"link" parameter for h2o.gbm - machine-learning

In H2O's gbm() function, is there any way to specify a particular link function for the offset? For example, if the distribution is set to "poisson", then I'd like to set the link to "log". This is certainly possible in h2o.glm(), but I don't see such an option in h2o.gbm().


Add types in the parameter table when generating document with Stardoc

We are trying to use Stardoc when generating documentation for our Bazel macros.
I can get a table generated with parameter descriptions when follow the instruction here:
Macro/Function documenatation.
But we would also like to add the parameter Type in the table.
According to DocstringUtils.java it seems like we shall write the type in parentheses after the parameter name but before colon, as this example:
another_parameter (unused, mutable): a parameter may be followed
by additional attributes in parenthese
I have seen that it's possible to add a rule template to the stardoc() rule (attribute: func_template).
I started to use an own copy of the default template to play around with: //stardoc:templates/markdown_tables/func.vm
If I have understood correctly it doesn't seem that the attributes that I add in paranthese is fetched.
And I don't think that I will be able to retreive that information by just updating the template.
So I think that it will need an update in the Stardoc code for this, correct?!
Is that something that is already planned?
If I'm not correct then I would appreciate information how I can retreive the value of the attribute.
Best Regards

How to define dynamically the label of a 'text field' control in Orbeon Forms?

I wish to ask you if it is possible to define dynamically the label of a 'text field' control when a form is loaded. Actually, I need to pass the label value through a URL parameter and use this value to define the label. Is that possible? I've made a research for a similar case but I cannot find a way to get the value of a url parameter and set it as a control's label before the form is displayed in the user.
In the Control Settings for your control, in the Label tab, do something as follows. Here I'm getting the value of the foo request parameter, but you'll most likely want to use a more meaningful name.
That's it, really: with this, when you load your form, say with the URL http://localhost:8080/orbeon/fr/a/a/new?foo=bar, the control will get "bar" as its label. Also see Template syntax.

Send only the key of the check_box_tag if checked

I have a bunch of filter categories represented by checkboxes, right now it's sending the full name + on in the query_params.
Instead, I'd rather just look for the presence of the key to know it's there. This would make the url a bit shorter for people to copy/paste.
Or, can I have one category key with all the checkboxes as values?
I think it's not possible by default, you'd have to construct an onsubmit script to build the URL and redirect to it, rather than posting directly to the server. You might be better off leaving it as it is.

UIPrintInteractionController set minimum number of copies

I'd like to know if there's a way to set a minimum number of copies to be printed via code, because I need a document to be printed by duplicate.
I read the documentation on Apple developers page but I couldn't find anything.
I know you can set the number of copies from the printer dialog, but I need the minimum to be 2 by default.
Thanks in advance!
I tried this and it didn't work for me, at least in Xamarin.
There is nothing exposed via UIPrintInteractionController or its delegates that allows you to change/override the number of copies.
The way I approach this is to write my own UIController that defines the properties that the user is allowed to change and then use UIPrintInteractionController.PrintToPrinter to directly print the content.
Another approach is to disable the number of copies display:
UIPrintInteractionController.ShowsNumberOfCopies = false;
And then provide a two element array to PrintingItems vs. PrintingItem that just contains two copies of your print object.
Another approach just allow the user to select the printer via UIPrinterPickerController, save the UIPrinter to skip it in the future and then call PrintToPrinter twice.

symfony 1.4: two questions about sfDoctrineApplyPlugin (well, could be also considered as general questions)

I have found in sfDoctrineApplyPlugin a template called applyAfter.php
that shows a message like "You have registered ok..." after the users apply for an account. It is called from the sfApply/apply action this way: "return 'After';" when the apply form is valid.
What kind of template is that? I never saw that way (return 'After';) of calling a template. Can someone give me info about that?
Second question: I show a layout with a language select when the the
apply form is printed. I wouldn't like to show that language select in
the page that shows the message "You have registered ok...". As the action
is the same in the both pages (sfApply/apply), what should i do to hide
the language select in the verification page?
The function returns the string 'After' to the caller. The caller always seems to be as follows: $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('sfApplyResetRequest[%s]');
So, the string 'After' is being used in conjunction with the setNameFormat function (which is part of the symfony libraries). All it is doing, is setting the 'name' attribute for the form. More information on this function here.
For your second question, you could simply add an IF statement, to check to see if the current route is the one that you do not want to display the language select on. If it isn't, then display the language select.
You can verify the current route with the following code:
