
//you can use it in ** YOUR CONTROLLER
Option 2:
Please check this public Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IFeatureCollection Features { get; }
You can get the features public TFeature? Get<TFeature> (); as a Key Value Pair - and then check the feature for e.g. KESTREL DOES NOT ALLOW PORT SHARING
they split the features namespace in .net core 6 there are breaking changes
You should use the features collection

Nunit tests with MvcApprovals Verify specific url

the project url of my mvc application is hosted like this localhost:port/AppName
I created a new unit test project to test the mvc app using nunit framework and for approval tests I used Approval Tests Library
public void PaymentPopUpController_IndexView()
PortFactory.MvcPort = 8080;
// Act
Func<ActionResult> ScopeControllerTest = new ScopeController()._Index;
// Approve
MvcApprovals.VerifyMvcPage throws an error saying that it couldn't find the url since I didn't set the right project url :
The Following error occurred while connecting to:
http: // localhost: 8080/ Scope / _index
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
So my question is how to set the right url to set with nunit for mvc approval test
MvcApprovals will construct the url from the combination of the Controller name + the Method name.
So in this case the new ScopeController()._Index is being translated to
There are 2 possibilities as to why this isn't working
1) Bad url. Possibly the _index isn't public or otherwise isn't the correct route. The easiest way to test this is simply to open a web browser and point it at
If your browser can't see this url then neither can approvaltests. (unless you are using cassinidev)
2) The second reason is you might not have the web server turned on during the test. This would also be shown by opening the url in a browser.
Happy Testing!
Llewellyn Falco

breeze 1.3.6 cannot get metadata

The Devcurry hottowelsignalr example which utilizes breeze works fine until i upgraded breeze via nuget to 1.3.6.
F12 in chrome shows that it is trying to retrieve metadata from http://localhost/api/breeze/Metadata whereas previously it would use
http://localhost/OnlineCollaborationWithSignalR/api/breeze/Metadata. Which is the correct location of the call. It appears that the path of the application is missing from the root. i.e. (OnlineCollaborationWithSignalR)
noticed the release notes for 1.3.1. And subsequently changed the routing to
public static class BreezeWebApiConfig {
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart() {
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
and the app/viewmodels/home.js to
// service name is route to the Web API controller
var serviceName = 'breeze/Breeze';
// service name is route to the Web API controller
var serviceName = 'api/Breeze';
It still fails with the same error as noted above.
Can you confirm that the API responds accordingly?
Based on your routeTemplate, it should be.
Yes, if your configuration is such. It should be
I am not familiar with the specific project, but I downloaded and updated it. I then made the changes that you specified, and I am getting a response from the API. Although I am getting an error (most likely unrelated), it is in fact routed properly.
For the record, the error I get is:
"The provider for invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient' is specified multiple times in the application configuration. The invariant name must be unique for each configured provider."
