Finding duplicate cases, string-variable, SPSS - spss

Being a novel on SPSS I am struggling with finding duplicate cases based on a string-variable in a dataset containing approx 33,000 cases.
I have a variable named "nr" that is supposed to be unique id for every case. However, it turns out that some cases might have two different values in "nr" entered,the only difference being the last character. Resulting in a case being shown as two separate rows.
The structure of the var "nr" is a as follows: XX-XXXXXXX-X or X-XXXXXXX-X i.e 2-7-1 characters or 1-7-1 characters.
I would like to sort out all cases that have a "nr" equal to another case except for the last character.
To illustrate, with a succesfull syntax I would hopefully be able to sort cases like these out from the whole dataset:
Anyone have an idea on how to make a syntax for this? Would be so grateful for any input!

I suggest to create a new variable without that last character, and then look for the doubles:
* first creating some sample data to play with.
data list list/ID (a15).
begin data.
end data.
* now creating the new variable and counting the occurrences of each shortened ID.
string ShortID (a15).
compute ShortID=char.substr(ID,1,char.rindex(ID,"-")).
* also possible: compute ShortID=char.substr(ID,1,char.length(rtrim(ID))-1).
aggregate out=* mode=add /break=ShortID/occurrences=n.
* at this point you can filter based on the number or `occurrences` or sort them.
sort cases by occurrences (d) ShortID.

After removing the last character, you can use Data > Identify Duplicate Cases to find the dups. It as a number of useful options for this.


Google Sheets - Split Data

I have these data in Google Sheets
I want them to be split into different columns.
However, when I do so using Data > Split Data into Different Columns, it separates $71 and 675_x000d_ but I need the $71,275 and remove the xoood
Please note that the last number doesn't have those extra characters.
Please help.
Your post says you want to "remove the x000d (that is, extract only the dollar amounts). That said, let's say your raw data starts in A2 (i.e., the data is in A2:A). Place the following formula into the first cell of another otherwise empty column (e.g., B1):
How It Works:
ArrayFormula(...) signifies that we'll be processing an entire range and not just one cell.
The outer curly brackets {...} signify that a virtual array will be formed from non-like or non-contiguous pieces.
The first piece of the virtual array is the header. Here, that is "Extracted"; but you can change it as you like.
The semicolon means "place the next information below the previous part."
IF(A2:A="",, ...) is a standard check that basically says "Don't try to process any blank cells in Column A"; or alternatively worded, "If any cell in A2:A is blank/null, do nothing."
Skipping the REGEXEXTRACT for now, A2:A&"_" appends an underscore to every entry in A2:A. This allows entries in A2:A that are just a dollar amount (e.g., from the post, $116,878) to have a consistent symbol following them if not already there. (And adding the underscore to anything that already has an underscore won't matter, because we won't be extracting that far out.)
Now that we've got the new strings, we SUBSTITUTE every comma for a null (i.e., delete all commas).
Finally, REGEXEXTRACT will take all of the virtually modified strings and extract \d+, which means only digits (\d) in an unbroken sequence of any length greater than 0 (+). Note that REGEXEXTRACT will only return the first such match it encounters as written, so 000 will not be extracted.
An IFERROR wrap is placed around the REGEXEXTRACT, just in case you have any situations in real life that don't have any sequence of numbers at all. In these cases, nothing will be returned (whereas, without the IFERROR, an error would have been returned).
Once the extraction is done, you can apply Format > Number > Currency (rounded) to the entire column.
After an additional comment (below), it appears that the raw data is in Column T, that all five entries are in one cell and that the OP would like all five amounts extracted across each row. That being the case, assuming that Columns U:Y are empty to start, place the following in cell U1 (not U2):
This works much the same way as the previous formula. The differences:
There are five headers now.
You'll see REPT(...,5) here. This is an easy way to repeat the same extraction five times.
That repeated extraction is now the following:
The backslash in front of the dollar signs means to treat those symbols as literals instead of as their usual meaning (i.e., end-of-string). So the extraction reads as follows:
\$ anything that starts with a dollar sign
(\d+) extract what is between the ( ), which is any group of digits [^$]*` followed by any number (including 0) characters that are not dollar signs
As I said, the REPT will repeat this five times; so five groups matching this pattern will be extracted.
Understand that if you have any groups that don't follow the pattern exactly, resulting in five matching extractions, nothing will be returned.
Be sure to format U:Y as currency rounded, or you will wind up with some of those numbers translating as raw dates and therefore being completely off.
Please use the following formula and format cells to your needs.
The big advantage of the above formula compared to others is that it works for any number of lines included within a single cell (as shown in the image below).
Functions used:
You can use SPLIT function:

What are buckets in terms of hash functions?

Looking at the book Mining of Massive Datasets, section 1.3.2 has an overview of Hash Functions. Without a computer science background, this is quite new to me; Ruby was my first language, where a hash seems to be equivalent to Dictionary<object, object>. And I had never considered how this kind of datastructure is put together.
The book mentions hash functions, as a means of implementing these dictionary data structures. This paragraph:
First, a hash function h takes a hash-key value as an argument and produces
a bucket number as a result. The bucket number is an integer, normally in the
range 0 to B − 1, where B is the number of buckets. Hash-keys can be of any
type. There is an intuitive property of hash functions that they “randomize”
What exactly are buckets in terms of a hash function? it sounds like buckets are array-like structures, and that the hash function is some kind of algorithm / array-like-structure search that produces the same bucket number every time? What is inside this metaphorical bucket?
I've always read that javascript objects/ruby hashes/ etc don't guarantee order. In practice I've found that keys' order doesn't change (actually, I think using an older version of Mozilla's Rhino interpreter that the JS object order DID change, but I can't be sure...).
Does that mean that hashes (Ruby) / objects (JS) ARE NOT resolved by these hash functions?
Does the word hashing take on different meanings depending on the level at which you are working with computers? i.e. it would seem that a Ruby hash is not the same as a C++ hash...
When you hash a value, any useful hash function generally has a smaller range than the domain. This means that out of a large list of input values (for example all possible combinations of letters) it will output any of a smaller list of values (a number capped at a certain length). This means that more than one input value can map to the same output value.
When this is the case, the output values are refered to as buckets.
Consider the function f(x) = x mod 2
This generates the following outputs;
1 => 1
2 => 0
3 => 1
4 => 0
In this case there are two buckets (1 and 0), with a bunch of input values that fall into each.
A good hash function will fill all of these 'buckets' equally, and so enable faster searching etc. If you take the mod of any number, you get the bucket to look into, and thus have to search through less results than if you just searched initially, since each bucket has less results in it than the whole set of inputs. In the ideal situation, the hash is fast to calculate and there is only one result in each bucket, this enables lookups to take only as long as applying the hash function takes.
This is a simplified example of course but hopefully you get the idea?
The concept of a hash function is always the same. It's a function that calculates some number to represent an object. The properties of this number should be:
it's relatively cheap to compute
it's as different as possible for all objects.
Let's give a really artificial example to show what I mean with this and why/how hashes are usually used.
Take all natural numbers. Now let's assume it's expensive to check if 2 numbers are equal.
Let's also define a relatively cheap hash function as follows:
hash = number % 10
The idea is simple, just take the last digit of the number as the hash. In the explanation you got, this means we put all numbers ending in 1 into an imaginary 1-bucket, all numbers ending in 2 in the 2-bucket etc...
Those buckets don't really exists as data structure. They just make it easy to reason about the hash function.
Now that we have this cheap hash function we can use it to reduce the cost of other things. For example, we want to create a new datastructure to enable cheap searching of numbers. Let's call this datastructure a hashmap.
Here we actually put all the numbers with hash=1 together in a list/set/..., we put the numbers with hash=5 into their own list/set ... etc.
And if we then want to lookup some number, we first calculate it's hash value. Then we check the list/set corresponding to this hash, and then compare only "similar" numbers to find our exact number we want. This means we only had to do a cheap hash calculation and then have to check 1/10th of the numbers with the expensive equality check.
Note here that we use the hash function to define a new datastructure. The hash itself isn't a datastructure.
Consider a phone book.
Imagine that you wanted to look for Donald Duck in a phone book.
It would be very inefficient to have to look every page, and every entry on that page. So rather than doing that, we do the following thing:
We create an index
We create a way to obtain an index key from a name
For a phone book, the index goes from A-Z, and the function used to get the index key, is just getting first letter from the Surname.
In this case, the hashing function takes Donald Duck and gives you D.
Then you take D and go to the index where all the people with Surnames starting with D are.
That would be a very oversimplified way to put it.
Let me explain in simple terms. Buckets come into picture while handling collisions using chaining technique ( Open hashing or Closed addressing)
Here, each array entry shall correspond to a bucket and each array entry (if nonempty) will be having a pointer to the head of the linked list. (The bucket is implemented as a linked list).
The hash function shall be used by hash table to calculate an index into an array of buckets, from which the desired value can be found.
That is, while checking whether an element is in the hash table, the key is first hashed to find the correct bucket to look into. Then, the corresponding linked list is traversed to locate the desired element.
Similarly while any element addition or deletion, hashing is used to find the appropriate bucket. Then, the bucket is checked for presence/absence of required element, and accordingly it is added/removed from the bucket by traversing corresponding linked list.

How do I efficiently search through an ordered list?

I have a function that predicts a words being typed and returns the possibilities in an array. Unfortunately those aren’t sorted by frequency used. So I have a list of 10K ordered words listed by most frequent to less frequent. What would be an efficient way to compare the words in the array and the ordered list to return the most frequent one? (i.e the one it encounters first?)
I was tipped off by a friend to use a binary search tree but I really don't see how that helps me. From what I understood from the following website, only numerical values can be used.. Am I wrong in thinking so? Is there a better way of doing the aforementioned task?
Thanks in advance
You could create a dictionary with words as keys and frequencies as values. Then iterate over your result array, use the dictionary to obtain the frequency value for each item, and predict the item with the highest frequency.
I wouldn't use a vanilla binary search tree here. It would be possible - as Taylor Kirkpatrick says, you could just create a tree with words as keys and frequencies and use that to find the frequency for each result word, in much the same way as the dictionary solution.
The problem is that you cannot guarantee that a simple binary tree will be balanced. From the sound of it your data would probably be OK, since your words are in frequency order. The worst case would be if the words were in alphabetic order - then your binary tree would end up being identical to a linked list - it would never branch, since every node would attach to the right of the previous one. So the computational complexity of a search would be the same as iterating over the array of words - O(n) instead of O(log2N) (which is the best case for binary trees).
Of course, you could guard against this by randomising the list of words before doing the insert. But to my mind it's just easier to use a dictionary. I don't know what the actual implementation of Swift dictionaries is (and we won't until they open source it in a couple of months), but you can take it as read that it will out perform a vanilla BT for value retrieval.
I don't know what the background to this problem is - if you are learning CS it might be worth implementing the BST just for intellectual growth - in this case, with only 10,000 items you might find the performance differences are ultimately quite small. But if you are a working programmer trying to solve a problem, go with the dictionary approach.
You put all your words into a dictionary or a set. That's it. Dictionary if you have data associated with the words, set if you have no data and just want to know if the word is in the list or not.
You might want to use a Trie.
Put your word list into it. For every character entered, you traverse the Trie as deeply as you can and then show all paths to leaf nodes as possible completions.
Since the world like you have is likely static, you can precompute the Trie and load from disk/network/whatever at startup if performance is a concern.
You can use a binary search tree with anything as the actual value. To actually make use of the tree, use the frequency of the words as the numerical value. This is actually a pretty good solution to your problem. Each node of the tree will contain this word and a numeric value that represents the frequency of the word.
Here are a few links to help you out with making it.
Hope that helps.

