Zoom in/out on swiping tableView Animation - ios

I want to achieve this animation:
Here is the Gif: http://imgur.com/4TZIbwp
Since the content is dynamic, I'm using tableView to populate the data.
I've tried scrollViewDidScroll delegate methods to change the constraints but it's not helping me. I've even tried swipe gesture, but still can't manage to achieve this.
Can anyone provide a knowledge, a bit of code for getting this animation.

I have tried to tackle your issue in this project.
The flaw with this solution is that it requires an unattractive inset at the top of the table view to translate the offset into a meaningful variable with which to shrink the table view.
The relevant code in the project is within the scroll delegate function:
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let yOffset = min(0.0, max(-maximumOffset, scrollView.contentOffset.y))
let constant = -yOffset
topTableViewConstraint.constant = constant
leadingTableViewConstraint.constant = constant / 5.0
trailingTableViewConstraint.constant = constant / 5.0
I am sorry that I cannot be more helpful, or provide you with a final solution.
Hopefully the project will aid you in find that answer.


A mystery about iOS autolayout with table views and self-sizing table view cells

To help in following this question, I've put up a GitHub repository:
The goal is to get self-sizing cells in a table view, based on a custom view that draws its own text rather than a UILabel. I can do it, but it involves a weird layout kludge and I don't understand why it is needed. Something seems to be wrong with the timing, but then I don't understand why the same problem doesn't occur for a UILabel.
To demonstrate, I've divided the example into three scenes.
Scene 1: UILabel
In the first scene, each cell contains a UILabel pinned to all four sides of the content view. We ask for self-sizing cells and we get them. Looks great.
Scene 2: StringDrawer
In the second scene, the UILabel has been replaced by a custom view called StringDrawer that draws its own text. It is pinned to all four sides of the content view, just like the label was. We ask for self-sizing cells, but how will we get them?
To solve the problem, I've given StringDrawer an intrinsicContentSize based on the string it is displaying. Basically, we measure the string and return the resulting size. In particular, the height will be the minimal height that this view needs to have in order to display the string in full at this view's current width, and the cell is to be sized to that.
class StringDrawer: UIView {
#NSCopying var attributedText = NSAttributedString() {
didSet {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
self.attributedText.draw(with: rect, options: [.truncatesLastVisibleLine, .usesLineFragmentOrigin], context: nil)
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
let measuredSize = self.attributedText.boundingRect(
with: CGSize(width:self.bounds.width, height:10000),
options: [.truncatesLastVisibleLine, .usesLineFragmentOrigin],
context: nil).size
return CGSize(width: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric, height: measuredSize.height.rounded(.up) + 5)
But something's wrong. In this scene, some of the initial cells have some extra white space at the bottom. Moreover, if you scroll those cells out of view and then back into view, they look correct. And all the other cells look fine. That proves that what I'm doing is correct, so why isn't it working for the initial cells?
Well, I've done some heavy logging, and I've discovered that at the time intrinsicContentSize is called initially for the visible cells, the StringDrawer does not yet correctly know its own final width, the width that it will have after autolayout. We are being called too soon. The width we are using is too narrow, so the height we are returning is too tall.
Scene 3: StringDrawer with workaround
In the third scene, I've added a workaround for the problem we discovered in the second scene. It works great! But it's horribly kludgy. Basically, in the view controller, I wait until the view hierarchy has been assembled, and then I force the table view to do another round of layout by calling beginUpdates and endUpdates.
var didInitialLayout = false
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
if !didInitialLayout {
didInitialLayout = true
UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
The Mystery
Okay, so here are my questions:
(1) Is there a better, less kludgy workaround?
(2) Why do we need this workaround at all? In particular, why do we have this problem with my StringDrawer but not with a UILabel? Clearly, a UIlabel does know its own width early enough for it to give its own content size correctly on the first pass when it is interrogated by the layout system. Why is my StringDrawer different from that? Why does it need this extra layout pass?

How to scroll UICollectionView that is underneath another UICollectionView?

