How does ZCA whitening affect the training? - machine-learning

I trying to implement shape detector in tensorflow. For this, I am having two class, one is only vertical rectangle and another one is only right arrow, like the following images.
Training is done with 190 samples for each class.
I trained the model two times, one without ZCA whitened training data and another one with ZCA whitened training data, with the same network architecture and the same number of iterations.
When the following image of down arrow is tested with the first model, it is predicted as rectangle with 99.99 percent accuracy, but when the same image is tested with the second model (trained with the ZCA whitened samples), it is predicted as arrow with 100 percent accuracy.
I want to know how ZCA whitening changed the accuracy percent that much drastically, even though, no data augmentation (like rotation) is used for the training.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.


Data normalization Convolutional Autoencoders

Iam a little bit confused about how to normalize/standarize image pixel values before training a convolutional autoencoder. The goal is to use the autoencoder for denoising, meaning that my traning images consists of noisy images and the original non-noisy images used as ground truth.
To my knowledge there are to options to pre-process the images:
- normalization
- standarization (z-score)
When normalizing using the MinMax approach (scaling between 0-1) the network works fine, but my question here is:
- When using the min max values of the training set for scaling, should I use the min/max values of the noisy images or of the ground truth images?
The second thing I observed when training my autoencoder:
- Using z-score standarization, the loss decreases for the two first epochs, after that it stops at about 0.030 and stays there (it gets stuck). Why is that? With normalization the loss decreases much more.
Thanks in advance,
[Note: This answer is a compilation of the comments above, for the record]
MinMax is really sensitive to outliers and to some types of noise, so it shouldn't be used it in a denoising application. You can use quantiles 5% and 95% instead, or use z-score (for which ready-made implementations are more common).
For more realistic training, normalization should be performed on the noisy images.
Because the last layer uses sigmoid activation (info from your comments), the network's outputs will be forced between 0 and 1. Hence it is not suited for an autoencoder on z-score-transformed images (because target intensities can take arbitrary positive or negative values). The identity activation (called linear in Keras) is the right choice in this case.
Note however that this remark on activation only concerns the output layer, any activation function can be used in the hidden layers. Rationale: negative values in the output can be obtained through negative weights multiplying the ReLU output of hidden layers.

FaceNet for dummies

The FaceNet algorithm (described in this article) uses a convolutional neural network to represent an image in an 128 dimensional Euclidean space.
While reading the article I didn't understand:
How does the loss function impact on the convolutional network (in normal networks, in order to minimize the loss the weights are slightly changed -
backpropagation - so, what happens in this case?)
how are the triplets chosen?
2.1 . how do I know a negative image is hard
2.2 . why am I using the loss function to determine the negative image
2.3 . when do I check my images for hardness with respect to the anchor - I believe that is before I send a triplet to be processed by the network, right.
Here are some of the answer that may clarify your doubts:
Even here the weights are adjusted to minimise the Loss, its just the loss term is little complicated. The loss has two parts(separated by + in the equation), first part is the image of a person compared to a different image of the same person. The second part is the image of the person compared to a image of a different person. We want the first part loss to be less than the second part loss and the loss equation in essence captures that. So here you basically want to adjust the weights such that same person error is less and different person error is more.
The Loss term involves three images: The image in question(anchor): x_a, its positive pair: x_p and its negative pair: x_n. An hardest positive of x_a is the positive image that has the biggest error compared to the rest of the positive images. The hardest negative of x_a is the closest image of a different person. So you want to bring the furthest positives to be close to each other and push the closest negatives further away. This is captured in the loss equation.
Facenet calculates its anchor during training (online). In each minibatch(which is a set of 40 images) they select the hardest negative to the anchor and instead of choosing the hardest positive image, they choose all anchor-positive pairs within the batch.
If you are looking to implement face recognition, you should better consider this paper, that implements centre loss, which is much easier to train and shown to perform better.

