Not showing any compilation in iTunes Connect for TestFlight - ios

I'm trying to use TestFligiht, to distribute my iOS app on beta testers.
I've created the app, I've choosing the correct bundleID, etc on main configuration in iTunes Connect. But no compilation is showing in "TestFlight" section.
In Xcode I have configured the correct certificate, and I've did Product -> Archive.
But still doesn't appearing any compilation. :(
Any idea for this?

Once you archived your source code.After you have to upload your .IPA file to iTunes. probably you can do via 2 ways.
1.You can use Xcode after completion archive.You can able to see the option called Upload to App store. By doing this you can able to submit your app to iTunes connect.
2.Application Loader - Go to Xcode -> Open Developer tool -> Click Application Loader.
Finally submitted your app, You can check processing of submission your app to Tunes in your Build section.
Note: You will receive mail for each & every actions in Itunes.

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Testflight - Build is there but not showing?

So I just got an email telling me that my build has completed processing.
I go to iTunes connect and sure enough there it is. I go to add testers, and it asks me to input some contact info before it adds the testers.
Somewhere here the whole thing just stops working, so I reload the page and this is all I can see now:
My Build is there, it is the correct version, but I cant see it, or do anything with it, really weird. What is this?
To create .ipa file i'm using Ad Hoc option. But for testing apple send an email like this ....
Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
Now i selected App Store option to create .ipa file. Now i uploaded the .ipa through application builder. Then only i'm getting my build in TestFlight. I think this will help you...

This build is created for production (App Store) and can't be distributed to testers

I am trying to upload my apps using testflight. I created apps using Xcode. After I archived my iOS project I upload it using testflight. But the upload was not done and here is error message. "This build is created for production (App Store) and can't be distributed to testers"
I dont know how to solve this please help thanks.
Test Flight Error Message Screen Shoot
If you want to test your application for final distribution, you can achieve it with TestFlight like #Amit explained.
More precisely :
Use Production Certificate
Archive your App
From the Organizer (Window tab -> Organizer) you can see all your builds archived.
Then you can export the one you want to test, pick the AppStore Deployment option.
Finally you have to use Application Loader (Xcode tab -> Developer Tool).
It will upload your archive, the ipa file on iTunesConnect.
From there, your newly uploaded build is available for testing.
You will receive an email and notification from TestFlight.
Use Application Loader to submit app to iTunes also for testFlight test.
see below Link for reference //for how to use application loader
for testFlight reference check below link.

Unable to upload app to iTunes Connect - iTunes Store operation failed. Authentication timeout

I'm trying to upload my app to iTunes Connect with Xcode. I chose product > archive, choose my account, it compiles and when I try to upload it hand for a long time on:
Uploading Archive
Sending API usage to iTunes Connect...
Then it shows an error message:
I've restarted Xcode and the entire machine but still it keeps repeating itself.
What's wrong here?
This usually happens to me when the phone is connected while uploading the archive, and removing the phone so far has been solving the issue for me.
My solution was to install Application Loader. At first it seemed like it's stuck as well, but after about 10 minutes it started uploading.
I solved this issue.
There is a checkbox "include bitcode" at the bottom of the Summary screen (when you validate Archive) or Send XXX to Apple screen (when you upload to App Store) where the Organizer show the Binary and Entitlements together with Provisioning Profile. In XCode 7 it is checked by default. I unchecked it and re-run Validation - worked fine. As soon as checked the checkbox back on, it started failing with same error.
I have also unchecked the other checkbox on the same screen - symbolis upload.
Successfully uploaded the binary using the Organizr just now.
Here the solution that helped in Xcode 8, summary screen:
Still getting the same error despite "unchecking" bitcode and also archiving with the bitcode under Basic Profile turned off in the info.plist.
It would only work if I used Application Loader, like this:
First, export the application Archive from Xcode's Organizer window (it saves this into a directory on the Desktop).
Then, from Xcode:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
My guess is that there is a bug somewhere either with iTunes Connect back end or xCode itself.
A couple of Xcode restart didn't resolve the issue but Application Loader solved it for the very first attempt. Also, Application Loader, is more descriptive for letting one know what's going on during the whole upload process. Plus simultaneous apps upload is possible via Application Loader.
I got this error when trying to upload an app to App Store Connect (01/20/2020). Restarting Xcode fixed the issue for me.
I've had the same issue.
Tried to upload the app with Transporter with no success.
Restarting of Mac and Xcode didn't help.
Solution was to logout from Xcode and log in back
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Select your Apple ID and click on "-" below
To submit to App Store use Application Loader but after creating the "App-Specific" password as the following:
Log in to and enter your 2FA (TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION) code.
Then in the Security section on the bottom right area, you'll see: APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS.
Generate Password... Click the link to create an app-specific password, Enter your password.
Copy the app-specific password. Enter the password into the Application Loader.
Choose the exported ipa to submit it.
For developers uploading apps with Xcode: simply change network and restart your Mac.
I solved this issue with Transporter, native Apple application. You can download it from AppStore.
This application has a much more information about uploading process and possible errors.
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Choose the exported .ipa file into the transporter and press "Deliver".
I was getting the same error. Application Loader didn't work. I couldn't open any Apple Developer/Forum webpages either to find an answer there. And iTunesConnect wouldn't let me log in. I thought the site was down and I couldn't even access the Apple Status pages.
My VPN was connecting outside the US. After turning off the VPN everything returned to normal. I have been letting the VPN connect to random places around the globe, probably should keep it in my area.
In my case, The build with the same number (e.g. Version 1.0(1.6)) was already been uploaded to AppStore. I found that after logging into itunes and checked the TESTFLIGHT BUILDS -> iOS and there I saw 1.6 (Processing)
Note: 1.0 is the version number and 1.6 is build number.

