Integers Larger than Int64 - ios

I'm attempting to get a user input number and find the sum of all the digits. I'm having issues with larger numbers, however, as they won't register under an Int64. Any idea as to what structures I could use to store the value? (I tried UInt64 and that didn't work very well with negatives, however, I'd prefer something larger than UInt64, anyways. I'm having a hard time implementing a UInt128 from Is there a number type with bigger capacity than u_long/UInt64 in Swift?)
import Foundation
func getInteger() -> Int64 {
var value:Int64 = 0
while true {
//we aren't doing anything with input, so we make it a constant
let input = readLine()
//ensure its not nil
if let unwrappedInput = input {
if let unwrappedInt = Int64(unwrappedInput) {
value = unwrappedInt
else { print("You entered a nil. Try again:") }
return value
print("Please enter an integer")
// Gets user input
var input = getInteger()
var arr = [Int] ()
var sum = 0
var negative = false
// If input is less than 0, makes it positive
if input < 0 {
input = (input * -1)
negative = true
if (input < 10) && (input >= 1) && (negative == true) {
var remain = (-1)*(input%10)
input = (input/10)
else {
var remain = (input%10)
input = (input/10)
// Adds numbers in array to find sum of digits
var i:Int = 0
var size:Int = (arr.count - 1)
while i<=size {
sum = sum + arr[i]
i = (i+1)
// Prints sum

You can use a string to perform the operation you describe. Loop through each character and convert it to an integer and add to the sum. Be careful to handle errors.


Cannot assign value of type 'Int' to type 'Range<Int>' and Binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type '_' and 'Float'

I got this error. Also, function range could not do this multiplication and division by g for some values that I ranged.How can i could fix this problem?
class ballShooter {
var ballShooter : Int = 0
var teta = 0 ..< 90
var v = 0 ..< 100
var g = 10
init(ballShooter:Int,teta:Int,v:Int,g:Int) {
self.ballShooter = ballShooter
self.teta = teta
self.v = v
self.g = g
func range(r: Int)->Int {
let r = v * v * sin(2 * teta) / g
return r
When you declare var teta = 0 ..< 90 you are telling the compiler that the variable teta (theta?) contains a half-open Int range from 0 to less than 90. Thus, your initializer needs to take a value of type Range of Int for the teta parameter.
Do you really want teta and v to contain ranges? Or are you trying to set limits to the values that callers can assign to those variables?
If your goal is to set limits on the legal range of values for a variable, you have to implement that for yourself. Here is some sample code illustrating how you might do that:
class Foo {
// This determines the legal range of values for aVal.
public var validValRange = 50...200
public var aVal: Int {
set {
// Make sure the value is in range before updating the internal var
if validValRange ~= newValue {
_aVal = newValue
get {
// Return the previously validated value.
return _aVal
// This is a private variable that stores validated values for aVal
private var _aVal: Int = 0
You could test it with code like this:
let aFoo = Foo()
aFoo.aVal = 52
aFoo.aVal = 500
That would print "52" since the value 500 is out of range.

How to generate a 4 digit random number with unique digits?

Like: 0123, 0913, 7612
Not like: 0000, 1333, 3499
Can it be done with arcRandom() in swift? Without array or loop?
Or If that impossible, how it be done with arcRandom() in any way ?
You just want to shuffle the digits and pick the number you want.
Start with Nate Cook's Fischer-Yates shuffle code.
// Start with the digits
let digits = 0...9
// Shuffle them
let shuffledDigits = digits.shuffle()
// Take the number of digits you would like
let fourDigits = shuffledDigits.prefix(4)
// Add them up with place values
let value = fourDigits.reduce(0) {
$0*10 + $1
var fourUniqueDigits: String {
var result = ""
repeat {
// create a string with up to 4 leading zeros with a random number 0...9999
result = String(format:"%04d", arc4random_uniform(10000) )
// generate another random number if the set of characters count is less than four
} while Set<Character>(result.characters).count < 4
return result // ran 5 times
fourUniqueDigits // "3501"
fourUniqueDigits // "8095"
fourUniqueDigits // "9054"
fourUniqueDigits // "4728"
fourUniqueDigits // "0856"
Swift Code - For Generation of 4 digit
It gives number between 1000 and 9999.
func random() -> String {
var result = ""
repeat {
result = String(format:"%04d", arc4random_uniform(10000) )
} while result.count < 4 || Int(result)! < 1000
return result
Please Note - You can remove this Int(result)! < 1000 if you want numbers like this - 0123, 0913

Random number from an array without repeating the same number twice in a row?

I am making a game using Swift and SpriteKit where i move an object to random locations based on an array.
The array that is made up of CGPoints:
let easyArray = [CGPointMake(0,0), CGPointMake(126.6,0), CGPointMake(253.4,0), CGPointMake(0,197.5), CGPointMake(126.7,197.5), CGPointMake(253.4,197.5), CGPointMake(0,395), CGPointMake(126.7,395), CGPointMake(253.4,395)]
I use this function to generate a random number:
func randomNumber(maximum: UInt32) -> Int {
var randomNumber = arc4random_uniform(maximum)
while previousNumber == randomNumber {
randomNumber = arc4random_uniform(maximum)
previousNumber = randomNumber
return Int(randomNumber)
I used this to move the object based on the random number generated:
let greenEasy = randomNumberNew(9)
let moveSelector = SKAction.moveTo(easyArray[greenEasy], duration: 0)
I have done some reading online and found that the "While" condition should make it so that the same random number isn't generate twice in a row. But it still happens.
Can anyone please help me on how to make it so i don't get the same number twice in a row?
The code below doesn't random the same number.
var currentNo: UInt32 = 0
func randomNumber(maximum: UInt32) -> Int {
var randomNumber: UInt32
do {
randomNumber = (arc4random_uniform(maximum))
}while currentNo == randomNumber
currentNo = randomNumber
return Int(randomNumber)
I think Larme's suggestion is pretty clever, actually.
selector.runAction(SKAction.moveTo(easyArray.last!, duration: 0))
I would recommend to not use while() loops with randomizers.
Theoretically it can cause infinite loops in worst case scenario, in more positive scenario it will just take few loops before you get desired results.
Instead I would advice to make an NSArray of all values, remove from this NSArray last randomized element and randomize any of other existing elements from such an array - that is guarantee result after only one randomize iteration.
It can be easily achieved by making NSArray category in Objective-C:
- (id) randomARC4Element
if(self.count > 0)
return [self objectAtIndex:[self randomIntBetweenMin:0 andMax:self.count-1]];
return nil;
- (int)randomIntBetweenMin:(int)minValue andMax:(int)maxValue
return (int)(minValue + [self randomFloat] * (maxValue - minValue));
- (float)randomFloat
return (float) arc4random() / UINT_MAX;
If you can use linq then you can select a random value that doesn't match the last value. Then for any left over values you can loop through and find valid places to insert them.
It's not the most efficient but it works.
public static List<int> Randomize(List<int> reps, int lastId) {
var rand = new Random();
var newReps = new List<int>();
var tempReps = new List<int>();
while (tempReps.Any(x => x != lastId)) {
var validReps = tempReps.FindAll(x => x != lastId);
var i = rand.Next(0, validReps.Count - 1);
lastId = validReps[i];
while (tempReps.Any()) {
var tempRep = tempReps.First();
bool placed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < newReps.Count; i++) {
if (newReps[i] == tempRep) {
else if ((i < newReps.Count - 1) && (newReps[i + 1] == tempRep)) {
else {
newReps.Insert(i + 1, tempRep);
placed = true;
if (placed) {
else {
throw new Exception("Unable to randomize reps");
return newReps;

