Is it possible to animate a view form one ViewController into the next? - ios

So I am trying to set up a UIPageViewController, and I have several UIViewControllers, but I want to set it up so I can animate(translate) a subview of my first view controller into the second view controller as it is transitioning. I have the UIPageViewController transition set to scroll. So that is what makes me believe this should be possible correct me if I am wrong. My google searches came up empty, but perhaps I am searching for the wrong thing.
Please point me in the right direction here in the form of a tut or how to conceptually think about this. My current thought is that I could have two identical views in different controllers, and as the user swipes the first view travels from left to right and then when I know it is at the edge I could have the other view take over perhaps using the prepareForSegue method.

Have a look at the Hero library ( for custom animations between UIViewControllers.
Since a PageViewController doesn't really allow custom animation have a look at the AppleHomePageExample to see a example.


iOS UINavigationController-like behaviour in a partial screen area (2016)

(I have read other questions and answers on this topic, but most are very old and do not relate to iOS 9 or 10.)
The app design calls for the top half of the display to always contain the same content. (An image being edited by the user.)
The bottom half of the display needs a UITableView. When a UITableViewCell is tapped, the bottom section needs to transition to a new UIViewController with slide-on animation, similar to how UINavigationController push segues work.
Problem: only the bottom view needs to transition to the new view controller(s), and back again. The upper half of the view hierarchy needs to remain unaffected. For this reason, I can't place everything inside a UINavigationController, and I can't have a UINavigationBar at the top of the screen.
Question: what approach should I take in such a situation, where I need only one UIView hierarchy to transition in push-segue fashion, but not anything else? Thanks.
Edited with Solution
Solution follows, for those following along at home.
Yes, you can actually use a UINavigationController for the bottom half.
If you are using Storyboards, the easiest way to do this is to use a container view for each part of the screen which you then can embed a UIViewController in for the top part and a UINavigationController in for the bottom part. If you are doing this programmatically, just add the view controllers as child view controllers to your app's initial view controller (see this answer for more info) which is essentially what the Storyboard will do for you automatically when using a container view.
As a child view controller, the UINavigationController will act independently from the top UIViewController and should behave as expected.
I recommend the programatic approach for the following reasons:
It helps you understand the inner workings of child/parent view controllers much better which will likely save you a significant amount of debugging time down the line.
It makes adding/removing/swapping child view controllers as simple as a few lines of code. Trying to do this with Storyboards is notoriously hacky and cumbersome.
It's much easier to keep track of changes using GIT (most mid-size/larger companies actually prohibit Storyboards for this very reason)
If you want change in part of the screen you can use container view. For details refer Swift - How to link two view controllers into one container view and switch between them using segmented control?
You can use multiple view in one view controller and can give animation like push or pop to show or hide it.
Second approach is you can use Container View which will give exact effect like navigation stack.

UIPageViewController with docking/pinning functionality

I've been using UIPageViewController with transitionStyle UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll in order to be able to easily move between views in my app.
I'm looking for a bit more functionality that I won't get from the UIPageViewController so I'm looking to make my own solution - perhaps still a subclass of UIPageViewController.
To explain the extra functionality I'll provide a scenario & a diagram:
In A the app is currently showing the first view controller. I then drag from right to left which will of course start to show the second viewcontroller as shown in B. If I stop panning before the point where the UIPageViewController decides whether or not to show the second view controller or go back to the first one I'd like it to instead show the second viewcontroller (taking up one third of the screen) instead of hiding it completely.
If I was to keep panning a bit further beyond the halfway point and then released I'd like the second view controller to take up two thirds of the screen, while the first view controller takes up one third.
That's essentially it. I'd appreciate any advice on how to go about doing this. I'm thinking I'll subclass UIPageViewController and override the delegate methods, but I'd really appreciate any advice on a better solution.
Many thanks
Maybe this could give you a hint or and inspiration. >>