How to get a % difference of two NSStrings

I'm thinking this may be impossible to do resonably, but I figured I would take a shot at it. So lets say I have two NSStrings. One is #"Singin' In The Rain" and the other is #"Singing In The Rain". These strings are very similar, but have a small difference. I'm trying to find a way where I could write something like the following:
NSString *stringOne = #"Singin' In The Rain";
NSString *stringTwo = #"Singing In The Rain";
float dif = [stringOne differenceFrom:stringTwo];
//dif = .9634 or something like that
One project that I did find similar to this was taken from the previous similar question on Stack Overflow: Check if two NSStrings are similar. However, this simply returns a BOOL which isn't as accurate as I need it to be. I also tried looking into the compare: documentation for NSString but it all looked too basic. Another similar thing I found is at However, this gives varying results, even saying two of the same string are different occasionally. Any advice would be much appreciated.
The question is a little vague, but I would assume that the most satisfactory results will come from using NSLinguisticTagger. If you parse each for tags with the NSLinguisticTagSchemeLexicalClass scheme then your string will be broken down into verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. In your example, even if you weren't spotting that singin' and singing are the same, you'd spot the other three words are the same and that the thing at the end is a noun, so they're both about doing something in the same thing.
It'd probably be wise to use something like a BK-Tree to compare individual words where you suspect there may be a match (a noun obviously doesn't match an adverb but two nouns may match even if spellings differ).
Another off the wall suggestion:
The source, and hence the algorithm, for diff and similar programs is easily available. These compare input on a line-by-line basis and detect insertions, deletions and changes.
When comparing text strings for "closeness" then the insertion, deletion or changing of words seems as good a measure as any.
Break each string into "words" (white space separated should be sufficient).
Compare the two lists using the diff algorithm, treating each "word" as a "line", use a re-sync length of 1 (the number of "lines" that need to be the same to treat the two inputs as back in sync)
Calculate the "closeness" as the number of insertions/deletions/changes compared to the total word count.
For the two example strings this would give 1:4 changes or 75% similar.
If you want greater granularity for each change split the two words into characters and repeat the algorithm giving you a fraction the word is similar by (as opposed to the whole word).
For the two example strings this would give 3 6/7 words out of 4, or 96% similar.
I'd recommend dynamic time warping for such comparisons:
This will however return distance between two strings (so you'll get 0 for identical), but this the best starting point I can think of.

How to detect tabular data from a variety of sources

In an experimental project I am playing with I want to be able to look at textual data and detect whether it contains data in a tabular format. Of course there are a lot of cases that could look like tabular data, so I was wondering what sort of algorithm I'd need to research to look for common features.
My first thought was to write a long switch/case statement that checked for data seperated by tabs, and then another case for data separated by pipe symbols and then yet another case for data separated in another way etc etc. Now of course I realize that I would have to come up with a list of different things to detect - but I wondered if there was a more intelligent way of detecting these features than doing a relatively slow search for each type.
I realize this question isn't especially eloquently put so I hope it makes some sense!
Any ideas?
(no idea how to tag this either - so help there is welcomed!)
The only reliable scheme would be to use machine-learning. You could, for example, train a perceptron classifier on a stack of examples of tabular and non-tabular materials.
A mixed solution might be appropriate, i.e. one whereby you handled the most common/obvious cases with simple heuristics (handled in "switch-like" manner) as you suggested, and to leave the harder cases, for automated-learning and other types of classifier-logic.
This assumes that you do not already have a defined types stored in the TSV.
A TSV file is typically
My suggestion would be to:
Count up all the tabs
Count up all of new lines
Count the total tabs in the first row
Divide the total number of tabs by the tabs in the first row
With the result of 4, if you get a remainder of 0 then you have a candidate of TSV files. From there you may either want to do the following things:
You can continue reading the data and ignoring the error of lines with less or more than the predicted tabs per line
You can scan each line before reading to make sure all are consistent
You can read up to the line that does not fit the format and then throw an error
Once you have a good prediction of the amount of tab separated values you can use a regular expression to parse out the values [as a group].
