Apple Watch and Tizen shared library - ios

We would like to bring some functionalities of an home banking mobile application to smart watches; we are evaluating Samsung Gear(Tizen) and Apple watch.
Do you know if it is possible to share a core library between the two platforms (Tizen, watchOS)?
It would contain just a generic wrapper to the rest API, some error handling and obviously nothing platform specific like the UI.
Something like a shared c/c++ library targeted for each specific platform.

Adding to RzR's comment, there are some tricky things in this approach. Tizen is moving in the direction of supporting Xamarin.Forms which should have some chance of doing what you want (see I don't, however, know if that support is planned for the Tizen Wearable profile. A generic (platform-specific) shared library in general turns out to be frowned on by both Apple Store and Tizen Store policies, so that's going to have a harder time working out. A Tizen web app, on the other hand, should have an easy time working with REST, that's the idea of those... but whether they can access any Samsung Gear-specific features (as opposed to generic Tizen Wearable features) if you need those is a question that would require some research.

I am not apple wizard, but If I remember correctly iOS is only using static libraries (libfoo.a), but Tizen can use native shared ones and this can be bundled into TPK. Iotivity project is supporting both, you'll find some hints about bundling shared lib into package:


How to reduce my iOS app's bundle size?

I am working on an iOS app that integrates with multiple bluetooth devices (e.g. printers and barcode scanners). Each of the devices comes with it's own version of SDK and most of them just have objective-c/swift SDKs but not javascript SDKs.
Would like to find out what is the best way to reduce the app bundle size at the same time supporting multiple devices ?
Based on my investigations,
iOS doesn't allow downloading objective-c/swift code dynamically during runtime, hence the option of downloading the SDKs after the user having installed the app is ruled out.
Would like to get a feedback on the feasibility of the below solution. Also let me know if there is a better solution.
iOS version 8+ support embedded frameworks - Have separate iOS driver
apps for each of the supported devices which just installs the device
SDK as a shared embedded framework so that the parent app can
dynamically link to the shared embedded framework if one that matches
the connected device is available, otherwise force the user to
download the respective driver app.
This question has gone unanswered for a little while, so you may have already figured this out, but no, you cannot make shared embedded frameworks on iOS. Only Apple can do that. All of the frameworks you use must be either provided by Apple or embedded inside your app.

Third party framework in iOS

my question is very general. Is it possible to use third-party framework in an iOS app project? I mean, does Apple allow developers to use frameworks like GPUImage (it is only an example) in their app?
I found this two documents in which Apple says that it is possible in OSX but not in iOS. By your experience, is it correct what I found?
Yes Apple will allow you to use third party libraries in your project, otherwise there wouldn't be this many third party libraries available.
The only restriction is that the library can not be loaded dynamically and should be compiled into the app binary.
Yes, I will quote popular example of third party SDK libraries like Facebook sdk and youtube for example. There are lot of example that can be proven for the use of third party library/SDK.

Using twilio sdk for an iOS app?

I am planing to develop an VoIP iOS app and use Twilios SDK. I am making the choice to either use LiveCode,, PhoneGap or build a native Objective C app. I am going to build the app for iOS, Android and HTML5 so the ideal would be to develope in JavaScript for all platforms, but as I understand the support for WebRTC is laking on the iPhone so the alternative for iOS is the native twilio SDK.
My requirements is:
be possilbe to use in iPhone 5 with iOS 7 be able to use twilio iOS
SDK´s voip functionality or twilio´s js SDK (if it is possible to
wrap a browser that supports RTC in the code?) be able to integrate
billing such as in-app payment or paypal with zooz or similar
communicate with REST API´s such as Amazon S3 or a node.js server
store temporary info in a SQLLite db when app is off line make fast
and responsive views (file listings etc) is very important
create cfuuid´s
I have seen several Twilio projects that use PhoneGap but none that are using LiveCode.
I have already built an iOS VoIP app in Objective C, but I want to be able to release it on several platforms also such as for Android and build a HTML5 app, without redoing everything.
This isn't really a programming question and should perhaps not be asked here.
You can create an external for LiveCode and quickly create an interface using the LiveCode IDE. This is probably a quick and easy way to make a working app. If you're starting with LiveCode but are experienced in Objective-C, creating an external won't be a problem for you.
LiveCode doesn't contain native iOS controls, which means that you have to emulate the GUI. If you use PhoneGap, you also will need to compile a plugin for PhoneGap using Objective-C, but you can use a framework, such as JQuery, to get the right GUI.
Either way, you will have to compile the SDK and you'll need to be quite profound in Objective-C.
LiveCode will meet all your requirements. However, Apple will deny your app if you use PayPal for in-app purchases. You'll have to use Apple's in-app purchasing feature. I believe this is possible in LiveCode now. I'm not sure how easy it is.
I'm not sure about file listings either. On iOS, you won't have complete access to all files on the phone. This isn't a LiveCode limation but a limitation of the OS.

What WiFi-Direct Libraries Exist?

I want to play with screen sharing between my apple devices. I know WiFi direct is part of what supports the Airdrop feature to send files between macs and want to play around with that API.
I'll keep on searching, but was wondering if anyone has done this before or if Apple won't let you touch that API.
I'd also be happy to hear about any libraries that may be available specifically for raspberry-pi or for Linux in general.
A friend of mine demoed an Android project he was working on the other day that utilized the AllJoyn library. AllJoyn is an open source API that supports Wifi-direct as well as other wireless protocols and is supported on Android, Linux, and iOS. It might be worth looking in to.

How can I integrate 3rd party iOS SDKs into a Forge/Trigger app?

I am trying to integrate the TestFlight iOS SDK into my Forge app. Can't seem to find any clear way to do this. Is this even possible?
Trigger doesn't yet have a native plugin API to allow for arbitrary native code to be included in your apps.
Our focus has been on keeping the development cycle quick and simple: as native plugins are necessarily much more complex than just writing HTML/CSS/JS, we've not prioritised support for them.
Native plugins are definitely on our roadmap, but at the moment we'd prefer to offer 3rd party SDKs as optional modules to all of our users. If you have a particular need, get in touch at
