Is it possible to have overlapping views with auto layout? - ios

I'm trying to have to views overlap as shown in the picture below, but I couldn't figure out how would I go about doing it with auto layout.
I tried doing the bottom view programmatically, and it worked fine except for the button which I had laid out using interface builder.
If it's possible to have views overlap what are the constraints needed, and is there a way to let the button show on top of the view in the bottom without doing programmatically?

You can do something like this.
make the second view uplift with minus value:
Here is the output. SecondView(green) has been uplifted to -50

You can do overlapping views using InterfaceBuilder. First create the top view i.e the one with image, give its constraints like top ,trailing,leading and bottom space. Then create the overlapping view.
The constraints for the overlapping view can be its trailing space, leading space,bottom space and height.
Then add those buttons inside that view.

In the interface builder, using a constraint, hook the top of the bottom view to the bottom of the top view, and then edit the constant in the Size Inspector to move it like you want.
It should look something like this:


iOS Autolayout: How to show / hide a view including its margins?

Assume the following, simple layout:
Three views vertically stacked upon each other
Using simple vertical spacings between the views
Is it possible to hide the red view including its margins using constraints / AutoLayout only?
Settings redView.isHidden = true will hide the red view but will not change the position of the blue view. The blue view will stay at the same position as if the red view would be visible.
Using redView.removeFromSuperview() to completely remove the red view would show the desired result. Due to its optional spacing constraint to the gree view the blue view would move to where red view was. However it would be quite hard to re-show the red view because all its constraints would have to be set up from scratch.
In Android setting the visibility to View.INVISIBLE simply hides a view (as the first case described here) while View.GONE renders the remaining layout as if the view was not there at all.
Can this be done with iOS using constraints / AutoLayout only?
Of course I can achieve the same buy manually manipulating the constraints and setting up new constraints in code. But the question is, if there is a more convenient solution as in Android?
A VerticalStackView seems to fit your requirements. You can include all the views in the stack view and set the spacing directly on it.
Then, is one of the views is hidden, the stack view will automatically adjust all the constraints.
Take a look at the pictures:
If possible, wrap your views in a vertical UIStackView. You can then individual views and the other views will be rearranged as intended. You also don't need to add constraints between items, since the stackview handles the spacing between views.
The simplest way is to embed the views into a StackView and when one of them is hidden, the one below will move up into its place.
Follow these steps:
Add all the views you need in the storyboard/xib
Editor - Embed in stackView
Set the spacing in the stackView
Set the stackView constraints
Create outlets for the views you want to be hidden in a certain case
Set that views hidden property to true
Regarding the constraints, you can set them for the StackView and for the vertical one, just set the equal spacing and the space properties in the StackView.

Autolayout with a dynamic UIView in a ScrollView

I'm using a mix of Xamarin and XCode Interface Builder to build my UI.
As you can see in the screen shots the PlaceholderView at the top can have different content. The problem I'm having is trying to keep the Submit button at the bottom of the ContentView.
I'm using the ScrollView with ContentView approach and setting constraints in IB.
In ViewDidLoad() I load the contents for the PlaceholderView and then I set the height constraint of the PlaceholderView programmatically.
public override void ViewDidLoad()
onlineSuspectDetails = OnlineSuspectDetailsView.Create();
onlineSuspectDetails.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray;
SuspectDetailsPlaceholderView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(onlineSuspectDetails.HeightAnchor, 1).Active = true;
Now of course I had to set a Top and Bottom constraint for the Submit Button so it's working for one type
but I can't see a way to change it depending on height of the PlaceholderView in order to keep the Submit Button at the bottom.
If I could access the Bottom constraint I can calculate the new Top constraint but I can't find a way to access the Bottom constraint. How can I do this?
Are there any alternative suggestions to how I can solve this problem?
Hmmm... a bit tricky...
There may be better ways to do it, but here is one approach:
Orange = main view background
Pale Yellow = scroll view background
Gray = UIView... "label / field pairs" container; label/field pairs are in a standard UIStackView
Cyan = UIView... "details" container
Dark Green = button
Red = UIView... this is the tricky part... is a "Shim" to hold the button at the bottom
View constraints are inset by 8 so we can see them easier than if they're taking up the full screen/view.
Gray view and Details view constraints for positions / sizes are straight-forward (looks like you have no problem with that aspect).
In this method, we use a "Shim" view, and some greater-than-or-equal-to constraints to manage the Button's position.
The Shim is pinned leading and top to Zero, and its Height constraint is set to >= -30 relative to the scroll view height. Its bottom constraint is also set to >= 8 relative to the bottom of the Details view.
This tells auto-layout to put the bottom of the Shim no more than 30-pts from the bottom of the scroll view AND at least 8-pts below the bottom of the Details view.
Then the top of the Submit button is constrained to the bottom of the Shim view.
One "quirk" that I've found when working with scroll views in Interface Builder - it can be really tough (maybe impossible?) to get IB to be happy with the necessary constraints. It will show conflicts, but if you follow IB's "fixes" the desired layout then fails.
I don't actually work with IB / Storyboards, so I just focus on avoiding auto-layout / constraint conflicts at runtime.
This is probably easier to understand by seeing the actual file, so I put this up as a GitHub repo:
How are you actually adding the button to the main view? I have done something like this before by having a master UIView for everything except the button. And then I just put the button below the view and applied auto layout to everything (should just be 0,0,0,0 on the view and button). This way your button is always at the front of your view and you can do everything else in the contained view!

