Crashlytics SFSafariViewController setIsInitLanguageConfigSet crash - ios

I have a weird crash reported by Crashlytics:
[SFSafariViewController setIsInitLanguageConfigSet:]: unrecognized
selector sent to instance 0x100d75fb0
The crash happens in a class that doesn't contain anything related to SFSafariViewController, It's just a simple page containing 3 options related to which language a user wants the app to be localized to.
Has anyone experienced such crash?

Apparently, it was Facebook SDK that was causing this issue.
Updating to the latest version fixed it.


How to get crash reason in Xcode Crash log system?

I got a crash in my test flight version of an iOS application, but when I check the Xcode crash log system, I am getting the crashed line and crashed function name. But I was not able to find the reason of crash. Does anybody know how to find out the reason of the crash occurred?
Here is the screenshot of the crash log of Xcode -> Organiser.
From this I am not getting the crash reason.
There is a way to show the report in Finder, as per by Control+Clicking in the list of crash reports on the left.
Please update your question with the .crash file, which should provide full information about the crash.
The function that actually crashed is objc_msgSend. The most likely cause is that you sent a message to an object that had a different type than you and the compiler expected.

App crashes on iPad device but working on simulator

I just have device UDID & client reported that the app is crashing
on his device & he is not able to start application.
The client device iOS version is 7.1.2
Also i am not having any crash report.(Asked for Crash Report)
Now referring
(iAd works on simulator but crash on device(ipad)):
I am assuming the reason behind this might be the library,
So will making iAD.framwork optional & handling codes related to this do the trick?
Unfortunately the cause of the crash was -[__NSCFString containsString:]: unrecognized selector sent which was iOS version fault & not device fault. I got it resolved. sorry to iAd for blaming or trying to blame. Long live iAd. Thanks**
First of all - you need crash details. Without it, nobody help you.
Integrate any crash reporter SDK: Crashlytics or anything like this.

non public selector in payload warning iOS [duplicate]

I am uploading my iOS application on app store and it is having some warning when i upload the app. warning is the app references non-public selectors in payload/ _terminateWithStatus I am using facebook sdk"facebook-ios-sdk-3.8" and parse sdk "parse-library-1.2.18". can anybody guide me what should i do to remove this warning?
You can't remove this warning. You may get this warning just for using a selector in your own code or third party code(may be because of facebook sdk) that has the same name as some selector that is marked as non-public. Happens to me all the time. Never got rejected for it. So you won't worry about this warning. See this Ref. , Ref2
And also see this stack question to avoid rejection, find and remove unwanted framework.
First time i got this error and then app was uploaded but with warnings but when i submitted the second version of the app at that time Apple didn't let me upload the app and was giving me error repeatedly "Your app contains non-public API usage. Please review the error, correct them and resubmit your app" after that i found my solution in this question Finding Private API Call _terminateWithStatus Answer was not very useful for me but solution in question was very useful for me. I just removed the GHUnitIOS.framework and it worked for me. May be this info can help someone else

Crittercism SDK version 2.3.5 for iOs

I'm using crittercism to get the crash report from my iPad app. I want to know if the app crashed last time when it was loaded, but it seems that the CrittercismDelegate which contains
function crittercismDidCrashOnLastLoad is not working.
Any advice? Has someone faced this problem before?
Look like this was fixed in v3.2.6 of the library:
There was a bug where the delegate wasn't getting called until the load after a crash was sent to our server instead of after a crash was detected in the app. We pushed out a fix for this bug in v3.2.6. Make sure you are using the following to set the delegate:
[[Crittercism sharedInstance] setDelegate: whateverObjectYouWant]
Indeed using v_3_2_6 sdk the bug for setting the delegate is resolved.

IOS report crash

I'm using crittercism to get the crash report from my ipad app.
What i need is to check if the app was crashed last time loaded at startup.
I'm using the CrittercismDelegate that contains crittercismDidCrashOnLastLoad on the appDelegate of my app but it seems does not work !!
any example/suggestions on this ?
this is Rob, one of the co-founders of Crittercism. That's a known bug that we're releasing a fix for early next week!
We will be adding some more info on our support page shortly:
