Grails 3 Application or Plugin - grails

If I'm looking at project source code (in Intellij) how can I tell whether the Grails source code I'm looking at is an Application or a Plugin?
I get it that the output of a Grails Application build is a WAR, and a JAR for a Plugin but I can't figure out how to tell the difference by looking at the source code.
Bonus question: If it is a multi-module project, how do I tell which module is the Application and which modules are the Plugins? Or am I missing some important concept here?

Plugins can be run as applications as well and will often have an Application.groovy file. Plugins will have a <pluginname>GrailsPlugin.groovy file which sets up the plugin. In grails 3, this is in /src/main/groovy file structure.


Adding in-place plugin to grails 3 project

In grails 2.x, we were allowed to add an in place plugin by adding following in BuildConfig.groovy
grails.plugin.location."my-plugin" = "../my-plugin"
My question is, can we add our local plugins similarly in-place in grails3.0 as well or there is some other way to do this in grails.
Actual purpose is to test the plugin whether it's working properly or not before pushing it to bintray.
Yes, there is. Grails 3 is based on Gradle so multi-project gradle builds solve your issue.
Basically you add dependency as:
compile project(':../my-custom-plugin')
and has to modify settings.gradle to include plugin:
include '../my-custom-plugin'
Check Grails documentation on Plugins and Multi-Project Builds in
Other way is to install plugin in local maven repository using gradle publishToMavenLocal command and resolve if from there, before publishing to Bintray or other dependency repository.
Additionally since Grails 3.1.1, reloading is now supported for 'inline' plugins. Check and
It is done using grails { plugins { syntax. Copied from docs:
grails {
plugins {
compile ":hibernate"
compile project(':myplugin')
This multi-project thing is a bit too big to answer in a short post. I just recently started with it, but, thankfully, I now have the hang of it. There's a tutorial on my site with a plugin handling the domain classes and services and all other sub-projects (just one, a web application in this example) using the plugin. The code is also downloadable. Here's the link: Make no mistake, there are a few things to watch out for.

How to generate zip file for a grails plugin

I wrote a Grails plugin, lets say PluginA which has dependency on another plugin, lets say PluginB, which I wrote myself too, these both plugins are being used by a main project. I am trying to build a continious integration system for this project using jenkins, so far I managed to setup everything in Jenkins. But while building the project, I get this error
Zip C:\Users\me\project\PluginA\ is not a valid plugin
So, how do I generate that zip file, I noticed that all my other plugins have that zip file but I don't remember building them. I also tried to do a grails compile-plugin but I got an error saying that few classes were not found as they were in PluginB. So, how can I specify that PluginA has dependency on PluginB while running a grails command?
It's not entirely clear, but I believe the problem you are having occurs when trying to build the main project and not the plugins, so I will address that situation.
Since the error message mentions a zip file, I will also assume you are using Grails 2.x. If you are using Grails 3.x, then stop reading now and add info on how you are specifying your dependencies.
Key info: In my experience plugins don't come with their dependencies; I've had to re-declare them in my top-level projects. I have no idea if that is the intent of the grails plugin design, but I have found it works to do so.
Step 1: Build PluginB and install it to your local maven repo using
grails maven-install
Step 2: Specify PluginB as a dependency for PluginA in its app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 3: Build PluginA and install it to your local maven repo using the same command as for PluginB.
Step 4: In your main project, specify dependencies on BOTH PluginA and PluginB in app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 4 is the key.
If I've misinterpreted your problem, sorry about that! Please provide some more detail on exactly which part is failing and I'll let you know if I have any info on it.

How to copy Grails 2 plugin resources to the Grails app?

I'm writing a custom Grails 2 plugin to modularize my Grails applications. In the plugin I'm planning to define basic GSPs that can be overridden by the application that will utilize the plugin. I'm thinking of writing a Grails command script that copies those GSPs into the grails-app directory of the app the plugin is installed in. If in the plugin, I put those GSPs in grails-app/views, how do I refer to the actual Grails app directory in the Grails command script, which is also grails-app/views?
The solution to this is almost the same as this answer. The built-in properties basedir and <plugin_name>PluginBaseDir differentiate the target app and the plugin directories.

Grails dependencies between custom plugin and war file

I've created a custom Grails plugin, and this plugin needs two other war files to work fine. Can someone tell me how to make that plugin depends on those war files ?
What should I put in the BuildConfig.groovy ?
Thanx all.
If i get you question, what you need is something to build the app, the plugins and war all together. You could use Maven, Gradle or Gant.
Here is a similar question: How to set up a multiproject Grails using Gradle?

How can I easily link sources for dependencies in Grails project in IntelliJ IDEA?

Is there any way to get IDEA to automatically download sources for Grails, my plugins and all the dependencies? Alternately, is there an easy way to get IDEA to pickup sources downloaded by this plugin?
It puts them under ~/.ivy2/...
IDEA should automatically load all plugins for a Grails project, if the Grails/Griffon plugin is being used.
I see all the Grails plugins for a given project in my Grails View, under Plugins.
If you aren't seeing the files, try right-clicking on the project's name in the Grails View, and choosing Grails > Synchronize Grails settings.
Please note that if you are using the free (community) version of IntelliJ IDEA, it does not include the necessary plugins for working with Grails directly. You must pay for the full version to get it.