Generate a Swift array of nonrepeating random numbers

I'd like to generate multiple different random numbers in Swift. Here is the procedure.
Set up an empty array
Generate a random number
Check if the array is empty
a. If the array is empty, insert the random number
b. If the array is not empty, compare the random number to the numbers in array
i. If the numbers are the same, repeat 2
ii. if the numbers are not the same, insert the random number and repeat 2
import UIKit
//the random number generator
func randomInt(min: Int, max:Int) -> Int {
return min + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max - min + 1)))
var temp = [Int]()
for var i = 0; i<4; i++ {
var randomNumber = randomInt(1, 5)
if temp.isEmpty{
} else {
//I don't know how to continue...
If you use your method the problem is, that you will create a new random-number each time. So you possibly could have the same random-number 4 times and so your array will only have one element.
So, if you just want to have an array of numbers from within a specific range of numbers (for example 0-100), in a random order, you can first fill an array with numbers in 'normal' order. For example with for loop etc:
var min = 1
var max = 5
for var i = min; i<= max; i++ {
After that, you can use a shuffle method to shuffle all elements of the array with the shuffle method from this answer:
func shuffle<C: MutableCollectionType where C.Index == Int>(var list: C) -> C {
let count = countElements(list)
for i in 0..<(count - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i))) + i
swap(&list[i], &list[j])
return list
Ater that you can do something like that:
shuffle(temp) // e.g., [3, 1, 2, 4, 5]
The construct you’re looking for with your approach might be something like:
var temp: [Int] = []
while temp.count < 4 {
var randomNumber: Int
do {
randomNumber = randomInt(1, 5)
} while contains(temp, randomNumber)
This will be fine for tiny ranges like yours, but for larger ranges it will be very slow, because for the last few numbers you are waiting for the random number to hit precisely the remaining handful of possibilities. I just tried generating from a range of 200 in a playground and it took 9 seconds.
If you want a random selection of numbers with guaranteed coverage over a range, you could generate it like by taking that range and shuffling it, like this:
func shuffle<S: SequenceType>(source: S) -> [S.Generator.Element] {
var rangen = GeneratorOf { arc4random() }
let a = Array(Zip2(rangen, source))
return a.sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 }.map { $0.1 }
let min = 1, max = 5
If you want a selection of n non-repeating random numbers from a range 0..<m, there’s a particularly pretty algorithm to do this that generates an ascending sequence of random numbers from that range:
func randomGeneratorOf(#n: Int, #from: Int) -> GeneratorOf<Int> {
var select = UInt32(n)
var remaining = UInt32(from)
var i = 0
return GeneratorOf {
while i < from {
if arc4random_uniform(remaining) < select {
return i++
else {
return nil
Which you could use like so:
let engines = [
"Duck","Emily","Gordon","Henry", "Mavis",
let picks = Array(randomGeneratorOf(n: 3, from: engines.count))
for engine in PermutationGenerator(elements: engines, indices: picks) {
Below is my suggestion.
I like this way since it is short and simple :)
let totalCount: Int = 150 //Any number you asssign
var randomNumArray: [Int] = []
var i = 0
while randomNumArray.count < totalCount {
let rand = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(totalCount)))
for(var ii = 0; ii < totalCount; ii++){
if randomNumArray.contains(rand){
print("do nothing")
} else {

Immutable array on a var?

I am getting the error:
Immutable value of type 'Array Character>' only has mutating members of name removeAtIndex()
The array should have contents because that removeAtIndex line is in a loop who's condition is if the count > 1
func evaluatePostFix(expression:Array<Character>) -> Character
var stack:Array<Character> = []
var count = -1 // Start at -1 to make up for 0 indexing
if expression.count == 0 {
return "X"
while expression.count > 1 {
if expression.count == 1 {
let answer = expression[0]
return answer
var expressionTokenAsString:String = String(expression[0])
if let number = expressionTokenAsString.toInt() {
} else { // Capture token, remove lefthand and righthand, solve, push result
var token = expression(count + 1)
var rightHand = stack(count)
var leftHand = stack(count - 1)
stack.removeAtIndex(count - 1)
stack.append(evaluateSubExpression(leftHand, rightHand, token))
Anyone have any idea as to why this is? Thanks!
Because all function parameters are implicitly passed by value as "let", and hence are constant within the function, no matter what they were outside the function.
To modify the value within the function (which won't affect the value on return), you can explicitly use var:
func evaluatePostFix(var expression:Array<Character>) -> Character {