AutoLayout : Relative scaling of views

I want to achieve consistent views across different screens. My layout constraints works on small screens perfectly but it scrambles on large screens.
I have made a view(Red Border indicating that view)and pin it in to the main super view. Then I have made sub views and put it inside that view. I have pinned the the top bottom trailing and leading edge of the layout which contains button of the it's parent view (Red Border indicating that view). The view containing button is looking like this in small screen (iPhone 5)
while it's looking in big screens like this (iPhone 6 and above)
I want this layout to have the same relative height in all the screens like the other views. How can I achieve this?
I guess you can use UIView that contains a button inside and set bottom,lead,trailing,top constraints for the UIView. Then you can set height constraint of that UIView and set multiplier values to have relative height to its superView(=Red box). Finally, you can set constraints for your button inside the UIView whatever you want. If you know how to use StackView, I recommend you to use it because it is easy and simple solution. Here is very good tutorial about StackView.
If height is constant for subview except that button view the layout will be like what you mentioned in the first image .If you kept height as constant for that button view the problem will be solved

Why auto layout constraints not working?

I'm setting constraints in IB like
But when i run the app on iPhone4 it shows
Why last three buttons not shown properly on iPhone4 screen?is there any mistake in my constraints ?
Edit:- This is my view hierarchy:-
UITabbarControlle -> UINavigationController -> UIViewController and tab bar controller is rootviewcontroller.
Edit:- FYI there is no effect of any constraints on the screen(basically autolayout not working for me).
You have designed the buttons on 4 inch and you don't have enough space on 3.5 for all of them.
One way to do this is to place scroll view over your view controller's view and add the buttons on the scroll view.You have to add constraint on the scroll view , to be fixed on each side (without width/height).
After that grab all the buttons and add constrains on each side and sizes , so they will be fixed
If you , on other hand, have enough space for all the buttons to fit in 3.5' without any top/bottom margins you can add the button in UIView (instead of scroll view). Place the buttons in the view and set fixed width/height on that view.Center the view and it will keep his size (with the buttons inside on both screen sizes)
There is an issue in your constraints, you have to update them.
You can do as is shown on the image bellow:
Once done, you will see, the Orange lines under your buttons turned to blue.
I wish that helps you!
Your view is probably within a UIScrollView which will extend your total contentheight. It is not related to the absolute height of your viewport.
However, what do you expect? Your 3 buttons would overlay to the next buttons, if your theoretical approach would work.
What you need to to do is to wire all buttons to each other and give the view a top and bottom constraint to the top and bottom layout. You probably need to adjust your view to be on full screen and not to extend to the bottom.
Hint: as long as something is 'yellow' you need to add further constraints.

How to use ScrollView and ContainerView with Autolayout checked

I have trouble implementing scrollview with auto layout:/
Here is simple "Hello World" project with that problem:
But the problem… I need to create scrollview, but also I need to use auto layout. So I created pure single view application, added (like I saw in some tutorials) Scrollview (the same size as main view), added constraints (all zeros) and then add Container View (the same size as scroll view), add constraints and.. It's didn't work:/ It doesn't scroll. Here is the screen of that situation:
Now, when I delete two constraints named: Center X and Y Alignment (marked on the screen), it works perfectly, but Xcode5 doesn't quite like it :/ and shows some errors like on the next screen below.
Why does he want width and heigh 0 ?!
Actually ContainerView doesn't matter. I've also tried with image view. When you select "Add missing constraints" it also add Center X and Y Alignment. And scroll doesn't work. When you delete them, scroll works but you have this warring:
Ok, I find manually adding the autolayout constraints to be quite confusing, using the "Add New Constraints" button at the bottom really comes in handy, try this, after you get each view where you want it use that way of adding layout constraints for each view (ie scrollView, containerView, UIImageView) I did this, and heres the example, select each constraint as I have so that the top, left, bottom, and right edges are set, this should do exactly what you want.
You will probably want to erase all your current constraints and then implement them this way.
heres the layout like you want
and heres the example adding the constraints:
To keep it dynamic so that you can rotate it, you will want to do the above for all view BUT the container view... then If you control drag from container to scrollview with no constraints, you can add all of them that it suggests except for the height and width at the bottom, that satisfies any missing constraints and should do the trick, It will center the container inside of the scrollview and keep it pinned to the top, bottom, left and right, and it should dynamically change with your scrollview content size.
Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps!
I had a similar problem and i found relative simple solution from within Interface Builder using pure Autolayout without any code.
For proof-of-concept at first remove any constraint in View Controller to if see this works.
This is sample layout:
View (main view of my UIViewController)
Scroll View (UIScrollView)
Container View (UIView)
Content View (e.g. UIImageView)
A. Scroll View width/height should be smaller that Container View width/height
B. Container View should have some determinated width/height (may be explicit width/height )
C. Do Control-drag Container View to Scroll View and add only:
Leading Space to Container
Trailing Space to Container
D. Check out those two constraints and set "constant" value for both to 0
E. Run app and
