Third party framework in iOS - ios

my question is very general. Is it possible to use third-party framework in an iOS app project? I mean, does Apple allow developers to use frameworks like GPUImage (it is only an example) in their app?
I found this two documents in which Apple says that it is possible in OSX but not in iOS. By your experience, is it correct what I found?

Yes Apple will allow you to use third party libraries in your project, otherwise there wouldn't be this many third party libraries available.
The only restriction is that the library can not be loaded dynamically and should be compiled into the app binary.

Yes, I will quote popular example of third party SDK libraries like Facebook sdk and youtube for example. There are lot of example that can be proven for the use of third party library/SDK.


Can you integrate firebase SDK inside an iOS library?

I have an iOS library and would like to integrate firebase SDK into it so that I can see crashes and other things that happened in the library. I am wondering if this is doable?
Yes. It is usually best to include it from a statically linked library, but possible from a dynamic library.
See details at

Apple Watch and Tizen shared library

We would like to bring some functionalities of an home banking mobile application to smart watches; we are evaluating Samsung Gear(Tizen) and Apple watch.
Do you know if it is possible to share a core library between the two platforms (Tizen, watchOS)?
It would contain just a generic wrapper to the rest API, some error handling and obviously nothing platform specific like the UI.
Something like a shared c/c++ library targeted for each specific platform.
Adding to RzR's comment, there are some tricky things in this approach. Tizen is moving in the direction of supporting Xamarin.Forms which should have some chance of doing what you want (see I don't, however, know if that support is planned for the Tizen Wearable profile. A generic (platform-specific) shared library in general turns out to be frowned on by both Apple Store and Tizen Store policies, so that's going to have a harder time working out. A Tizen web app, on the other hand, should have an easy time working with REST, that's the idea of those... but whether they can access any Samsung Gear-specific features (as opposed to generic Tizen Wearable features) if you need those is a question that would require some research.
I am not apple wizard, but If I remember correctly iOS is only using static libraries (libfoo.a), but Tizen can use native shared ones and this can be bundled into TPK. Iotivity project is supporting both, you'll find some hints about bundling shared lib into package:

Resolve common external library in both App and third party SDK in iOS

Both the app and a third party SDK use same external library. Since its the same set of symbols, I am unable to compile the app code because of duplicate symbol error.
Can anyone suggest an alternative or approach?

iOS - Speech to text, dictation

I have to develop an app which allows user to speech text, but there are some APIs in the iOS SDK which allow that? Or even third part libs? I have only one problem : the app is in italian language, so a third part lib has to support italian language.
As of iOS 10 (which isn't released at the time of writing), there is a new speech recognition API. It supports over 50 languages and dialects.
If you are looking for a solution, I'd strongly recommend this over a third party library... Apple will keep it up to date, support it, and improve it. You have none of those guarantees with a third party library.
Any UITextField or UITextArea can be dictated using the built-in dictation feature (in devices that support it of course).
An API is not available and you cannot use Siri directly for that.
As of this post there is no way of doing this using native iOS SDK. However, you have the IBM Bluemix Speech-to-Text service available to you for free:

How can I integrate 3rd party iOS SDKs into a Forge/Trigger app?

I am trying to integrate the TestFlight iOS SDK into my Forge app. Can't seem to find any clear way to do this. Is this even possible?
Trigger doesn't yet have a native plugin API to allow for arbitrary native code to be included in your apps.
Our focus has been on keeping the development cycle quick and simple: as native plugins are necessarily much more complex than just writing HTML/CSS/JS, we've not prioritised support for them.
Native plugins are definitely on our roadmap, but at the moment we'd prefer to offer 3rd party SDKs as optional modules to all of our users. If you have a particular need, get in touch at
