I have the following situation: a loop (stack data) with only 1 index variable and with multiple items corresponding to the statements, as in the picture below (sorry it is Excel, but is the same as in SPSS):
stack data - cases on multiple lines, but never filling for 1 respondent all the columns
I want to reach to the following situation but without using casestovars to restructure, because that creates a lot of empty variables. I remember for older versions it was a command like Update, which was moving up the cases, to reach the following result:
reducing the cases per respondent
Like starting from this:
ID Index Q1_1 Q1_2 Q1_3 Q1_4 Q1_5 Q1_6
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
1 3 1 1
To reach to this:
ID Q1_1 Q1_2 Q1_3 Q1_4 Q1_5 Q1_6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
But without using casestovars. Is there any command in SPSS syntax for this?
Thank you very much, have a nice day!
Not entirely sure how variable your data structure is likely to be in reality but if as demo'ed where you have only a single response for each q1_1 to q1_6 per respondent ID, then the below would be sufficient:
dataset declare dsAgg.
aggregate outfile="dsAgg" /break=respid /q1_1 to q1_6=max(q1_1 to q1_6).
Also not sure of the significance of duplicate index values within the same respondent IDs, if this was intended or not.
The following syntax could do the job -
* first we'll recreate your example data.
data list list/respid index q1_1 to q1_6.
begin data
end data.
* now to work: first thing is to make sure the data from each ID are together.
sort cases by respid index.
* the loop will fill down the data to the last line of each ID.
do repeat qq=q1_1 to q1_6.
if respid=lag(respid) and missing(qq) qq=lag(qq).
end repeat.
* the following lines will help recognize the last line for each ID and select it.
compute lineNR=$casenum.
aggregate /outfile=* mode=ADDVARIABLES/break=respid/MXlineNR=max(lineNR).
select if lineNR=MXlineNR.
When I run this syntax in SPSS:
output modify
/select all except (Tables)
/deleteobject delete=yes.
my custom tables still get deleted. Do you have any idea whether this is a bug or I am doing something wrong?
Many thanks in advance!
TABLES is a generic term for all objects of type table, which includes custom tables output. You can do what you want with OMS using syntax like this.
oms select all /exceptif subtypes='Custom Table'/destination viewer=no.
/TABLE educ [C][COUNT F40.0]
DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=bdate educ id jobcat jobtime
In SPSS i have a variabele with a lot of different values (8 figure number; 00000000). Every row is a person. I want to aggregate this data on postal area and count the number of different values in a postal area. Is there a way?
Result within a postal area should be 1 to N : 1 = every person has the same value, N = every person has a different value
Aggregate in two steps. Assuming your dataset name is data1, with variables var1 (the variable of interest) and postalcode, I would do this:
Create a dataset step1, with one row for each combination of values of postalcode and var1. Also possible by using the command casestovars.
dataset declare step1.
dataset activate data1.
aggregate outf=step1 /break=postalcode var1 /n=n(var1).
Create a dataset result with one row for each postalcode, and a variable n for the number of rows from the previous dataset step1.
dataset declare result.
dataset activate step1.
aggregate outf=result /break=postalcode /n=n(var1).
So, in conclusion: first break by both of the variables, then break only by the variable of postal code. This should do the trick!
I have two variables (id and Var1) in SPSS as below. I want to sort Var1 as descending order but other variables do not change accordingly with Var1. i.e. other variable will remain same as before sort.
My data is...
id Var1
-- ----
M-1 3
M-2 4
M-3 2
M-4 7
But I want like this..
id Var1
-- ----
M-1 7
M-2 4
M-3 3
M-4 2
My Syntax/code is...
data list list
/id(A3) Var1(F2.0).
begin data.
M-1 3
M-2 4
M-3 2
M-4 7
end data.
sort cases by BY Var1(D).
When I run this code it also sort id according to Var1. But I do not want to expand this sort command for entire variables. I only want to sort for current selection variable in SPSS.
Can anyone help using SPSS Syntax?
You Could split the dataset sort the Var1 variable and then merge them together. One way to do so would be this:
* create data.
data list list
/id(A3) Var1(F2.0).
begin data.
M-1 3
M-2 4
M-3 2
M-4 7
end data.
* Delete sort variable (Var1) from dataset "ids".
* Keep only sort variable in dataset "sortvars".
* sort Var1.
* Merge datasets.
/FILE ids
/FILE sortvar.
If you have lots of variables to delete in the sortvar dataset you could also use the MATCH CASES command:
* Delete all variables but Var1.
/KEEP Var1.
Alternativly you can use the SAVE command in combination with the KEEP or DROP options in order to split the dataset.
So far I have a query with a result set (in a temp table) with several columns but I am only concerned with four. One is a customer ID(varchar), one is Date (smalldatetime), one is Amount(money) and the last is Type(char). I have multiple rows with the same custmer ID and want to evaluate them based on Date, Amount and Type. For example:
Customer ID Date Amount Type
A 1-1-10 200 blue
A 1-1-10 400 green
A 1-2-10 400 green
B 1-11-10 100 blue
B 1-11-10 100 red
For all occurrences of A I want to compare them to identify only one, first by earliest date, then by greatest Amount, then if still tied by comparing Types. I would then return one row for each customer.
I would provide some of the query but I am at home now after spending two days trying to get a correct result. It looks something like this:
(query to populate #tempTable)
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING date_cd =
(SELECT MIN(date_cd)
FROM order_table ot
WHERE ot.customerID = #tempTable.customerID
OR date_cd IS NULL
I assume the HAVING would result in only one row per customer_id. This did not end up being the case since there were some ties there.
I am not sure I can do the OR - there are some with NULL values here - and it did not account for the step to the next comparison if they were all the same anyway. I am not seeing a way to avoid doing some row processing of the temp table with some kind of IF or WHERE loop.
As I write I am thinking maybe I use #tempTable.date_cd in the HAVING clause instead of looking at the original table. but that should return the same dates?
Am I on the right track or is there something missing? Suggestions? More info??
try below query :-
select * from #tempTable
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING isnull(date_cd,"1900/01/01") =min(isnull(date_cd,"1900/01/01"))