Pattern matching on a list of tuples - f#

I am attempting to create a function to pattern match a structure which is a tuple containing a value and a list of tuples of the form
'a * ('b * 'c) list -> 'b list
for example given the following:
let clubDetails = ("MyClub", [("Secretary", "Jill");("Captain", "Bob");("Email", "")])
I need a function to return the list ["Secretary";"Captain";"Email"]
So I thought I could do something like this :
let getClubAttributes ca =
match ca with
| (a, [(b,c)]) -> [b]
| _ -> []
but here
getClubAttributes clubDetails
Returns the empty list. I feel like I am missing something pretty obvious.

The pattern match form that you have written will only match if the list in your tuple has exactly one element.
I note that you have written a default _ case in your pattern match which returns the empty list and this is the case you are hitting. I suspect you've added this case to remove the compiler warning but the compiler warning is, in fact, warning you of this exact problem.
You do not actually need a pattern match because your data structure can be handled with only one case.
let clubDetails = ("MyClub", [("Secretary", "Jill");("Captain", "Bob");("Email", "")])
let getClubAttributes (ca, attribList) = fst attribList
The new getClubAttributes function simply creates a new list from the original by taking the first element of each item in the list.


F# pattern matching with optional list of tuples

I'm trying to use pattern matching for an optional list of tuples but I could not write an exhaustive matching expression despite trying everything I can think of.
I'm struggling to understand why the F# compiler is insisting that my patterns in the following examples are not exhaustive.
module Mapper.PatternMatchingOddity
type A = A of string
type B = B of string
type ProblemType = ProblemType of (A * B) list option
//Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. Some ([_;_]) may indicate a case...
let matchProblem = function
|Some [(x:A,y:B)] -> []
|Some ([_,_]) -> [] //rider says this rule will never be matched
|None -> []
//same as before
let matchProblem1 = function
|Some [_,_] -> []
|Some [] -> []
//|Some _ -> []//this removes the warning but what is the case not covered by the previous two?
|None -> []
let matchProblem2 (input:ProblemType) =
match input with //same as before
|ProblemType (Some [(x:A,y:B)]) -> []
|ProblemType None -> []
How do I write the exhaustive matching and what am I missing above? Can you give an example for an input that would be accepted as a valid parameter to these functions and slip through the patterns?
Great question! I think many people that start out with F# grapple with how lists, options and tuples interact. Let me start by saying: the compiler is correct. The short answer is: you are only matching over singleton lists. Let me try to explain that a little deeper.
Your type is ('a * 'b) list option, essentially. In your case, 'a and 'b are themselves a single-case discriminated using of a string. Let's simplify this a bit and see what happens if we look at each part of your type in isolation (you may already know this, but it may help to put it in context):
First of all, your type is option. This has two values, None or Some 'a. To match over an option you can just do something like
match o with
| Some value -> value
| None -> failwith "nothing"`
Next, your type is a list. The items in a list are divided by semicolons ;. An empty list is [], a singleton list (one with a single item) is [x] and multiple items [x;y...]. To add something to the start of a list use ::. Lists are a special type of discriminated union and the syntax to match over them mimics the syntax of lists construction:
match myList with
| [] -> "empty"
| [x] -> printfn "one item: %A" x
| [x; y] -> printfn "two items: %A, %A" x y
| x::rest -> printfn "more items, first one: %A" x
Third, your list type is itself a tuple type. To deconstruct or match over a tuple type, you can use the comma ,, as with match (x, y) with 1, 2 -> "it's 1 and 2!" ....
Combine all this, we must match over an option (outer) then list (middle) then tuple. Something like Some [] for an empty list and None for the absence of a list and Some [a, b] for a singleton list and Some (a,b)::rest for a list with one or more items.
Now that we have the theory out of the way, let's see if we can tackle your code. First let's have a look at the warning messages:
Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. Some ([_;_]) may indicate a case...
This is correct, the item in your code is separated by , denoting the tuple, and the message says Some [something; something] (underscore means "anything"), which is a list of two items. But it wouldn't help you much to add it, because the list can still be longer than 2.
rider says this rule will never be matched
Rider is correct (which calls the FSC compiler services underneath). The rule above that line is Some [(x:A,y:B)] (the :A and :B are not needed here), which matches any Some singleton array with a tuple. Some [_,_] does the same, except that it doesn't catch the values in a variable.
this removes the warning but what is the case not covered by the previous two?
It removes the warning because Some _ means Some with anything, as _ means just that: it is a placeholder for anything. In this case, it matches the empty list, the 2-item list, the 3-item list the n-item list (the only one your match is the 1-item list in that example).
Can you give an example for an input that would be accepted as a valid parameter
Yes. Valid input that you were not matching is Some [] (empty list), Some [A "a", B "x"; A "2", B "2"] (list of two items) etc.
Let's take your first example. You had this:
let matchProblem = function
|Some [(x:A,y:B)] -> [] // matching a singleton list
|Some ([_,_]) -> [] // matches a singleton list (will never match, see before)
|None -> [] // matches None
Here's what you (probably) need:
let notAProblemAnymore = function
// first match all the 'Some' matches:
| Some [] -> "empty" // an empty list
| Some [x,y] -> "singleton" // a list with one item that is a tuple
| Some [_,a;_,b] -> "2-item list" // a list with two tuples, ignoring the first half of each tuple
| Some ((x,y)::rest) -> "multi-item list"
// a list with at least one item, and 'rest' as the
// remaining list, which can be empty (but won't,
// here it has at least three items because of the previous matches)
| None -> "Not a list at all" // matching 'None' for absence of a list
To sum it up: you were matching over a list that had only one item and the compiler complained that you missed lists of other lengths (empty lists and lists that have more than one item).
Usually it is not necessary to use option with a list, because the empty list already means the absence of data. So whenever you find yourself writing the type option list consider whether just list would suffice. It will make the matching easier.
You are struggling because your example is too “example”.
Let’s convert your example to a more meaningful one: check the input, so that
If it is none then print “nothing”, otherwise:
If it has zero element then print “empty”
If it has only one element then print “ony one element: ...”
If it has two elements then print “we have two elements: ...”
If it has three elements then print “there are three elements: ...”
If it has more than three elements then print “oh man, the first element is ..., the second element is ..., the third element is ..., and N elements more”
Now you can see that your code only covers the first 3 cases. So the F# compiler was correct.
To rewrite the code:
let matchProblem (ProblemType input) =
match input with
| None -> printfn "nothing"
| Some [] -> ...
| Some [(x, y)] -> ...
| Some [(x1, y1); (x2, y2)] -> ...
| Some [(x1, y1); (x2, y2); (x3, y3)] -> ...
| Some (x1, y1) :: (x2, y2) :: (x3, y3) :: rest -> // access rest.Length to print the number of more elements
Notice that I’m using pattern matching on the parameter ProblemType input so that I can extract the input in a convenient way. This makes the later patterns simpler.
Personally, when I learned F#, I didn’t understand many features/syntax until I used them in production code.