Distributing with Titanum and xCode - this kind of archive cannot be signed

I have made an app with Titanium Studio, and now it's time for distributing with PlayStore and AppStore. It's already out on PlayStore, which was the easy part - but apple is very tricky to get through for me.
I've created an iTunes connect app for the archive.
I've archived the app using Distribute -> IOS Appstore.
Now, when I press the validate button in xCode, logging using my apple ID, selecting the 'app' I created on iTunes Connect, it says next to Identity:
"This kind of archive cannot be signed"
And when I click NEXT, I get this error:
"The archive is invalid. You must specify a path to the archive"
Go the the iphone native project inside your project directory, open it with XCode and try publishing from there.

Steps to upload an iPhone application to the AppStore

I want to know the basic steps for uploading my iPhone application to AppStore.
How do I make a provisioning profile using a certificate and what other settings do I need to do to upload an application?
I have just made an application on my iMac using Xcode and the iPhone SDK V2.2.1. What do I need to do for uploading it on the Apple iTunes store?
I am member of that and I have also a distribution certificate.
This arstechnica article describes the basic steps:
Start by visiting the program portal
and make sure that your developer
certificate is up to date. It expires
every six months and, if you haven't
requested that a new one be issued,
you cannot submit software to App
Store. For most people experiencing
the "pink upload of doom," though,
their certificates are already valid.
What next?
Open your Xcode project and check that
you've set the active SDK to one of
the device choices, like Device - 2.2.
Accidentally leaving the build
settings to Simulator can be a big
reason for the pink rejection. And
that happens more often than many
developers would care to admit.
Next, make sure that you've chosen a
build configuration that uses your
distribution (not your developer)
certificate. Check this by
double-clicking on your target in the
Groups & Files column on the left of
the project window. The Target Info
window will open. Click the Build tab
and review your Code Signing Identity.
It should be iPhone Distribution:
followed by your name or company name.
You may also want to confirm your
application identifier in the
Properties tab. Most likely, you'll
have set the identifier properly when
debugging with your developer
certificate, but it never hurts to
The top-left of your project window
also confirms your settings and
configuration. It should read
something like "Device - 2.2 |
Distribution". This shows you the
active SDK and configuration.
If your settings are correct but you
still aren't getting that upload
finished properly, clean your builds.
Choose Build > Clean (Command-Shift-K)
and click Clean. Alternatively, you
can manually trash the build folder in
your Project from Finder. Once you've
cleaned, build again fresh.
If this does not produce an app that
when zipped properly loads to iTunes
Connect, quit and relaunch Xcode. I'm
not kidding. This one simple trick
solves more signing problems and "pink
rejections of doom" than any other
solution already mentioned.
Apple provides detailed, illustrated instructions covering every step of the process. Log in to the iPhone developer site and click the "program portal" link. In the program portal you'll find a link to the program portal user's guide, which is a really good reference and guide on this topic.
Check that your singing identity IN YOUR TARGET properties is correct. This one over-rides what you have in your project properties.
Also: I dunno if this is true - but I wasn't getting emails detailing my binary rejections when I did the "ready for binary upload" from a PC - but I DID get an email when I did this on the MAC
Xcode 9
If this is your first time to submit an app, I recommend going ahead and reading through the full Apple iTunes Connect documentation or reading one of the following tutorials:
How to Submit an iOS App to the App Store
How to Submit An App to Apple: From No Account to App Store
However, those materials are cumbersome when you just want a quick reminder of the steps. My answer to that is below:
Step 1: Create a new app in iTunes Connect
Sign in to iTunes Connect and go to My Apps. Then click the "+" button and choose New App.
Then fill out the basic information for a new app. The app bundle id needs to be the same as the one you are using in your Xcode project. There is probably a better was to name the SKU, but I've never needed it and I just use the bundle id.
Click Create and then go on to Step 2.
Step 2: Archive your app in Xcode
Choose the Generic iOS Device from the active scheme menu.
Then go to Product > Archive.
You may have to wait a little while for Xcode to finish archiving your project. After that you will be shown a dialog with your archived project. You can select Upload to the App Store... and follow the prompts.
I sometimes have to repeat this step a few times because I forgot to include something. Besides the upload wait, it isn't a big deal. Just keep doing it until you don't get any more errors.
Step 3: Finish filling out the iTunes Connect info
Back in iTunes Connect you will need to complete all the required information and resources.
Just go through all the menu options and make sure that you have everything entered that needs to be.
Step 4: Submit
In iTunes Connect, under your app's Prepare for Submission section, click Submit for Review. That's it. Give it about a week to be accepted (or rejected), but it might be faster.
