MSAL library sign in without response - ios

I'm trying an application that is able to display all and create new events for the Outlook calendar. I am using the MSAL library to get the authentication code. The problem is that although the login screen appears when I touch the buttons enter or cancel I do not notice any reaction. This is my code:
class OutlookManagerController: BaseViewController {
let oClientKey = "a07745a5-3b90-4385-a2b2-8223dbf68688"
let authScopes = ["openid+"]
func getAcessToken(){
if let application = try? MSALPublicClientApplication.init(clientId: oClientKey) {
application.acquireToken(forScopes: authScopes) { (result, error) in
if result != nil {
let userToken = result!.accessToken!
} else {
else {
print("Unable to create application.")

It would appear that you are not listening for the return of the auth code from the SFSafariViewController which MSAL launches when you call AcquireToken(). MSAL uses the SFSafariViewControllerfor login in order to enable better security and provide Single Sign-On across applications. You just need to set up a redirect URI that has the ability to call back your application and use the correct Issuer for your tenant.
That is the problem you are running in to. Sign in is successful, but Azure can't find it's way back to your app!
First, some groundwork.
System Webviews
Most modern OAuth2 libraries now use the System Webview for signing a user in. A System Webview is a browser component that an application can launch that appears to be part of the application but is actually an isolated process which runs the operating system's web browser. For iOS this is the SFSafariViewController and on Android it is Chrome Custom Tabs.
The benefit of the System Webview for singing a user in are numerous, including:
Better security. An application can not access the credentials typed in to a System Webview as it's an isolated browser process.
Today many applications use a username and password form or an embedded webview to get credentials. This allows an application to listen in and grab these credentials. Many companies have begun disallowing applications that have this kind of sign in. System Webviews ensures your app doesn't have this problem.
Single Sign-On. Once a user has signed in with the System Webview, a cookie is placed in the browser and that account is available to any application, preventing the need for a user to sign in to every app separately.
As more consumers and businesses leverage phone SMS and other factors as additional steps, having to redo this step as well as use your password is getting very annoying for customers. System Webviews remove this problem.
Better control. A user can choose which account to provide the application, or add a brand new account in the System Webview if supported.
You've seen Google and Microsoft make the transition to this System Webview with our latest SDKs as well as update our identity services, and it's to give the customer these protections and features. App Auth from the OpenID project, which has code contributed by both Google and Microsoft engineers among others, also provides this support.
System Webview Needs To Return Back To Your App
One of the things that might have occurred to you reading the above is this:
If an application now calls a System Webview for sign-in, and has no control over it, how do I get the tokens I need back from the System Webview?
The answer is that you must leverage the mechanisms each operating system has to call back the application, and then use the redirectURI from the OAuth2 protocol to return the response back to that application using that mechanism. It's almost exactly like how this works in a web browser. You get redirected away from the website to an identity provider for sign in, and then the identity provider uses the redirectURI to return the user back to the website with tokens in the response somewhere.
For iOS this done through Custom URL Schemes. A URL scheme is in the format of CFBundleURLScheme:\\CFBundleURLSchemes and is defined as:
A string containing the abstract name of the URL scheme. To ensure uniqueness, it is recommended that you specify a reverse-DNS style of identifier, for example, com.acme.myscheme.
The string you specify is also used as a key in your app’s InfoPlist.strings file. The value of the key is the human-readable scheme name.
An array of strings containing the URL scheme names—for example, http, mailto, tel, and sms.
To register a URL type for your app, include the CFBundleURLTypes key in your app’s Info.plist file. The CFBundleURLTypes key contains an array of dictionaries, each of which defines a URL scheme the app supports.
How To Get A System Webview To Return To Your App
So, combining these two things, it's fairly simple what you need to do:
Figure out what your URL scheme will be for your app (e.g. appauth://abc123.
Tell Azure AD what your new URL scheme is, adding it as another redirectURI for your application.
Configure your application to listen for this URL scheme and launch the app
Configure the application itself to grab the token once this URL scheme launches your app (App Auth, as well our own MSAL libraries, do this for you!)
1. Figure out what your URL scheme will be for your app
You can read up on how to make URL schemes from Apple's Inter-App Communication documentation, but we recommend you use the scheme of appauth://<client id> (e.g. appauth://ab032846-efee-481f-b6bc-493aae92c432)
2. Tell Azure AD what your new URL scheme is
You need to add this URL scheme as a RedirectURI to your app. This is easy to do. Just visit and select your application. Scroll down to Custom App URIs under Native Applications and add your new redirectURI!
3. Configure your application to listen for this URL scheme
Add the following to your info.plist file as per Apple's instructions in Inter-App Communication. It should look something like this, although different apps will have different and additional URL schemes registered:
4. Configure the application itself to grab the token
Although listening for a response back from a web browser to an application is a well known pattern for all iOS apps, the actual implementation varies by the identity SDK you use. For MSAL put the following code in your AppDelegate.m file:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
print("Received callback!")
return true
The code is rather easy to understand once you know the background above. This is all about receiving a response from the identity service by grabbing the URL that is returned and then giving everything in that URL back to the app so it can grab the tokens it needs to continue it's work.
That's it!
Your app should now work with Azure Active Directory. This pattern of the System Webview is common both across many Identity Providers (Microsoft, Google, Facebook) and mobile platforms.
This is documented in our sample application here.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
return true


Firebase Phone Authentication Using Multiple Authentication Providers

We've been having trouble using Firebase Auth configured with multiple authentication providers.
The documentation specifies that an application can support multiple firebase projects.
Email Sign In
We have been able to successfully configure our application so that email authentication works with multiple authentication providers.
For example:
// Configure secondary app
FirebaseApp.configure(name: "SecondaryAuth", options: options)
// Retrieve newly created app
guard let secondaryApp = "SecondaryAuth") else { return }
// Retrieve an Auth client configured against newly created app
let secondaryAuth = Auth.auth(app: secondaryApp)
So calling secondaryAuth.signIn(withEmail: …, password: …) is successful and works just fine.
Phone Sign In
The problem we are facing is related to phone authentication.
We have noticed that PhoneAuthProvider’s initializer can take in an Auth parameter, which leads us to believe that phone authentication should work using different authentication providers.
The documentation specifies that for phone authentication to work we must:
Enable phone number sign in on our Firebase projects
Enable app verification using:
Silent Push Notifications
We have enabled these requirements and our app’s Firebase projects all support:
Phone number sign in
Have properly configured APNS
Xcode project has correctly configured URL Schemes
The problem we are facing is that after we call verifyPhoneNumber by passing the PhoneAuthProvider a secondary auth like so:
PhoneAuthProvider.provider(auth: secondaryAuth).verifyPhoneNumber(..., uiDelegate: nil)
We are receiving this error message:
'Please register custom URL scheme 'app-1-...' in the app's Info.plist file.'
Keep in mind that we have specified the proper URL Scheme pertaining to the secondaryApp previously mentioned inside the app’s info.plist.

Twitter API: How Do I Create a Protocol Only Callback URL?

In Twitter's Developer Documentation we can read the following:
Mobile apps with app-specific protocols must use just the protocol
You want to use example://authorize as your callback URL
Add this to both your Twitter app dashboard and your call to oauth/request_token: example://
However; in the Developer's Dashboard I am not able to enter a protocol only URL, or any URL beginning with other than http or https.
My reason for wanting a protocol only URL is so that I can use in an iOS app that uses OAuthSwift to access web APIs.
Any ideas anybody?
I haven't found the answer to the original question but I do have an excellent work around. So, for anyone else who might land here:
The web app at
will perform redirections. If you access that web site with the url then it will redirect to oauth-swift://oauth-callback/target.
In the Twitter Dashboard enter for your app's callback URL
Register oauth-swift as a URL scheme in your iOS app's URL Types
In your iOS app, use as the callback URL for the OAuth authorization request.
Voila. Twitter will redirect to which will in turn redirect to oauth-swift://oauth-callback/SomeName, allowing your iOS app to regain control of the flow.
If you find any of this confusing then this might help:

How to implement DeepLinking If user don't have app then?

I have 3 requirement for DeepLinking or Universal Links to my project.
If user is having the application then URL should redirect to application with content.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore and after download the app it should go to that page with data which I am sending with URL.
Links which I followed:
What I understood is:
Creating and Uploading the Association File and for this I have to follow some steps:
Adding support for universal links is easy. There are three steps you need to take:
Create an apple-app-site-association file that contains JSON data about the URLs that your app can handle. Upload the apple-app-site-association file to your HTTPS web server. You can place the file at the root of your server or in the .well-known subdirectory. Prepare your app to handle universal links.
Creating and Uploading the Association File
To create a secure connection between your website and your app, you establish a trust relationship between them. You establish this relationship in two parts:
An apple-app-site-association file that you add to your website
A entitlement that you add to your app
Preparing Your App to Handle Universal Links.
In your entitlement, include a list of the domains that your app wants to handle as universal links. To do this in Xcode, open the Associated Domains section in the Capabilities tab and add an entry for each domain that your app supports, prefixed with applinks:, such as
Problem is: I followed all steps and I have a url I added it in the domain in my Associated Domain.
Example: https://<My_Domain>/anything.
Now Backend is generating URL and sending.
We are using Http server.
Route::get('appstore',function(){ return redirect()->away('');});
Problem is when I am clicking on that URL I am not getting any popup for already app and also After download how data I will get ?
Am missing something or backend is missing something?
So it seems like you are trying to accomplish deferred deep linking, which means you route the user to the content if the app is installed or you route the user to the app store to download the app and present them the content once the app is opened. This is very difficult to do by yourself and I'll explain more in a bit.
It looks like you are setting up your universal links correctly but the redirect to the app store is fairly hacky. Universal Links are meant to be used to redirect users to the web version, which means bringing them to the app store instead is no easy task.
If you do get the user to the app store, deferred deep linking which is just directing them to the content after they install the app is nearly impossible to do yourself without using a third-party service like Branch. Branch also will allow you to push users back to the app store to download the app, if that's the user experience your looking for.
Hope this helps!

iOS safely pass content between apps

I'm curious if there is a way to safely pass content between apps on iOS. The ultimate goal is to implement oauth between two ios apps.
Since apps are not guaranteed to have unique url schemes, this option is out.
I have considered using keychain groups, but do not have experience with this. It looks like an app needs to specify exactly which apps can access the keychain items.
Are there any other options? Is there some sort of identifier (such as android bundle ID) that can be used to verify the apps during a request?
You can use URL schemes for this.
The basic process
You'll have a ServerApp and many ClientApps. The ServerApp listens to an URL-scheme like serverapp://. The client then can make a call to the server to ask it for authentication. The client has to implement an URL-scheme too. E.g. ClientAppOne implements the URL scheme clientapp1://. The server takes as parameter a backlink to the client app. E.g. the client calls the URL serverapp://auth?back=clientapp1%3A%2F%2Fserverapp-auth (here the backlink is clientapp1://serverapp-auth and has been urlencoded).
The server then checks the users identity, asks him for permission, password, etc. and then uses the backlink to provide the data. How the backlink works exactly is application specific, but you usually need at least 2 parts: an access token and a username. E.g. a backlink will then be clientapp1://serverapp-auth?success=1&token=fi83ia8wfzi3s8fi8s3f8si8sf&user=robert or maybe in case of error clientapp1://serverapp-auth?success=0&errno=421. The client then needs to verify the accesstoken through some public (or private) API, e.g. The server will return some structured response.
Necessary components
an URL scheme on the server App
an URL scheme on each client App
an SDK that is to be included into each client app and that handels the details of authentication, and a standard UI component (e.g. facebook has a standard button that says "login with facebook", so the ServerApp needs some re-recognizable button that says something like "login with ServerApp")
a server that provides services that can be accessed through the access token.
a defined API that explains how the client has to communicate with the server
an SDK to be included into the client that handels such client-server-communication (should be part of the SDK mentioned in component 3.)
maybe a wiki that documents all of the steps above, so that you and other developers dont lose track
a way to invalidate access tokens, and a way for the client to detect if an access token has been invalidated. furthermore, if the user changes his password, all access tokens should be invalidated.
Random notes
in your client app you can check if the serverapp is installed by calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"serverapp://auth"]].
the URL schemes should be sufficently collission-free. These URLs are never seen by users, only by developers, so they don't have to be beautiful. You can e.g. append the iTunes-Connect-App-ID to your URL-scheme, like serverapp1234567://. This will greatly reduce the possibility that someday some other app will use the same URL scheme.

iOS: ShareKit >> Twitter Settings >> Callback URL --- What is it?

I'm trying to implement ShareKit in my app; in the SHKConfig.h file, in the section where the Twitter applications settings are required, there is a line where I'm supposed to set the Callback URL:
I have opened a Twitter application on Twitter and filled all the fields there, but I'm not clear regarding to what data should be inserted in the Callback URL field:
Can anyone explain?
The callback parameter you write in your application settings in Twitter is ignored, you can write anything, example: (anything will do since it is ignored).
When you add a callback url in the #define, its value will be sent to twitter in the owner authorization step, and will override the value that you previously wrote in the Twitter website. Weird, I know. It's related to this security vulnerability.
The callback parameter is the URL Twitter is going to send the user after authentication. When running in websites instead applications, the URL callback is used to recover control of the OAuth flow.
On Applications, you can set it to a custom scheme like myapplication://twitter and then register the scheme myapplication in your app. This way, after authentication, the Twitter website running in UIWebView or Safari launches that URL, which iOS knows is assigned to your app, and that's how you recover control of the OAuth flow.
That's the theory, I don't know exactly how ShareKit works. It may be that it runs the authentication on a UIWebView and detects the activity of the user to recover control manually, which is another way to do it.
I'm using new version of ShareKit and in sources there is this comment about callback for twitter:
Callback URL' should match whatever you enter in
SHKTwitterCallbackUrl. The callback url doesn't have to be an actual
existing url. The user will never get to it because ShareKit
intercepts it before the user is redirected. It just needs to match.
I set in twitter settings callback url as, set this same in sources and it works like a charm! :]. Hope this help.
You can use this
func application(_ application:UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
let directedByTWTR = Twitter.sharedInstance().application(application, open: url, options: options)
return directedByTWTR
