Testflight - Build is there but not showing? - ios

So I just got an email telling me that my build has completed processing.
I go to iTunes connect and sure enough there it is. I go to add testers, and it asks me to input some contact info before it adds the testers.
Somewhere here the whole thing just stops working, so I reload the page and this is all I can see now:
My Build is there, it is the correct version, but I cant see it, or do anything with it, really weird. What is this?

To create .ipa file i'm using Ad Hoc option. But for testing apple send an email like this ....
Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
Now i selected App Store option to create .ipa file. Now i uploaded the .ipa through application builder. Then only i'm getting my build in TestFlight. I think this will help you...


In TestFlight app build not showing?

I released app, now i'm releasing new version of that app. I uploaded successfully, it's build showing in activity.
But it's build not showing in test flight.
My app updated yesterday.
To create .ipa file i'm using Ad Hoc option. But for testing apple send an email like this ....
Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
Now i selected App Store option to create .ipa file. Now i uploaded the .ipa through application builder. Then only i'm getting my build in TestFlight.

TestFlight Beta not showing testers

Big hand to Apple for screwing TestFlight. I can't seem to get anything to happen past this screen. I've
Created external testers
Upload a build with ad hoc profile (though application loader)
Turned on TestFlight Beta Testing (even tried turning it on and off to get invitation emails to send)
When adding external users they never receive and email either. Anyone have this problem?
I haven't seen this exact message, but one problem I see with your process is that you used an adhoc profile. According to Apple, you should be using an app store distribution profile:
Generate a new App Store Distribution profile containing the beta
entitlement to distribute builds via TestFlight.
As the message says, you also need to have the beta entitlement in your profile. If you created it in the last couple months - it should have it - but it's possible adhoc profiles don't. When you go to upload the binary, expand the entitlements and check to see that beta-reports-active is present and set to on.
Hopefully one of those two is your issue.

itunes store operation failed in xcode 6

iTunes store operation failed
No eligible software found. Make sure this software is owned by your developer organization.
I get above error while validating app from xcode 6. I don't understand this error why it is coming. Can anyone help me to solve this error?
Thank you
I was able to upload by using Application Loader as suggested in iTunesConnect.
Archive your app with the distribution provisioning profile
Export the archive for distribution to somewhere you can find it again.
Download Application Loader 3.0 from iTunesConnect, if it isn't already installed.
Open Application Loader
In AppLoader, Log into the iTunesConnect account you want to release the app from
In AppLoader, Upload the archive
Not exactly painless, but it does allow you to build with an iTunes developer account and release from a different iTunesConnect ID.
I got this error while validating my app. The problem was that the developer account of which I was using the Provisioning Profile was different from that of the account that I was using to validate my app. In simple words: They were two different APPLE IDs.
You need to add the APPLE ID from which you are using the provisioning profile.
Follow the following steps to get rid of this error and add the APPLE ID:
After clicking on "Validate button" ---> Click on "View Accounts".
The following window will open. In this window click on + button as shown below.
A pop-over showing three option will be opened as shown below. Select "Add Apple ID".
A new window will be opened asking you to enter your Apple ID and password as shown below. Enter your Apple ID and password of the developer account from which you have used the provisioning profile. Then press "Add":
You will see a new Apple ID added in the list of the Apple IDs.
Close the Organizer window. ----> Archive the product again and Validate the app choosing the newly added Apple ID.
This happened to me because I had a different developer and itunesconnect accounts. Make sure you build app with your developer account and submit validation with your itunesconnect account. That worked for me.
As noted by a few others, I was able to resolve this problem by using the Application Loader rather than xCode to send the iPA file to app store. In my case, both xCode and Application loader were using the correct iTunesConnect account, but for some reason, xCode was failing on submitting this app. I could submit other apps without incident, which led me on a wild goose chase thinking the problem was app specific.
Steps to Resolution were:
Download to Application Loader from iTunesConnect Website (as of 2/18/15, it's under the Resources and Help button).
Install App Loader
From xCode, Build/Archive to create distribution package
From xCode Organizer, Export the package to a location
From App Loader, select the Exported Package IPA file and upload to App Store.
Glad to be past this one!
For me it helped to upload with the credentials of the account agent. A developer account didn´t work.
in my application this issue was coming due to of one error that's i uploaded wrong size image in ipad2x that's 152*152 by 144*144 , but some how i export the build and i uploaded it through application loader. application loader told me abt two warning after uploading the build that was not proper icon size image for ipad #2x and the other was 64 bit warning so i solved the icon problem and now i was abled to validate my app successfully with one warning still that's of 32 bit. if u had repeated the steps like you uploaded the build first from application builder than donot forgot to change build number.
Please check the application bundleID from itunesconnect & your project in Xcode.We will get this issue if our bundleID mismatch from itunesconnect & project..
I was getting same error. After some investigation, I identify the issue with bundleID. I changed the bundleId as per itunesconnect. App was validated & submitted successful in App Store.

Submit app on AppStore without Xcode

How can I submit application on appstore without Xcode?
I do have Xcode but my client doesn't. I know he can get application loader and submit but I'm not sure what do I have to send him to load with application loader.
I found other answers on stackoverflow but I'm not sure how to work it out with my clients certificates/provisions. Since I set them in Xcode how can I set his provision profile?
If someone could provide full description on how to work it out with my Xcode and clients certificates/provision profiles.
Archive your project with certificates you use for Appstore distribution
Click Distribute
Select save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment
Save .ipa file and send him an ipa file

Building an iOS app for a client with his own developer account for App Store submission

I made an app with xCode 4.3 for a client with his own developer account.
Now i need to send him my compiled/binary app (no source code) so he can submit it under his account.
I dont know his bundle ID and neither i have his developer certificate.
Edit: And he will not supply me his developer certificate.
Can it be done?
I searched how this can be done but didn't find an answer.
Build the IPA as normal, then send it to him along with a copy of the Info.plist. He must then:
Edit the Info.plist file to include his bundle ID.
Unzip the IPA.
Replace the Info.plist file.
Re-sign the application using codesign.
Re-zip the IPA.
Submit it to iTunes Connect manually.
The way I have done this before was to log in as the client, and submit from your machine. But I guess this depends on the trust level between you
You need to have his distribution certificate (with private and public keys) and distribution profile. When you have those, you can create a compiled app for submission to Apple.
Basically, he needs to create the App ID, certificate, and profile and give them to you. If he cannot do this, you need to sign in to his account for him.
Once he has the compiled app, he can easily submit it using Xcode or Application Loader.
Build and archive the iOS app with your own certificates, then send the customer the resulting app archive (zipping up the app's archive directory, if needed). Look here for Xcode's archive files: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/
In the archive, they can find and edit the app's Info.plist file.
Then the customer can submit the app archive from Xcode's Organizer and using their own developer account. Xcode should ask them to re-codesign the app with their own Distribution certificates as part of its upload process.
