Binaries result comparisons - jenkins

I'm a young maths teacher and I'm introducing algorithms to my students.
They learn C basics to write their programs.
I have more 400 students and testing their programs takes me a lot of time.
Already wrote a shell script but they need to send me the binary.
So I would like to set up a platform where they can upload their binaries or their sources and test it.
The school gave me a Jenkins and a web instance.
I did read some docs about Jenkins and JUnit but I don't see how can I test output of another program.
Thanks for your answers.

You don't have to use Jenkins and JUnit necessarily. You don't need anything else than your own laptop and a bash script. They are just doing C programming...
First, gather your students code in an organized manner (send code by mail or download them from the platform). Then, prepare some input and output files (which correct results obviously) and write a tiny script which will execute your students code with these prepared inputs. The script will finally compare the results with your prepared outputs.
Some notes to make things easier because students always do things their own way:
be precise on how they have to compile their program (flags, given makefile...)
be clear on the input and output format
I tell them to give their program in a specific way (name of program with NAME or ID)
If they don't follow my guidelines they get minus points. This is so much important because they have to learn to be rigorous and in the same time you also gain tremendous time. They have to put the effort to make your correction process efficient especially when you have so much students.
But well you can also dig in Jenkins doc it might be worth it (although I do not use it personnally). And why can't you ask your school to help you for that ?
Edit: Maybe this CMake/C++ Jenkins topic might be help you.


Should i use a framework or self made script for machine learning workflow automation?

For a personal work I try to automate the workflow of my machine learning model but I face some question in the perspective of a professional approach.
At the moment I am doing the following tasks manually:
From the raw data I extract the data that interests me in a directory with the help of a third party software (to which I give in argument the parameters of the extraction).
Then I run another software, or in some cases one (or more) of my scripts (python) in order to pre-process my data which will be stored in a new directory.
Finally I provide the processed data to one of my model which returns the labeled data and that I store in a last directory.
process diagram of the previous description.
Each step (extract, pre-process and model) are always executed in the same order but I change the scripts/software parameters/model according to my needs or the comparison I need to do.
All my scripts are stored in an ordered script directory and the third party software is called from the command line from a python script.
My goal would be to have a script/software that does the whole loop by itself. As input it would take the raw data (or the directory where they are stored) and the different parameters to make the loop with the desired module (and their right parameters).
The number of module and parameter combinations is so big that I can't make a script for each one, that's why I want to build something very modular.
I can code myself my own script but I would like to have a more professional approach as if I had to implement it for a company.
My questions: In my case (customizable/interchangeable module) would it be more appropriate to use a framework (e.g. Kedro or any other) or to build it myself (because my needs are too specific)? If frameworks are appropriate which ones to choose (and why) ?
I've been researching frameworks that already exist but besides the fact that I'm not sure if they fit my needs there are so many that I'd like to spend some time on one that could help me in my future project or professional experience.
thanks you

Is there a sandboxable compiled programming language simililar to lua

I'm working on a crowd simulator. The idea is people walking around a city in 2D. Think gray rectangles for the buildings and colored dots for the people. Now I want these people to be programmable by other people, without giving them access to the core back end.
I also don't want them to be able to use anything other than the methods I provide for them. Meaning no file access, internet access, RNG, nothing.
They will receive get events like "You have just been instructed to go to X" or "You have arrived at P" and such.
The script should then allow them to do things like move_forward or how_many_people_are_in_front_of me and such.
Now I have found out that Lua and python are both thousands of times slower than compiled languages (I figured it would be in order of magnitude of 10s times slower), which is way to slow for my simulation.
So heres my question: Is there a programming language that is FOSS, allows me to restrict system access (sandboxing) the entire language to limit the amount of information the script has by only allowing it to use my provided functions, that is reasonably fast, something like <10x slower than Java, where I can send events to objects inside that language with which I can load in new Classes/Objects on the fly.
Don't you think that if there was a scripting language faster than lua and python, then it'd be talked about at least as much as they are?
The speed of a scripting language is rather vague term. Scripting languages essentially are converted to a series of calls to functions written in fast compiled languages. But the functions are usually written to be general with lots of checks and fail-safes, rather than to be fast. For some problems, not a lot of redundant actions stacks up and the script translation results in essentially same machine code as the compiled program would have. For other problems, a person, knowledgeable about the language, might coerce it to translate to essentially same machine code. For other problems the price of convenience stay forever with the script.
If you look at the timings of benchmark tasks, you'll find that there's no consistent winner across them. For one task the language is fastest, for the other it is way behind.
It would make sense to gauge language speed at your task by looking at similar tasks in benchmarks. So, which of those problem maps the closest to yours? My guess would be: none.
Now, onto the question of user programs inside your program.
That's how script languages came to existence in the first place. You can read up on why such a language may be slow for example in SICP.
If you evaluate what you expect people to write in their programs, you might decide, that you don't need to give them whole programming language. Then you may give them a simple set of instructions they can use to describe a few branching decisions and value lookups. Then your own very performant program will construct an object that encompasses the described logic. This tric is described here and there.
However if you keep adding more and more complex commands for users to invoke, you'll just end up inventing your own language. At that point you'll likely wish you'd went with Lua from the very beginning.
That being said, I don't think the snippet below will run significantly different in compiled code, your own interpreter object, or any embedded scripting language:
if event = "You have just been instructed to go to X":
set_front_of_me(X) # call your function
n = how_many_people_are_in_front_of_me() #call to your function
if n > 3:
move_to_side() #call to function provided by you
move_forward() #call to function provided by you
Now, if the users would need to do complex computer-sciency stuff, solve np-problems, do machine learning or other matrix multiplications, then yes, that would be slow, provided someone would actually trouble themselves with implementing that.
If you get to that point, it seem that there are at least some possibilities to sandbox the compiled dlls (at least in some languages). Or you could do compilation of users' code yourself to control the functionality they invoke and then plug it in as a library.