F# Binary Search Tree

I am trying to implement BST in F#. Since I am starting my journey with F# I wanted to ask for help.
I have simple a test;
let ``Data is retained`` () =
let treeData = create [4]
treeData |> data |> should equal 4
treeData |> left |> should equal None
treeData |> right |> should equal None
Tree type which uses discriminated unions
type Tree<'T> =
| Leaf
| Node of value: 'T * left: Tree<'T> * right: Tree<'T>
a recursive function which inserts data nodes into the tree
let rec insert newValue (targetTree: Tree<'T>) =
match targetTree with
| Leaf -> Node(newValue, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (value, left, right) when newValue < value ->
let left' = insert newValue left
Node(value, left', right)
| Node (value, left, right) when newValue > value ->
let right' = insert newValue right
Node(value, left, right')
| _ -> targetTree
now I have problems with create function. I have this:
let create items =
List.fold insert Leaf items
and resulting error:
FS0001 Type mismatch. Expecting a
''a -> Tree<'a> -> 'a' but given a
''a -> Tree<'a> -> Tree<'a>' The types ''a' and 'Tree<'a>' cannot be unified.
The List.fold documentation shows its type signature as:
List.fold : ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> 'T list -> 'State
Let's unpack that. The first argument is a function of type 'State -> 'T -> 'State. That means it takes a state and an argument of type T, and returns a new state. Here, the state is your Tree type: starting at a basic Leaf, you're building up the tree step by step. Second argument to List.fold is the initial state (a Leaf in this case), and third argument is the list of items of type T to fold over.
Your second and third arguments are correct, but your first argument doesn't line up with the signature that List.fold is expecting. List.fold wants something of type 'State -> 'T -> 'State, which in your case would be Tree<'a> -> 'a -> Tree<'a>. That is, a function that takes the tree as its first parameter and a single item as its second parameter. But your insert function takes the parameters the other way around (the item as the first parameter, and the tree as the second parameter).
I'll pause here to note that your insert function is correct according to the style rules of idiomatic F#, and you should not change the order of its parameters. When writing functions that deal with collections, you always want to take the collection as the last parameter so that you can write something like tree |> insert 5. So I strongly suggest you don't change the order of the arguments your insert function takes.
So if you shouldn't change the order of arguments of your insert function, yet they're in the wrong order to use with List.fold, what do you do? Simple: you create an anonymous function with the arguments flipped around, so that you can use insert with List.fold:
let create items =
List.fold (fun tree item -> insert item tree) Leaf items
Now we'll go one step further and generalize this. It's actually pretty common in F# programming to find that your two-parameter function has the parameters the right way around for most things, but the wrong way around for one particular use case. To solve that problem, sometimes it's useful to create a general-purpose function called flip:
let flip f = fun a b -> f b a
Then you could just write your create function like this:
let create items =
List.fold (flip insert) Leaf items
Sometimes the use of flip can make code more confusing rather than less confusing, so I don't recommend using it all the time. (This is also why there isn't a flip function in the F# standard library: because it's not always the best solution. And because it's trivial to write yourself, its lack in the standard library is not a big deal). But sometimes using flip makes code simpler, and I think this is one of those cases.
P.S. The flip function could also have been written like this:
let flip f a b = f b a
This definition is identical to the let flip f = fun a b -> f b a definition I used in the main example. Do you know why?

