How we can create employee pay cheques using qbfc? - quickbooks

I am using below code snippet to create cheques for employees using qbfc :
ICheckAdd chkAddQuery = requestMsgSet.AppendCheckAddRq();
chkAddQuery.AccountRef.FullName.SetValue("1001 - Bank (Test Account)");
chkAddQuery.PayeeEntityRef.FullName.SetValue("Test Employee");
IExpenseLineAdd expAdd = chkAddQuery.ExpenseLineAddList.Append();
expAdd.AccountRef.FullName.SetValue("1001 - Bank (Test Account)");
But somehow these are coming under Non-Payroll transactions and not under Pay Cheques in quickbooks, so need help in how we can can create employee pay cheques in quickbooks ?

After following up with William on Intuit Developer Network i found that qbfc cannot be used to generate employee pay checks


How to receive the verify data from bank in Core

I'm using this code to receive the verify data from bank API (Persian bank)
saleReferenceId = long.Parse(queryString["SaleReferenceId"].ToString());
saleOrderId = long.Parse(queryString["SaleOrderId"].ToString());
resultCode_bpPayRequest = queryString["ResCode"].ToString();
But After the user has paid the amount the SaleRefrenceId and other fields are empty. I wanna know how to receive these fields from bank API?
I used to receive it in by
But know, I don't know how to take it in ASP.netcore
Plz help me with

Balanced payments API test marketplace bank account verification

I am trying to verify a bank account on a TEST marketplace. I am using the Ruby client to work with the Balanced API.
I am creating a bank account with the test routing/account number. I then create a verification and finally confirm it using amount_1 = 1 and amount_2 = 1.
If I look in my marketplace logs everything looks great. All requests are 200, and I see the response from the confirmation as "succeeded" except the marketplace dashboard still shows the verification as pending.
If I try to debit the account it fails because
funding-source-not-debitable: Funding instrument cannot be debited
which I've been told is because it's not verified.
I'm not sure what else to try as the logs show it's working, but everything else acts as if it's not verified.
My Ruby code looks like this:
#account = Balanced::BankAccount.fetch("/bank_accounts/#{balanced_id}")
#for test marketplace auto verify
if !Rails.env.production?
verification = #account.verify
amount_1 = 1,
amount_2 = 1
That is the correct syntax, however, I believe you are later associating this bank account to a customer. Doing so resets the can_debit field to False. You should therefore associate your customer before creating a verification.

QuickBooks Target is not reimbursable creating a check

VB.2010, QBFC12, Windows 7, QuickBooks 2010 Premier and Enterprise 14
When trying to create a check for expense accounts with non-billable and a customer name we get a error from QuickBooks
Status: Code = 3210, Message = The "billable status" field has an invalid value "NotBillable". QuickBooks error message: Target is not reimbursable., Severity = Error
It seems that it depends upon the account. But every account we try is defined the same in QB. All Expense accounts and the name. Nothing else is defined in the Edit Account.
What does this error really mean?
What is the 'target'?
How can I get it to create the Check with it marked Non-billable?
It is really strange. It seems that it can depend on which account even thought they are all defined the same.
Can any shed some light on this?

Update credit card expiry month and year nsoftware quickbooks

I am using nSoftware to interact with QuickBooks. My requirement is to update customer's credit card expiry month and year only. Code used for this is
nsoftware.InQB.Customer cust = new nsoftware.InQB.Customer();
cust.CreditCard.ExpMonth = customer.CreditCardItem.CardExpMonth;
cust.CreditCard.ExpYear = customer.CreditCardItem.CardExpYear;
Problem is GetByName method returns customer object which has credit card number like "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234". Updating customer object updates actual credit card number with xxx....1234. My requirement is to update only expiry month and year.
Dev Environment:- ASP.Net 4.0, C#
Modifying the credit card fields and calling the Update method will cause all of the card fields to be sent to QuickBooks, including the "xxxxxxxxxxxx1234" card number. In this case, specifying a new QBCard object can be done to make sure that only the credit card fields that you explicitly intend to update are sent to QuickBooks.
So, something like this should do the trick:
nsoftware.InQB.Customer cust = new nsoftware.InQB.Customer();
QBCard card = new QBCard();
card.ExpMonth = customer.CreditCardItem.CardExpMonth;
card.ExpYear = customer.CreditCardItem.CardExpYear;
cust.CreditCard = card;
Please let me know if this works for you.

How to avoid posting duplicate sales receipt in Quickbooks desktop version using Data service?

I am posting Sales Rceipts from my application to QuickBooks Desktop using Data Service. My Invoice numbers are unique and i am posting them as a SalesReceipt DocNumner. I just wanted to check if the same DocNumber is already present in QuickBooks wittout querying all the QB Sales Receipts.
Is there any way to do it?
'DocNumber' is not an unique key and it is not mentioned in the following docs as a filter attribute. So, you have to query all the QB SalesReceipts.
for (QBSalesReceipt salesReceipt : qbSalesReceipt.findAll(context,i, 100)) {
System.out.println("Doc Number - " + salesReceipt.getHeader().getDocNumber());
IPP Docs -