Weighted accuracy for image segmentation using FCN

I have built a FCN for image segmentation. The object to be segmented is only very few pixels relatively to the image size (1024x1024). This results in that the accuracy is very high, even if I only train with 10 images instead of 18000 (my full training set).
My approach to solve this is to use some kind of weighted accuracy, so that the accuracy actually say something about the performance of identifying the small object (now it gets high accuracy since so many pixels are not the object and by not classifying anything the accuracy still gets high).
How do I decide the weight, anybody with some experience?
As you wrote, use a custom weight function which penalizes misclassification of underrepresented pixels more. You can get the weight by calculating the quotient between the number of object pixels versus all of the pixels in the image, or you can try it by hand - just make sure you follow the metrics which tell you the accuracy of object pixels. Hope it helps.
You can use infogain loss layer for a "weighted" loss.
The infogain loss is a generalization of the cross entropy loss commonly used. It is defined using a weight matrix H (of size L-by-L, where L is the number of classes):
L(p) = -H log(p)
Where p is a vector of class probabilities.
You can find more details on this loss here.

Poor performance on digit recognition with CNN trained on MNIST dataset

I trained a CNN (on tensorflow) for digit recognition using MNIST dataset.
Accuracy on test set was close to 98%.
I wanted to predict the digits using data which I created myself and the results were bad.
What I did to the images written by me?
I segmented out each digit and converted to grayscale and resized the image into 28x28 and fed to the model.
How come that I get such low accuracy on my data set where as such high accuracy on test set?
Are there other modifications that i'm supposed to make to the images?
Here is the link to the images and some examples:
Excluding bugs and obvious errors, my guess would be that your problem is that you are capturing your hand written digits in a way that is too different from your training set.
When capturing your data you should try to mimic as much as possible the process used to create the MNIST dataset:
From the oficial MNIST dataset website:
The original black and white (bilevel) images from NIST were size
normalized to fit in a 20x20 pixel box while preserving their aspect
ratio. The resulting images contain grey levels as a result of the
anti-aliasing technique used by the normalization algorithm. the
images were centered in a 28x28 image by computing the center of mass
of the pixels, and translating the image so as to position this point
at the center of the 28x28 field.
If your data has a different processing in the training and test phases then your model is not able to generalize from the train data to the test data.
So I have two advices for you:
Try to capture and process your digit images so that they look as similar as possible to the MNIST dataset;
Add some of your examples to your training data to allow your model to train on images similar to the ones you are classifying;
For those still have a hard time with the poor quality of CNN based models for MNIST:
Normalization was the key.

How to fit a classifier with high accuracy on the training set with low features?

I have input (r,c) in range (0, 1] as the coordinate of a pixel of an image and its color 1 or 2 only.
I have about 6,400 pixels.
My attempt of fitting X=(r,c) and y=color was a failure the accuracy won't go higher than 70%.
Here's the image:
The first is the actual image, the 2nd is the image I use to train on, it has only 2 colors. The last is the image that the neural network generated with about 500 weights training with 50 iterations. Input Layer is 2, one hidden layer of size 100, and the output layer is 2. (for binary classification like this, I may need only one output layer but I am just preparing for multi-class classification)
The classifier failed to fit the training set, why is that? I tried generating high polynomial terms of those 2 features but it doesn't help. I tried using Gaussian kernel and random 20-100 landmarks on the picture to add more features, also got similar output. I tried using logistic regressions, doesn't help.
Please help me increase the accuracy.
Here's the input:input.txt (you can load it into Octave the variable is coordinate (r,c features) and idx (color)
You can try plotting it first to make sure that you understand the input then try training on it and tell me if you get better result.
Your problem is hard to model. You are trying to fit function from R^2 to R, which has lots of complexity - lots of "spikes", lots of discontinuous regions (pixels that are completely separated from the rest). This is not an easy problem, and not usefull one.. In order to overfit your network to such setting you will need plenty of hidden units. Thus, what are the options to do so?
General things that are missing in the question, and are important
Your output variable should be {0, 1} if you are fitting your network through cross entropy cost (log likelihood), which you should use for classification.
50 iteraions (if you are talking about some mini-batch iteraions) is orders of magnitude to small, unless you mean 50 epochs (iterations over whole training set).
Actual things, that will probably need to be done (at least one of the below):
I assume that you are using ReLU activations (or Tanh, hard to say looking at the output) - you can instead use RBF activations, and increase number of hidden neurons to ~5000,
If you do not want to go with RBFs, then you will need 1-2 additional hidden layers to fit function of this complexity. Try architecture of type 100-100-100 instaed.
If the above fails - increase number of hidden units, that's all you need - enough capacity.
In general: neural networks are not designed for working with low dimensional datasets. This is nice example from the web, that you can learn pix-pos to color mapping, but it is completely artificial and seems to actually harm people intuitions.
