iOS XMPP vs WebRTC, which should I use? - ios

I want to build an iOS application that people can video call or audio call to each other. Stable calling is my goal, and it means I need less connection interrupt as much as good, I also need light application (not too high application size because of video libraries)
I've googled about "ios video chat' keywords since last few days. Researched and found that the most popular framework (technology, library) for video/audio calling are XMPP and WebRTC (I'm I right or do guys have something better?)
XMPP - Client/server TCP communication
WebRTC - P2P Connection
The information about these libraries make me confused, so which library I should use for better performance, light application, stable?
Any idea?

XMPP is about signaling (reaching from A to B, indicating the desire to have a "call", disconnecting, etc).
WebRTC is about media (actually sending voice and video).
You need both signaling and media in your app.
For media use WebRTC. There's nothing else that will make sense. On iOS, it is kind of tricky at the moment, as iOS 11 incorporates WebRTC already, so how this will apply and help you in your development is yet to be seen (see here).
My suggestion is to aim for a web app and then figure out if you need to go for a fully native implementation and port WebRTC to iOS - or just use a webview inside an app (Cordova or Crosswalk should do).
For signaling, you can use XMPP. Or anything else for that matter. My own personal preference is a proprietary protocol. Look at Matrix or SimpleWebRTC for that.
Also - don't forget that you will need to deal with STUN and TURN - NAT traversal, but that's a simpler thing to handle.

XMPP Framework:
WebRTC Native Code:
its not about which is best its about what fulfills our requirements


Stream video from camera to iPhone

I'm working on an app that connects to a security camera. The camera has its own SIP server (Asterisk).
I'm having a very hard time finding a reliable iOS library to connect to the camera.
Can anyone recommend a high-quality SIP library that will stream video? I've tried several so far and none of them are fit for the task (I don't want mention them by name).
Or is there another way to access the video (using webRTC or possibly AVFoundation via the Asterisk server)?
I do not have a lot of experience with hardware, so I'm a bit lost.
What are you looking for called MCU(media control unit). There are some free availible for vido, but all are early beta and very hard to setup.

Video Streaming and Broadcasting using WebRTC

I am very new to Real Time Protocols and I had some questions about how WebRTC works and how I can implement it. I am trying to create a one to many livestream like facebook or periscope, where one user broadcasts and other users join and stream the video. I am using Swift from my client end.
My questions are:
How do I broadcast a video using WebRTC
Is there an SDK for WebRTC in Swift/iOS
I know the questions are very vague but a guidance to the right direction would be great because I am not sure where to start
You will need to use backend servers for that.
If you plan on broadcasting to multiple users directly from your mobile app then stop...
You need to connect your mobile app to a backend media server which then can be used to broadcast the video to a larger audience.
There are several commercial and open source alternatives that enable you to do that. I'd check Red5Pro, Wowza, SwitchRTC, Jitsi, Janus and Kurento for this task.
For the client side, look at react-native-webrtc
You can find more tools for WebRTC developers here.
Regarding your question (2), there's also a SDK for iOS here and a neat get-started-page here (although 2.5ys old, but I haven't found anything better so far yet)

WebRTC for iOS for VoIP communication

Is there any WebRTC solution for iOS for free with easy setup?
I tried to use because our web end is already done with its web api and I thought I may not have other way around for letting calls go between web and iOS too. But iOS API's setup is very tedious and time taking (The downloading of WebRTC checkout is taking like lives with no gain).
I searched around and found a few like tokBox and quickblox but they are not free.
Did you look at RestComm iOS SDK ? It supports WebRTC Audio only right now but we are working on adding video in the next few weeks. Also it uses SIP as a signalling protocol.
Take a look at .
This is a React Native WebRTC project which works on iOS and Android and also has a signaling server example (but you can also use the online version for quick tests!).
Since the WebRTC requires DTLS-RTP, RTCP-FB, ICE and a lot of other newest standards, but the VoIP standards are old about 10+ years, therefore you need setup a gateway to convert the signaling and transcoding the RTP.
With the WebRTC Gateway, in the browser side, you can create the HTML5 application to connect to WebRTC gateway, the gateway will communicates with your PBX, and your iOS client connects to your PBX, then the call can be established between browser with iOS client app.

iOS connecting to cellular network

I am trying to figure out how to connect to a cellular network and what classes of iOS I should use?
And, does iOS 7 support apps checking data in the background? It would be similar to checking if you were in a certain location.
Your phone will connect to a cellular network when you make any networking (internet) calls in your code. It will also connect to the internet through wifi, it doesn't care what type of connection you have, what you are trying to do is get info from the internet.
To do this, you must use some sort of networking library. The standard Apple-supported library is called NSURLSession and came out (an improvement upon the older NSURLConnection) with iOS7 and it works great. Suffer through the reading and you'll be rewarded - Link to Apple Docs
There's also a 3rd party library called AFNetworking created by Mattt (yes, 3 t's) that's awesome and probably the most used 3rd party iOS library there is. Highly, highly recommend looking into this and giving some consideration when wanting to talk to the internet through an app. - Link to AFNetworking

Audio Chat + Data Stream Library for iOS

I want to build an iOS app that streams audio and some additional custom data between two users real-time. This is possible using GameKit if people are on the same network, but I haven't been able to find an SDK that can do this across the world.
Does anyone know if there is an existing service that does this?
If not, what services do you recommend for doing these two things (streaming audio and streaming data) separately?
WebRTC ( has support for iOS (for audio streams, video promised later). But anyway in order to support communication for peers behind NATs - you will need your own sans, stun servers...
After looking into it, it seems that QuickBlox is able to do everything I need.
