iOS Charts graphing a line from a function - ios

I am using the iOS-charts library in (Swift 3) to plot my data into a scatter chart. I can do this part easily but now I am trying to get a non-linear best fit line to display too. Does the charts library have any easy functions for finding a best fit line, and if not how do I create a line from a function if a have to derive the best fit line function myself. I know how to create a line graph from data points but do not know if charts allows you to make one from a function. An example of what I'm trying to do is above. Any help is appreciated thanks.
Link to iOS-charts


How to draw or implement a pie chart using phpspreadsheet?

Well, I did not found any documentation for the graph chart except the API documentation which is cryptic for me, so if any of the PHPspreadsheet saw this please consider document this class.
My question is how to draw a pie chart and implement it into an excel sheet, view it directly or save it to a file or all the previous if possible
Have you looked at the examples at all? In Samples/Charts, the 33_Chart_create_pie.php example is fairly clear, showing how to create a pie chart, with plenty of comments explaining what each line of code is doing

Stacked value with line chart with highcharts

I got an situation like this. I would like to using line chart to draw stacked value. I have tried google search but i can't find the solution.
For example: On date May/23 i got 3 values, i would like to display these on line-chart.
How could i achieve this? Does highcharts support to do this one. Please take a look at the link attach to clearer the question
Stacked line chart image
Addition info: Im using highcharts to do this one
Thanks for any comment or answer
Follow jlbriggs
I should use scatter-chart to achieve this one
Regarding the tooltip, I would suggest using a scatter series instead of a line. Set the lineWidth in the plotOptions and it will plot just like a line series, but the tool tips are handled differently. Example:

How does one add annonation on a Google Scatter Plot?

I can do it in a area chart, but for the life of me it can't get it to work on a scatter plot. Is it at all possible? Google's tutorial is incredibly short and mysterious:
End of the first paragraph in your link:
They’re currently available for line and area charts only.

Secondary Axis in axlsx charts

I am working on the xlsx report generation, and for that I am using axlsx gem. I looking for the option to show secondary Y-axis (for 2nd series in charts) in line and bar charts. Is there any way to do so?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not well versed in axlsx much less charting in general, but from what I've read on the documentation there are thee possible 'axes' to choose from. valAxis, catAxis and serAxis. If I'm to assume you want depth to your chart, use serAxis.

Extending coreplot to draw Gauge Chart and Perot Charts?

Is there a way to extend coreplot library to create Gauge chart and Perot Chart? Could someone please point me in the right direction.Or is there any other library available to achieve the same.
Subclass CPTPlot and create a custom plot types. Look at the existing plots to see the required structure. The most important parts are the data loading and drawing methods.
