Unable to intergrate Dokuwiki with Mantis Bug tracker - mantis

I have setup Mantis and trying to intergrate Dokuwiki with mantis.I ve setup but when I click on Wiki menu, it says" Permission Denied"
If anyone has come across this issue,please let me know of the options to resolve.


Download video from site that required login and doesn't allow copy URL

I am a newbie and I need to download videos from this learning site for offline use. The most I have tried is using dev tools on Chorme and that doesnt help. Also when right-clicking, the copy URL option greyed out. On the Network tab i can see that its getting the video from other site which is blocked for me (403 forbidden).
I've found similar thread but it doesnt help alot too: Download video from a website which requires login and doesn't have URL
And the link's here but it required login: https://dathouzz.edu.vn/lesson/10853-2/
Can anyone tell me the idea to do this?

GitHub desktop not logging out of old account

Hi everyone I am getting a real weird error. A while back I started a Github account from an old email and wasn't active with and forgot about. Lately, I have opened a new github account with a different email that has all my current projects.
I had github desktop installed (older version) but like my old account I never really used. So I reopened it to access my new account but it is still connect to my old account. I logged out from the options and signed in via my new account through the web but the actual repositories and folders it is show are still from my old account. I have tried updating, resinstalling and installing github desktop and signing out and signing back in various times and it is still connecting to my old account.
I am thinking there is still come connection with my Github desktop and my old account and need to somehow break the connection via the terminal but not aware of any command to do this.
If I am unable to break this connecting to my old account it seems to me like a major security issue with GitHut desktop. Hopefully thats not the case.
Does anyone have anyways of solving this issue or is this something that I should report to Github?
This also happens when trying to log out from Git Bash, you have to go to "Control Panel" > "User Accounts" > "Credential Manager" > "Windows Credentials" and look for the application. Then, remove the credentials of Github. Hope this is usefull.

How to troubleshoot Microsoft Graph authentication?

How do I go about troubleshooting login problem with the Microsoft Graph API?
I'm using the new nodejs-connect-rest-sample on node 6.9.1, and used the quick-start page to generate and an AppID. After pressing the "Connect to Microsoft Graph" button, and choosing my normal Hotmail account for login, I'm redirected to an error page saying:
We're unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
What's the next step in troubleshooting this sort of error?
The error page URL actually contains a query string with a more detailed explanation than the displayed web page does... In my case: https://login.live.com/err.srf?lc=1033#error=invalid_request&error_description=The+provided+value+for+the+input+parameter+'redirect_uri'+is+not+valid.+The+expected+value+is+'https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf'+or+a+URL+which+matches+the+redirect+URI+registered+for+this+client+application.&state=a9SlXZGisoIQrPQUbDHX732izad7LJzM
The login.live.com page should be able to display this more detail description, but currently fails to, but I'm going to mark this answered as far as a "next step", because I found I could correct the problem by changing the redirect URL registered for the app.

Google Analytics configuration file can't be created

I'm adding Google Analytics to my iOS app, and there seems to have been some changes in the SDK. The tutorial at https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ios/v3/ says that I have to create a configuration file, but when I click on the "Get a configuration file" link I'm directed to a page that just shows a loading spinner (with some errors printed to the browser console).
I don't have time to wait for Google to fix their service, so I'm wondering if it's possible to create the file manually?
It seems that if you look at the error in the browser console and go to the URL it can't load, you can sign in and it works. And thereafter, the original link works too.
As crazy as it sounds, I resolved this error by using Internet Explorer to load the site.
user102008's answer worked for me. I also noticed that if you create a new Property in the GA Admin panel, the configuration file generator page will load properly.

Scringo twitter integration callback URL configuration

I have followed the directions to a tee from http://www.scringo.com/docs/android-guides/popular/connect-to-social-networks/ to integrate Twitter with Scringo.
I'm using a callback URL of the form (http://www.example.com). On Twitter, access is set to read only and "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter" is checked. Consumer key and secret are set in assets/scringo.properties file.
My error message is
01-30 17:25:53.937: E/Scringo(1067): Scringo Twitter error: Did you configure the Callback URL in your Twitter app settings page (dev.twitter.com)
I don't really think my code is the cause, because even the main Scringo samples from Scringo's site don't work with my properties file.
I think it's worth mentioning that I have successfully integrated Facebook into my Scringo application, so any considerations about network are a not an issue.
I think you are facing this issue because of a recent twitter change. mentioned here https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/24239
To fix this you need to change twitter4j lib version to 3.0.5 [Scringo libs folder will have twitter4j-core-3.0.4.jar]. I am able to resolve my app twitter integration issue with this change.