So heres my issue, the 4 orange rectangles you see on the gif are a single vertical UICollectionView = orangeCollectionView.
The Green and Purple "card" views are part of another UICollectionView = overlayCollectionView.
overlayCollectionView has 3 cells, one of which is just a blank UICollectionViewCell, the other 2 are the cards.
When the overlayCollectionView is showing the blank UICollectionViewCell, I want to be able to scroll the orangeCollectionView.
override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
guard let superr = superview else { return true}
for view in superr.subviews {
if view.isKind(of: OrangeCollectionView.self) {
view.point(inside: point, with: event)
return false
return true
This allows me to scroll the orangeCollectionView HOWEVER this doesn't actually work to fix my issue. I need to be able to scroll left and right to show the cards, however this blocks all touches becuase the point always falls on the OrangeCollectionView.
How can I check to see if they are scrolling left/right to show the cards? Otherwise if they are on the blank cell, scroll the orangeViewController up and down.
Had this issue as well... Didn't find a nice way to do it, but this works.
First, you need to access the scroll view delegate method scrollViewDidScroll(). There you call:
if scrollView == overlayScrollView {
if scrollView.contentOffset.x == self.view.frame.width { // don't know which coordinate you need
self.overlayScrollView.alpa = 0
After that, you add a blank view onto of the orange collection view. The view's alpha is 0 (I think, maybe the color is just clear; try it out if it works).
In the code, you then add a UISwipeGestureRecognizer to the view you just created and and detect whether there's a swipe to the left or to the right.
By detecting the direction of that swipe, you can simply change the contentOffset.x axis of your overlayScrollView to 0 or self.view.frame.width * 2.
Sorry I can't provide my working sample code, I'm answering from my mobile. It's not the proper solution, but when I made a food app for a big client it worked perfectly and no one ever complained :)

UIScrollViewDelegate - animateWithDuration in scrollViewDidEndDragging is not working as expected

I have a UIScrollView with 2 sub views/pages side by side (horizontal content size = 2 * Screen Width + gutter space between pages). I would like to increase the completion speed of the animation, ie after the user has completed the dragging and lifted the finger. Based on the suggestions found in SO, I implemented a UIScrollViewDelegate as below.
class MyScrollViewDelegate: NSObject, UIScrollViewDelegate
var targetX: CGFloat = 0.0
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>)
// I have not implemented the paging logic yet as I wanted to test the replacement animation first.
// Below code simply uses the suggested tagetOffset, but limiting the same between the valid min and max values
targetX = fmax(0, fmin(scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.frame.size.width, targetContentOffset.memory.x))
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool)
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: { scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.targetX, 0) })
My understanding is that once the dragging is over, my own animation code in the scrollViewDidEndDragging will take over and complete the translation. The problem I am facing is that there seems to be an additional animation/jump when I pull the view inward when it is at the leftmost or rightmost edge.
For example, when the contentOffset.x = 0 (left edge), if I pull the view rightward by say 20 points and release (even after pausing for a second), the contentOffset.x & targetContentOffset.memory.x would be -20, and the calculated self.targetX would be 0. Hence in my animation I expect the page to move back towards left by 20 points with given speed as soon as I lift the finger. But what I observe is that, the page goes further to the right by almost the same amount (dragged distance) and then animates back from there to 0. The movement is so fast that I can't make out whether it is an animation or direct jump. Afterwards it follows my animation parameters to fall back.
As mentioned, the rightward jump seems to be proportional to the dragging distance, suggesting that my assumption about the "current position" before the start of animation is probably wrong. But I am not able to figure out the exact reason. Your help is much appreciated. The setup is ios 9.0, swift 2.0, xcode 7.0.1.
Edit 1:
I commented the animateWithDuration (but kept the scrollViewDidEndDragging). Animations stopped except in the edge region, where there is a default animation pulling the content back. Further reading pointed to the bounce property. I have a doubt that this default animation is colliding with the one I supplied.
Edit 2:
The bounce animation seems to be the culprit. While searching in this direction I came across another question in SO (Cancel UIScrollView bounce after dragging) describing the issue and possible solutions.
The issue seems to be because of queuing up of bounce animation and the custom animation. For details please read - Cancel UIScrollView bounce after dragging. I am not sure how the chosen answer solves the problem of custom duration. There is another solution involving sub-classing. That also didn't work in my case. Not sure whether it is due to different iOS versions.
Following is what worked for me. It is only the basic snippet. You can enhance the same to have better animation curves and velocity handling.
func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView)
// below line seems to prevent the insertion of bounce animation
scrollView.setContentOffset(scrollView.contentOffset, animated: false)
// provide your animation with custom options
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: { scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(targetX, targetY) })

Why isn't my tableview row height being set properly?