Where to begin for basic machine algorithms for, say, document recognition and organization?

Pardon if this question is not appropriate. It is kind of specific and I am not asking for actual code but moreso guidance on whether or not this task is worth undertaking. If this is not the place, please close the question and kindly point me in the correct direction.
Short background: I have always been interested in tinkering. I used to play with partitions and OS X scripts when I was younger, eventually reaching basic-level "general programming" aptitude before my father prohibited my computer usage. I am now going to law school and working at a law firm but I love development and I want to implement more tech innovation in the field.
Main point: At our firm, we have a busy season every year from mid march to the first week of april (immigration + H1B deadline). We receive a lot of documents and scanned files that need to be verified, organized, and checked.
I added (very) simple lines of code to our online platform to help in organization; basically, I attached tags to all incoming documents, and once they were verified, the code would organize them by tag (like "identification doc", "work experience doc" etc.). This would my life much easier every year, as I end up working 100+ hour weeks this season.
I want to take this many steps further with an algorithm that can check for signatures and data mismatches between documents and ultimately organize the documents so they are ready to print. Eventually, I would like to maybe even implement machine learning and a very basic neural network to automate the whole mind-numbing and painful process...
Actual Question(s): I just wanted to know the best way for me to proceed or get started. I know a decent amount of python and java, and we have an online platform already with the documents. What other resources would you recommend in terms of books, videos, or even classes? Is there a name for this kind of basic categorization? Can I build something like this through my own effort without an advanced degree?
Stupid and over-dramatic epilogue: Truth be told, a part of me feels like I wasted my life thus far by not pursuing what I knew I loved at the age of 12. This is my way of making amends I guess, and if I can do this then maybe I can keep doing it in law and beyond...
You don't give many specifics about the task but if you have a finite number of forms in digital form as images, then this seems very possible.
I have personally used OpenCV with Python a lot and more complex machine learning tasks have become increasingly simple in the past 10 years.
Take for example object detection (e.g. 1, 2) to check whether there is anything in a signature field or try extracting the date from an image (e.g 1, 2).
I would suggest you start with the simplest thing that would improve your work. A small and easy task will let you build up your knowledge on how to do things.

Automate Solving of customer technical issue Production L3 tickets

I want to develop a app/software which understand text from various input and make Decision according to it. Further if any point the system got confused then user can manual supply the output for it and from next time onwards system must learn to give such output in these scenarios. Basically system must learn from its past experience. The job that i want handle with this system is mundane job of resolving customer technical problems.( Production L3 tickets). The input in this case would be customer problem like with the order( like the state in which order is stuck and the state in which he wants it to be pushed) and second input be the current state order( data retrieved for that order from multiple tables of db) . For these two inputs the output would be the desired action to be taken like to update certain columns and fire XML for that order. The tools which I think would required is a Natural Language processor( NLP) library for understanding text and machine learning so as learn from past confusing scenarios.
If you want to use Java libraries for your NLP Pipeline, have a look at Opennlp.
you've a lot of basic support here.
And then you've deeplearning4j where you've a lot of Neural Network implementations in java.
As you want a Dynamic model which can learn from past experiences rather than a static one, you've a number of neural netwrok implementations which you can play with in deeplearning4j.
Hope this helps!

Creating design document from existing java code

I have existing java code and need to create Design Document based on that.
For starter even if I could get all functions with input / output parameters that will help in overall proces.
Note: There is not commeted documentation on any procedures, function or classes.
Last but not least. Let me know for any good tool which will reduce time required for this phase. As currently we write every flow and related stuffs.
What you want is just too much. Quoting Linus Torvalds: “Good code is its own best documentation.”. Anyway, I digress.
You might want to look into UML tools which generate class/sequence diagrams from the code. There are many of them but only a handful support reverse engineering (into and from the class diagram), and even fewer subset support the same to/from sequence diagram. I only know MagicDraw could do this, but I am biased as I used to work for the manufacturer of this tool so do your shopping around first.
Use java docs:
or Introspection:
