How to create ipa file without developer account in xcode 8 - ios

I have installed xcode 8 and developed a project, and now I want to get build file of my project but I do not have a developer account.
What can I do to in order to create a ipa file?

You can create ipa below way, but the ipa wont install if you don't create a provisioning or certificate.
Find the .app file in your project.
Ctrl-Click on that file and Show in finder.
Drag and drop the file into iTunes.
Your app will be shown in iTunes, then again Ctrl-Click on your app and show in finder.
Here you will see your ipa.
Note: You cannot install this ipa in any device untill you create proper provisioning and certificate.
There are also many ways to create ipa, this is one of those ways.


Get provisioning profile from iPhone local files

We signed an Enterprize application with a provisioning profile.
And launched the application on an iPhone device.
My question is:
How can I get the provisioning profile from that iPhone?
Can I get to the files using USB?
Or there is a way to programmatically get the profile file data?
You can try to extract the IPA from iTunes using this technique. Or, if you already have the original ipa that was installed to the device, even better.
Once you have the .ipa, you can change the .ipa extension to .zip and extract the contents. On a Mac, in Finder, you should get a folder called "Payload". Inside that folder will be a .app. Right click on the .app and choose "Show package contents". Inside the .app is a file called embedded.mobileprovision. That is the provisioning profile that was packaged with the app when it was build, and subsequently installed on the iOS device when it was installed from the .plist/.ipa.

IPA file extraction

How to extract IPA file from project to run it on a real device to check the functionalities .I'm extracting it through the product folder and compressing it but it is showing error in iPhone that this file can't run.
To test an app on real device ,you must have development and adhoc provisioning profile for the app.
To know how to create certificates and provisioning profile, you can check this link: App id, certificates and provisioning profile
Then set the provisioning profile to your app target. If everything is right so far, then create an archive by Choosing Product -> Archive in Xcode and follow the steps. When Organizer window open in this process, tap on Export, appears on the right side of the window to extract the IPA file.
To test your app on real device you need a developer account,once you got a developer account just go to general on project target and enable automatic signing,it will create automatic provisional profile and certificate for you.i will let you know the steps below.
1)Get developer account with 99 dollars per annum.
2)Import your developer account by selecting Xcode->Preferences->Accounts and add your account by entering account name and password.
3)Now goto general and enable automatic signing,it will register your device and create provisional profile with certificate automatically.
4)Clean build and run your project with your device by connecting to Xcode.
You need to reverse work .
1 . You need to change .ipa extension to .zip
2 . Now you can watch .app file now drag this file to your device from Windows > Device
Another way for creating of ipa
If you want to work this ipa file then you need to create ipa as below:
Add necessary profiles and adjust build settings.
Set device as target to run the application.
Build the product.
Go to Products-> Right click and show in finder.
Drag & drop to itunes profile and binary file.
Select app in iTunes and right click to show in Finder. And there you can get the .ipa file.

Xcode 6.0/6.1 and building with client's provisioning profile

I downloaded the latest Xcode 6.1 and with having my client's provisioning profile/certificate, I tried to build IPA file for them (for ad-hoc deployment) but in the new Xcode 6.1 when you start archiving, it tries to connect to my apple developer account and since my client's App Id doesn't exist, it says:
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues: An App ID with identifier 'com.myclient.something' is not available. Please enter a different string.
I used to do the same thing in Xcode 5.1.1 and I could archive and create the IPA file for my client with their provisioning profile. DO you know guys how can I build the IPA file for their in-house distribution in Xcode 6.1?
Thanks in advance,
Locate your .xcarchive file. Right click on it and select Show Package Contents. In the Products/Application folder you will find your app. Drag it onto the iTunes. iTunes will add it to the Applications tab. Go to the Applications tab in iTunes. Right click on your app and select Show In Finder. There you have your .ipa file

Xcode 6 exporting IPA file with locally installed provisioning profile

We're doing development for a third party where we have their .p12 file and their production provisioning profile, but we're not added to the developer account in their Member Center.
In Xcode 5.1.1, you could export the archive, then pick the correct provisioning profile and sign the IPA file that way.
In Xcode 6, that option seems to have completely disappeared. Assuming we can't get added to their developer account, is there a way to export an IPA file with a locally installed provisioning profile (and corresponding .p12 file)?
I get a solution without renew the certificate:
1 - Archive the target with the appropiate Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile
2 - Right button in the created file in Organizer --> Show in Finder
3 - Right button in the xcarchive file --> Show package content
4 - There, in Finder, go to Products/Applications/
5 - Upload the file Products/Applications/appName to iTunes
6 - When the app appear in iTunes, right click on it --> Show in Finder. This is the ipa file
7 - Send this ipa through App Loader 3.0
I dont think that it is a lasting solution but do not want to delete my certificates

.app file not getting dragged into Itunes folder

I want to generate the .ipa file for App download. I am executing code in xcode 4.5.2 and after build success, dragging the .app file to itunes folder. But, the drag itself is not happening. My device has IOS 5.1.Do i need to upgrade my device OS to IOS6 or any other reaon is the cause. Can anybody tell me, why this is happening?
For the method to generate .ipa file from .app file
see my answer to this question:
iOS App loader - what file type should be uploaded
As far as I know, you cannot drag an .app file to iTunes. You can drag an .ipa file however.
To create the .ipa file in Xcode:
Run Product / Archive. If successful, it switches to the Organizer window.
Click "Distribute...", select "Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment" and continue the wizard until you're asked to save the .ipa file.
The saved .ipa file can then be dragged to iTunes and synchronized to your device.
For uploading the app to the Apple' App Store, you don't need to explicitly create an .ipa file. You can be directly upload from the Organizer windows using the same "Distribute..." button.