F# Finding paths in an n-ary tree

Given this tree type:
type T<'a> = N of 'a * T<'a> list
which could be declared as:
let ta = N("b", [N("c", [])])
How would I get all the possible paths in this tree? I've tried by applying the method mentioned in this post, but it just returns an empty list. This is how I've implemented it:
let rec isPath is t =
match t with
| N(x, t) -> List.collect (isPath (x::is)) t
isPath [] ta |> (printf "isPath: %A")
but it only returns isPath: []. What am I doing wrong? My secondary goal would then be to make a second function where I can pass a list of ints to check if there are any paths that correspond to this list.
You need another match condition that catches empty lists and doesn't iterate through them. Right now your List.collect, when t is empty, is iterating through an empty list and is therefore returning an empty list to the "previous" level of your recursive function. Which is then appending all those empty lists together to get... an empty list, and so on.
Add the following match case and you should get what you need:
| N(x, []) -> is
Note that this should come before your other match case in order to work: since F# processes match cases from top to bottom, N(x, t) will match anything, and N(x, []) won't ever be checked if it's second.
So you want your function to look like:
let rec isPath is t =
match t with
| N(x, []) -> is
| N(x, t) -> List.collect (isPath (x::is)) t
Again, if you don't see why this works, let me know and I'll explain further.

F# how to handle nullable types

I try to do some graphs in F#. As an input I have CSV file that has some values nullable (e.g. nullable int). I try to show chart with following code :
[for row in data.Rows -> row.A.Value, row.B.Value] |> Chart.Point
Where both A and B are nullable integers. I received following error
System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.
How I should handle nullable types. Should I write some Option type to handle it or there is some other good way how to solve it.
If you are using F# 4.0, then there is a built-in function Option.ofNullable. If no, then you can use the implementation in the other answer.
You can also use the same code to define an active pattern:
let (|Present|_|) (n:System.Nullable<_>) =
if n.HasValue then Some(n.Value)
else None
... this can be used inside a match construct and so you can write:
[ for row in data.Rows do
match row.A, row.B wih
| Present a, Present b -> yield a,b
| _ -> () ] |> Chart.Point
Where you are going wrong is: you are calling the Value property on something that might be null.
When you call Value you are effectively saying "It's okay, I have rigorously changed this value and it's definitely not null so it's perfectly safe to treat it as if it were a non-nullable value." Of course, in this case, that condition isn't met, hence the runtime exception.
In F#, you don't want to be working with Nullable<'T> types, you want to be working with Option<'T>, this is much safer and the compiler can check more effectively that you're not making a mistake.
You can convert from Nullable<'T> to Option<'T> for the list using
[for row in data.Rows -> Option.ofNullable (row.A), Option.ofNullable(row.B)]
Of course then you have to decide how you want to handle the None cases but it's much easier to do that once you've made your design explicitly tell you that you've got a value that may or may not be something.
I don't know what behaviour you want but, as an example, perhaps you want to only chart the cases where both values are valid?
You could zip two option values:
module Option =
let zip a b =
match (a,b) with
|Some sa, Some sb -> Some(sa, sb)
|_ -> None
You can then map back to plotable numbers, extracting the None cases using List.choose.
[for row in data.Rows -> Option.ofNullable (row.A), Option.ofNullable (row.B)]
|> List.choose (fun (a,b) -> a b)
|> Chart.Point
Map the Nullable type to Option type and filter them out (with .filter or .choose) or transform the None's to a special value for missing values (e.g. 0, -1, NaN) depending on your data to make them working in the charting tool.
module Option =
let fromNullable (n: _ Nullable) =
if n.HasValue
then Some n.Value
else None

Playing with F# types and getting lost

I have been doing a little reading on F# and decided to give it a try. I started with a somewhat involved example and I came up with and got lost immediately. I wonder if someone can share some thoughts on it.
I wanted to write a method called ComparisonStrategy<'T> that returns an instance of IEqualityComparer<'T>. It that takes in a variable length of ComparisonWhichAndHow<'T> instances. The type ComparisonWhichAndHow<'T> can either be:
One function of type ('T -> *), which is a method that selects a single field to compare
a 2-tuple of ('T -> 'U, IEqualityComparer<'U>) if you don't want the default Equals or GetHashCode to be used on 'U.
I have tried to draw this down on visual studio for a while now, but I can't even get the function declaration part right. I am somewhat positive I would be able to implement the method body if I can just get past this, but seems like I can't.
This is the code I have tried so far.
I am trying to achieve the 2 following things.
Come up with a generic way of generating a equal method for each object.
Sometimes some business operations might require comparing some fields of 2 objects, and some fields of their children. Not a full comparison. I am trying to make writing those code more concise and simple
This is what I have so far:
module Failed =
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
type ComparsionOption<'T, 'U> =
| Compare of ('T -> 'U)
| CompareWith of ('T -> 'U) * IEqualityComparer<'U>
// TO USE: [<ParamArray>]
// TODO: this method returns a dummy for now
let CompareStrategy (opts : ComparsionOption<'T, _> array) =
// How it's used
type Person(name : string, id : Guid) =
member this.Name = name
member this.ID = id
let fullCompare : EqualityComparer<Person> =
CompareStrategy [|Compare(fun (p : Person) -> p.Name);
CompareWith((fun (p : Person) -> p.ID), EqualityComparer<Guid>.Default)|] // error here
Looking at the problem from another perspective, it looks like you want to be able to construct objects that perform comparison in two different ways (which you specified) and then compose them.
Let's start by looking at the two ways to build an object that performs comparison. You can represent both by IEqualityComparer<'T>. The first one takes a function 'T -> Something and performs comparison on the result. You can define a function like this:
/// Creates a comparer for 'T values based on a predicate that
/// selects some value 'U from any 'T value (e.g. a field)
let standardComparer (f:'T -> 'U) =
{ new IEqualityComparer<'T> with
member x.Equals(a, b) =
(f a).Equals(b) // Call 'f' on the value & test equality of results
member x.GetHashCode(a) =
(f a).GetHashCode() } // Call 'f' and get hash code of the result
The function is 'T -> 'U using F# generics, so you can project fields of any type (the type just has to be comparable). The second primitive function also takes 'T -> 'U, but it also takes a comparer for 'U values instead of using the default:
/// Creates a comparer for 'T values based on a predicate & comparer
let equalityComparer (f:'T -> 'U) (comparer:IEqualityComparer<'U>) =
{ new IEqualityComparer<'T> with
member x.Equals(a, b) =
comparer.Equals(f a, f b) // Project values using 'f' and use 'comparer'
member x.GetHashCode(a) =
comparer.GetHashCode(f a) } // Similar - use 'f' and 'comparer'
Now you're saying that you'd like to take a sequence of values created in one of the two above ways to build a single comparison strategy. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Do you want two objects to be equal when all the specified comparers report them as equal?
Assuming that is the case, you can write a function that combines two IEqualityComparer<'T> values and reports them as equal when both comparers report them as equal like this:
/// Creates a new IEqualityComparer that is based on two other comparers
/// Two objects are equal if they are equal using both comparers.
let combineComparers (comp1:IEqualityComparer<'T>) (comp2:IEqualityComparer<'T>) =
{ new IEqualityComparer<'T> with
member x.Equals(a, b) =
comp1.Equals(a, b) && comp2.Equals(a, b) // Combine results using &&
member x.GetHashCode(a) =
// Get hash code of a tuple composed by two hash codes
hash (comp1.GetHashCode(a), comp2.GetHashCode(a)) }
This is essenitally implementing all the functionality that you need. If you have some object Person, you can construct comparer like this:
// Create a list of primitive comparers that compare
// Name, Age and ID using special 'idComparer'
let comparers =
[ standardComparer (fun (p:Person) -> p.Name);
standardComparer (fun (p:Person) -> p.Age);
equalityComparer (fun (p:Person) -> p.ID) idComparer ]
// Create a single comparer that combines all of them...
let comparePerson = comparers |> Seq.reduce combineComparers
You could wrap this in a more object-oriented interface using overloaded methods etc., but I think that the above sample shows all the important components that you'll need in the solution.
BTW: In the example, I was using F# object expressions to implement all the functions.
