Get user Apple Music playlists from an iOS application - ios

From my iOS app, I need to get all the user playlist available in the Apple Music application.
Is it possible without the MusicKit SDK (prior iOS11) ?

Support back to iOS 3.0 with MPMediaPlaylist.


Showing advertisements in the middle of playing video ios swift

I want to show advertisement while playing video in app like youtube. My app contains videos, while seeing video, in the middle of the video i need to show the advertisement like youtube. I checked with Admob, but i didn't get solution. Anyone having idea of how to do this?
Interactive Media Ads SDKs allows iOS native application developers to request and track VAST ads (ProRol,MidRol,PostRol,Skipable etc) in the iOS (9.0+) environment.
It supports AVPlayer as well.
Here is is complete documentation of IMA SDK

creating iOS app for Apple TV using titanium appcelerator

I have created iOS app using appcelerator titanium I want to know if this created app will run on Apple TV or will need to create separate app for Apple TV ?
The idea is to have single ipa that supports iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
I googled but couldn't find any document where app can be created using Appcelerator for Apple TV.
There is an open request ticket at
So currently it is not supported
You could try to add it just like using the watchOS target in your app. It may require a bit more tooling when talking about resources, but in general they could be merged together.

Is it possible to integrate Brightcove in iOS app?

I want to integrate the Brightcove in my iOS app for implementing Video Live Streaming & broad casting.
And also getting data form Brightcove cloud and its API's.
I know it is possible in Android.
If it is possible in iOS then if there is any issues / challenges while uploading the app to the Appstore.
is there any other alternative / best way for doing this please suggest me.
Thanks in Advance.
You can integrate the iOS SDK provided by the brighcove.
Appstore will not reject the App until and unless it violates the App store guidelines link.

Some questions about Apple Watch

I'm started to working with Apple Watch today.
I'm searched on internet about Apple Watch & watchOS 2, but have some stuck while understand all of them (please for give me for bad English, thanks):
1. Can Apple Watch detect shake motion of user when they're shaking their hand? (I mean like shake to change song when play music, shake to change picture?). In iOS I'm using the function motionBegan, motionEnd to detect it. But don't know how to detect this event on apple watch, seem like Apple doesn't mention it on their document. Can you show me how to detect shake event of user?
2. In example, I have an application running on iOS version. How can I create one more version for Apple Watch that can communicate with my iPhone app?
3. Apple say from watchOS 2, the app can run natively without the iphone. But when I'm created a demo app, I'm still need iphone to build & run. Is there anyway to build & run my app in my watch without the phone?
4. I was created an demo app on watchOS 2, which have an button. Now I want whenever I'm pressed on this button the Siri will appear to recognize my voice. Is Apple let me to access Siri from my own app? If yes, how can I do it in my code?
1. You can access a subset of the CoreMotion API on the AppleWatch. But the use of this API is limited to when the AppleWatch app is active. So if the user has your app active on their wrist they could shake and you could get CoreMotion data to detect what you need. Check out the available APIs on CoreMotion here.
2. Don't really understand the question try to clarify a bit. If you are looking for how to send messages between the iOS and watchOS app check out my post here Send messages between iOS and WatchOS with WatchConnectivity in watchOS2
3. Yes AppleWatch apps in WatchOS2 runs natively. But you still need an iOS app to get the AppleWatch app installed. Apple watch is mainly developed to act as a companion to your phone. So when you install an iOS app you get the choice to install the (if it exists) companion AppleWatch app.
4. Oficially, no. You canĀ“t access the Siri API for now.

Create playlist using iPod Library Access API?

Is it possible to create a playlist on iOS using the iPod Library Access API? By playlist I mean one that persists globally and can be accessed in the Music app.
No, there is no way for applications to write any information at all to the iPod library, as least in iOS7.1 and earlier.
