Add hyperlink to Apple Passbook front page - ios

I tried to find solution for this across lot of resources on the internet including the Passbook documentation but I didn't have any success.
I know it's possible to add hyperlink on the back of the Passbook but that's not something I can use.
I'm trying to create a Passbook with the logo, date and title on the top, two hyperlinks (buttons) in the middle and the barcode in the bottom of the Passbook.
Thanks in advance!

No, it's not possible to add hyperlinks to the fields on the front of a pass. The data detector behaviour of Wallet only applies to back fields.
Under the Standard Field section, you'll see mention of dataDetectorTypes. It's stated there.


Markup feature in images in swift

I've created a chat app, where user can chat and share images. Now I need to add feature where user can edit and perform some annotation on images. I've heard from iOS 9 there's a new feature called markup to perform editting on images. I've checked UIActivityViewController and couldn't find in it. Is this feature available and can it fit to my requirement? If not, is there any other alternatives that I can approach?
Yes you are Right Markup feature is available from ios 9.
iOS 9 has introduced a set of markup tools for images that you attach
with a message in the Mail app.
To use this feature,
1) Open the Mail app and compose a new message (or reply to an old one if that’s what you need to do).
2) Tap and hold on the message body area and in the floating actions bar, tap the Insert Photo or Video option. From your camera roll, insert a photo.
3) Tap and hold on the photo and in the floating actions bar that appears on the photo, tap the new ‘Markup’ option.
--> Your photo will be enter in Editing mode.
Markup tool will look like this ,
From the link whats-new you will find that apple implement markup option for mail.
So, As per your Question , Markup image facility provided bydefault by apple in Mail. so, i think you can't implement it programatically. but when user will open the mail from UIActivitycontroller from your application then user will get Markup feature with following above procedure. (But user have to manually do process to enable Markup feature)
You can also check video on youtube ,
How to markup and annotate an attachment in iOS 9
Reference link regarding markup feature,
I hope this info is helpful for you.

iOS Email keyboard customize

In my app, I have a UITextField using UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress.
There is space key in bottom centre. I think space key is no needed.
So I'd like to change the key to or
Is it possible?
Even if it's possible, Apple will approve it?
Yes, instead of using UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress you could design your own input view (which I suppose in your case would be whatever keyboard you design) and then set that as the input view of your text field.
Sample code can be seen in this tutorial, and more information can be found in this official Apple documentation.

Customising the keyboard system wide for new language in iOS 8

From iOS 8 it is possible to add custom keyboard from our application which can be used system wide.
I need to create such a keyboard which can be used to input custom characters(a new language). I have these characters as images.
How can I use these images to input as characters from the keyboard into a textfield?
Please suggest any tips, link, methods etc..
Thanks in advance
You cannot put custom images in text fields because they are used to input text, not images.
The only possibility is custom font with images, but it will not be available system-wide and text fields are under control of the host app. For the available methods to insert characters see this documentation page
Try to follow this guide. Actually I've found plenty of similar guides using google.
Also Apple's custom keyboard guidelines might be helpful

Creating an Emoji-Like Keyboard

I am looking to create an emoji keyboard, which works similar to the native one on iPhone.
Currently all apps that provide a keyboard, do not let you insert an emoji inline with the text.. rather they provide you the ability to 'paste' it in like an image.
In addition to this, if an emoji is sent to a user that doesnt have the app installed, will they see the 'emoji' or will it display as a bunch of random characters?
I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, as I cannot find the detail I am looking for.
As for creating custom keyboards, you should get started by reading Apple's official documentation on the subject.
To answer your question about displaying Emoji: Any platform that supports Emoji will see them as an Emoji. A good source to see which platforms support it is Any other platforms will likely display it as an empty square, since it is not a supported character.
Any custom emoji keyboard you create will show up like a picture attachment, iOS especially doesn't allow custom inline emojis. Check out these two articles they might help with even more info:

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?
The one that shows up on top left corner.
Take a look at this. It's the Apple development guide.
Also look into this. It's specific to Apple Watch App labels.
This link specifically has the methods and properties used to resize label text within an Apple Watch App.
Both of these were found via a simple Google search. If you want help with a code block specifically, please edit your original question to add that code.
I also have the same issue. You can "kind of" solve it by using a group. Paste the group in, layer it over with another group and put the label inside there, change your label size by dragging the corners. That centers it. I don't think Apple has added the capability to freely move around labels like iOS View Controllers. I hope that helps for now :)
