QuickBooks Target is not reimbursable creating a check - quickbooks

VB.2010, QBFC12, Windows 7, QuickBooks 2010 Premier and Enterprise 14
When trying to create a check for expense accounts with non-billable and a customer name we get a error from QuickBooks
Status: Code = 3210, Message = The "billable status" field has an invalid value "NotBillable". QuickBooks error message: Target is not reimbursable., Severity = Error
It seems that it depends upon the account. But every account we try is defined the same in QB. All Expense accounts and the name. Nothing else is defined in the Edit Account.
What does this error really mean?
What is the 'target'?
How can I get it to create the Check with it marked Non-billable?
It is really strange. It seems that it can depend on which account even thought they are all defined the same.
Can any shed some light on this?


Microsoft Graph returning Resource Not Found

I've registered an app in Azure AD and given it API permissions(both Application and delegated) to read all AD groups (Group.Read.All, also Directory.Read.All etc). Using this app I am using Graph Service Client to make a call to get user's AD groups.
public async Task<IEnumerable<GroupInfo>> GetAllGroupsOfUser(string mail)
IList<GroupInfo> result = new List<GroupInfo>();
IUserMemberOfCollectionWithReferencesPage memberOfGroups = await _graphServiceClient.Users[mail].MemberOf.Request().GetAsync();
.......... More code ........
It works fine for most of the users email but for few emails, which are present in the active directory, I'm getting the following exception
Code: Request_ResourceNotFound Message: Resource 'someuser#somedomain.co' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
Your error is not that you lack certain permissions, and it has nothing to do with which api testing tool you are using. Your error is very simple. As your error message says, it is that you entered the wrong user email.
Your error message has clearly stated that there is no'someuser#somedomain.co' email, because this is not a correct email, it should be .com instead of .co.
So you must make sure that you enter the correct email without special characters or spaces.
This is my test result:

Getting presence data from the Microsoft Graph API

I have been following the instructions to setup the Microsoft Graph Webhooks Sample for Node.js app here: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample
However, when it tries to create the subscription I receive the following error:
Error: Operation: Create; Exception: [Status Code: BadRequest; Reason: Unsupported workload.]
at new GraphError (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\#microsoft\microsoft-graph-client\src\GraphError.ts:59:3)
at Function.GraphErrorHandler.constructErrorFromResponse (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\#microsoft\microsoft-graph-client\src\GraphErrorHandler.ts:62:18)
at Function.<anonymous> (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\#microsoft\microsoft-graph-client\src\GraphErrorHandler.ts:89:31)
at step (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:141:27)
at Object.next (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:122:57)
at C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:115:75
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.__awaiter (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:111:16)
at Function.GraphErrorHandler.getError (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\#microsoft\microsoft-graph-client\lib\src\GraphErrorHandler.js:88:24)
at GraphRequest.<anonymous> (C:\Dev\nodejs-webhooks-rest-sample\node_modules\#microsoft\microsoft-graph-client\src\GraphRequest.ts:386:55)
My subscription configuration is as follows:
exports.subscriptionConfiguration = {
changeType: 'updated',
notificationUrl: 'https://123456789.ngrok.io/listen',
resource: '/me/presence',
clientState: 'SecretClientState',
includeResourceData: false
and I have the following permissions associated with my Azure app:
Azure app permissions
Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?
I tried the following which worked for me. Sharing the related info:
This API (me/presence) uses the Presence.Read.All delegated permission - i see that you already specified it.
A signed-in user is required.
Follow these steps to set up a webhook and retrieve these notifications:
Subscribe to a single user’s presence through the /communications/presences/{id} path.
Subscribe to a maximum number of 650 users by using /communications/presences?$filter=id in ({id},{id}...).
The {id} represents a user ID GUID.
Subscriptions expire every hour and must be renewed.

Balanced payments API test marketplace bank account verification

I am trying to verify a bank account on a TEST marketplace. I am using the Ruby client to work with the Balanced API.
I am creating a bank account with the test routing/account number. I then create a verification and finally confirm it using amount_1 = 1 and amount_2 = 1.
If I look in my marketplace logs everything looks great. All requests are 200, and I see the response from the confirmation as "succeeded" except the marketplace dashboard still shows the verification as pending.
If I try to debit the account it fails because
funding-source-not-debitable: Funding instrument cannot be debited
which I've been told is because it's not verified.
I'm not sure what else to try as the logs show it's working, but everything else acts as if it's not verified.
My Ruby code looks like this:
#account = Balanced::BankAccount.fetch("/bank_accounts/#{balanced_id}")
#for test marketplace auto verify
if !Rails.env.production?
verification = #account.verify
amount_1 = 1,
amount_2 = 1
That is the correct syntax, however, I believe you are later associating this bank account to a customer. Doing so resets the can_debit field to False. You should therefore associate your customer before creating a verification.

webservices registration error

After I return results from "GNSearchResponse" I get this error:
reportSearchResults = "RecognizeFromMicOperation: [5000] webservices registration error: GCSP: Hello error: [130] Please contact Gracenote ODP 04616 [Name: Steve McIntyre] [App: fb music] support.\n[Gracenote Error 130/74]";
Not sure what this error is. My app is registered. There's nothing that indicates I'm not registered. My app has worked up until a week ago.
I had to renew my contract for another year. Once I renewed, everything worked without changing any code.

reporting success events in omniture

Trying to track how many visistors who don't log in see the popup box that prompts them to create an account, and then each subsequent page of that popup box (java lightbox).
I have these tags in the box coding (the vendor implemented it):
s.prop4=Login Success
event19 = Already Registered
Conversion flow ->
event20 = Welcome
event22 = Stop
event23 = Login
event24 = Plan Options
event25 = Create Account
event26 = Confirm Print Address
event27 = Enter Payment
event28,purchase=Transaction Complete
and then in Omniture I have put everything in its respective place, but I feel like i am missing something. I get a custom conversion report that shows how many got the login success vs the non-registered but none of the events past that.
What am I missing?