I am trying to make a table view with a dynamic cell containing an image view and 3 labels in Interface Builder, but for some reason the table view row height isn't being set properly and all the content is being cut off. This is the only code for it:
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 100.0
And my interface builder constraints are almost similar to the ones shown below from a Ray Wenderlich tutorial (http://www.raywenderlich.com/87975/dynamic-table-view-cell-height-ios-8-swift)
Here is a sample of the simulator output:
If anyone has any insight on how I can fix this, I'd be more than happy to hear you out. As you probably guessed, I am trying to make it so that the cell height expands according to the subtitle length (a la Twitter) but to no avail :( Thanks!
Update: It looks a bit better now but still not expanding as the UILabel expands :(
In the UIViewController which has your UITableView as a child view(or it can be UITableViewController) make your table view cell height "100" too.I think it is 44 now?
Also if it not set already, set your subtile's "Lines" property to "0" in Interface Builder to make it self-sizing.
You are using the estimatedrow height. There is an another delegate method for height that you have to use. It is just rowheight delegate. Use heightForRowAtItem index version of objective c in swift.
Solved it! My constraints were correct but for some odd reason the tableView wasn't updating. Adding the following code seemed to make it fine:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
If you have any better suggestions feel free!

Limiting vertical movement of UIAttachmentBehavior inside a UICollectionView

I have a horizontal UICollectionView with a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout that has a UIAttachmentBehavior set on each cell to give it a bouncy feel when scrolling left and right. The behavior has the following properties:
attachmentBehavior.length = 1.0f;
attachmentBehavior.damping = 0.5f;
attachmentBehavior.frequency = 1.9f;
When a new cell is added to the collection view it's added at the bottom and then animated to its position also using a UIAttachmentBehavior. Naturally it bounces up and down a bit till it rests in its position. Everything is working as expected till now.
The problem I have starts appearing when the collection view is scrolled left or right before the newly added cell has come to rest. The adds left and right bounciness to the up and down one the cell already has from being added. This results in a very weird circular motion in the cell.
My question is, is it possible to stop the vertical motion of a UIAttachmentBehavior while the collection view is being scrolled? I've tried different approaches like using multiple attachment behaviors and disabling scrolling in the collection view till the newly added cell has come to rest, but non of them seem to stop this.
One way to solve this is to use the inherited .action property of the attachment behavior.
You will need to set up a couple of variables first, something like (going from memory, untested code):
BOOL limitVerticalMovement = TRUE;
CGFloat staticCenterY = CGRectGetHeight(self.collectionView.frame) / 2;
Set these as properties of your custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout
When you create your attachment behavior:
UIAttachmentBehavior *attachment = [[UIAttachmentBehavior alloc] initWithItem:item attachedToAnchor:center];
attachment.damping = 1.0f;
attachment.frequency = 1.5f;
attachment.action = ^{
if (!limitVerticalMovement) return;
CGPoint center = item.center;
center.y = staticCenterY;
item.center = center;
Then you can turn the limiting function on and off by setting limitVerticalMovement as appropriate.
Have you tried manually removing animations from cells with CALayer's removeAllAnimations?
You'll want to remove the behaviour when the collection view starts scrolling, or perhaps greatly reduce the springiness so that it comes to rest smoothly, but quickly. If you think about it, what you're seeing is a realistic movement for the attachment behaviour you've described.
To keep the vertical bouncing at the same rate but prevent horizontal bouncing, you'd need to add other behaviours - like a collision behaviour with boundaries to the left and right of each added cell. This is going to increase the complexity of the physics a little, and may affect scrolling performance, but it would be worth a try.
Here's how I managed to do it.
The FloatRange limits the range of the attachment, so if you want it to go all the way up and down the screen you just set really large numbers.
This goes inside func recognizePanGesture(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {}
let location = sender.location(in: yourView.superview)
var direction = "Y"
var center = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
if self.direction == "Y" {center.y = 1}
if self.direction == "X" {center.x = 1}
let sliding = UIAttachmentBehavior.slidingAttachment(with: youView, attachmentAnchor: location, axisOfTranslation: CGVector(dx: center.x, dy: center.y))
sliding.attachmentRange = UIFloatRange(minimum: -2000, maximum: 2000)
animator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: self.superview!)
If you're using iOS 9 and above then sliding function within attachment class will work perfectly for that job:
class func slidingAttachmentWithItem(_ item: UIDynamicItem,
attachmentAnchor point: CGPoint,
axisOfTranslation axis: CGVector) -> Self
it can be used easily, and it's very effective for sliding Apple documentation
I've resorted to disabling scrolling in the collection view for a specific amount of time after a new cell is added, then removing the attachment behavior after that time has passed using its action property, then adding a new attachment behavior again immediately.
That way I make sure the upwards animation stops before the collection view is scrolled left or right, but also the left/right bounciness is still there when scrolling.
Certainly not the most elegant solution but it works.