What's the proper way to implement complex custom view controllers

Note: I'm not talking about custom view controller transition effects which can be done by using a custom view controllers it's the iOS 5+ API.
I'm talking about transitioning to another view controller, where a view from the presently displayed view controller is animated to the view controller to be presented's view.
-you have friendsViewController which displays a list of the current users friends. Each table view cell has a profile picture and name.
-click on a cell, all other cells fade away and the name and picture animate to the top. At this point, UserProfileViewComtroller is displayed.
-I could easily do this by combining the two view controllers, but UserProfileViewComtroller can be launched from other parts of the app.
-if the UserProfileViewControllers view is instantiated, I could convert the coordinates using UIViews methods
I feel like there is a more appropriate/cleaner solution here which is why I'm asking the community for help :)
It seems to me that what you want is exactly about view controllers transition, since you want to do 'something' that would look to the user as if you took a view from old VC and moved it to the new VC.
Then you're in luck, as you're allowed to move a UIView from one view controller to another using [superview addSubview:view] as part of the transition you want to do.
This can be done on any iOS version, although it's easier now as in iOS 7 there's a delegate you write (see <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning> reference) which has access to both VC's view hierarchies and can change them at will (move one view, fade other views) during transition period.
Also, making your new view controller during the transition transparent (or using old controller's snapshot) will help you hide the fact that VC changed.
Not so much an answer but a technique that might inspire a solution. I did an app that had need for a custom transition like this. The original app arranged itself then took a snapshot, so at the last moment the user is looking at an image. The second viewController was created, given coordinates etc, and the image, then shown immediately. It put the image into its view (subview with same bounds).
At this point the second vc has complete control, and can fade in some other content etc. the reverse was more or less as the start - the image is used, swapped, used removed to uncover the real view content.
Note that this took a bit of time to get it working with no glitches etc.
EDIT: if you are concerned in turning the whole original view into an image, then modify the technique. For instance, in the original view, fade all other content to black but the cell, then snapshot the one cell. The second view will start with an all black background, and place the cell image over top it, then go from there.
EDIT2: As mentioned in the comments, you of course push the second view with no animation, so it happens instantaneously. By setting a small image on the second vc, with an agreed upon background, you can quickly "pass the baton" so to speak and let the second controller go to work quickly and seamlessly.

Nested UINavigationController

I'm fairly new to iOS development and I want to make something like the attached screenshot.
I've read the nested UINavigationControllers is not a good idea, if not impossible, so I'm more than willing to accept ideas on how to implement what I want.
On my second screen there are two views I want to switch back and forth between (NOT using gestures and push animated), while maintaining a static header and footer.
The only way I know how to do a push segue is with a UINavigationController, hence why I see the need for nested ones.
How do I implement this? I thought that in my second UIViewController I could programmatically create a UINavigationController and add it to self.view, but I ended up doing this:
self.subNavigationController = [UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:[someVC alloc] init]];
[self.view addSubview: self.subNavigationController.view]
But that only adds the view of self.subNavigationController to self.view, not self.subNavigationController itself.
Like I said, I could easily be way off base on how I should be handling it, any advice is appreciated.
OK, if I've got this right then what you want is an app where you can navigate between different views (like any other app).
This will use a UINavigationController (lets call this "nav1") and this is the bit that you're OK with.
However, you also want a view that will have a static navigation bar. i.e. as far as nav1 is concerned this is only a single part of the navigation through the app. It also wants to have two potential views in there. (the map and the table view) and it will have a static bar along the bottom too (in IB this is a ToolBar I think). Lets call this the "mapAndTableViewController".
You haven't said exactly how this works but you don't want swipe gestures between them. So I'm guessing you will have a button or something to swap between them?
Something like this...
The way I've done this is to use a single view controller with a scroll view. On the scrollview set scrolling disabled and set paging enabled. This sounds odd but this removes the touch scrolling from the scrollview while still allowing code access.
Now, in the mapAndTableViewController you populate the left and the right hand side of the scroll view.
What you do here is now take the two view controllers... mapViewController and yourTableViewController and instantiate them. Then add the views of these controllers in to the scrollview left and right sides accordingly.
Essentially you will have THREE view controllers. One for the scroll view, one for the map view and one for the table view.
Without any further explanation from you I can't really help beyond this as I don't fully understand what it is you're trying to achieve.
Hope this helps...

Linking different views to tableview/viewcontroller without using a navigation controller

I apologize in advance for not being able to efficiently describe my problem statement. But, I shall include a link to an image to better describe what I'm looking for. Basically I have a Viewcontroller with a TableView inside it and I have a toolbar on top with three bar button items on it. Now what, I want is to be able to have a functionality whereby the user taps on any of these buttons and we go to different views. Now, I would like a design where if possible I stay on the same screen and render the information in the tableview below depending on which button has been pressed. Visually, I'm trying to go for an effect where the button that is pressed is shown as being depressed and information is rendered and on pressing a different button a different view is rendered. I'm familiar with attaching different view controllers to all the buttons and then segueing into those viewers. However, I would like to know if there's a way in which I can stay on the same view controller and just use sub views. If there is, how can I do this from storyboards? Again,, I apologize for being verbose, my picture should hopefully be able to tell you what I'm trying to do.
The link to what I'm trying to achieve:
Well, one basic solution is simply to add these other views in your controller. Now that subview is set to hidden on viewDidLoad:. Then just create an action, and show the subView. You can size that view however you want, and play around with the other view as well.
Now, there might be a better way to do this, but that is how I would do it.
EDIT - Concerning Apple's method on Calender
Now, I have never tried anything like this, so this is all theory.
First, you create three classes. Each with it's own custom view. This view should be the size you need it on the other (Main View). You can set the size to freeform in the Interface Builder.
Once you have that done, you head to your main view. That view will have the three buttons. Set an IBAction for each of those that creates an instance of each view and places it on the screen. (I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am sure there is a way. Take a look here: Objective-c Adding subViews in my controller
You should dealloc each view after you head to another view as well for memory management.
