Swift 3 - Sharing pinned locations in Map Kit - ios

I am currently working through the Ray Wenderlich book called iOS Apprentice, specifically the tutorial called MyLocations. In this tutorial, the user of the app is able to get the coordinates and address of their current location, categorize the location (i.e. a landmark), add a description, and then pin the location to a map.
I am curious if it is possible to create a back-end, perhaps through Firebase, where the pinned locations are able to be shared with other users of the app. In other words, if I opened the map to see my previously pinned locations, I would also be able to see other users' pinned locations and the description that they added when they categorized the location.
Is this possible? If so, any suggestions would be appreciated.


swift - update directions when user moves

I am writing an app where a user can select a location and then it will display the directions to it on the map. This functionality works fine, however I need the route to update on the map as the user moves. Currently I am using the didupdatelocations method and creating a new direction line from the new user location, however this results in the polyline being completely redrawn. I am trying to find a way to update the directions as the user moves similar to how apple maps/google maps does this. I do not want to use the navigation window if possible.
I am using the Apple mapKit.
i have looked for similar problems this one with google maps but there have been no replies.
I have seen another example (sorry cannot find link again) which makes an array of all the coordinates in the polyline although im not sure where i would use this or how to use this to slice or remove the unwanted part of the polyline.
At the moment my code does remove all overlays when a new direction is called, but if the overlays are not removed then I will end up with loads of lines on the map. I have tested removing the first polyline after the second polyline is created but that doesn't seem a very efficient way of dealing with this.
would appreciate any suggestions.

Google MapKit in iOS app

For a first time I want to build a map which shows the current position with the places in it's area and search about them .
I used google maps and I can see my current position on the map but it appears without colours as in the tutorials and the places from the api does not appear on the map .
I used also the source code of many tutorials and Just I can see the streets .??

Long-tap/drag/drop Skobbler skannotation to new position

I'm looking to allow my users to drag & drop annotations on my maps, initiated by a long-press on the annotation pin. I can't find anything in the documentation that would handle this.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Edit: I realize I may not have been as clear as I thought I was.
Currently, my users are able to add new annotations to the map by long-pressing at a location on the map. I'd like for them to be able to move those annotations to a different location.
For adding a new PIN, the SKMapViewDelegate protocol is used to receive map-related update messages.
Check: http://developer.skobbler.com/docs/ios/2.4.0/Protocols/SKMapViewDelegate.html

IOS | Display several self-chosen locations on a map

I'm working on my first IOS app and I need to display a map where the user can see their current location and several locations specified by me in the form of pins or so.
Would also be cool if they could immediately plan a route to these locations.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You display a map on iOS with MKMapKit, an official library that allows you to add Apple Maps to your app. You can also set pins (MKPointAnnotation) and do routing (MKDirections API) with that.
There is a Ray Wenderlich tutorial covering the basics of MapKit here:

Removing Apple Maps Default Annotations

I have been building an app that pins places to a map and have been using Apple Maps for it thus far. However, I've noticed that when zoomed in, the default POI annotations that Apple has included in its maps are quite distracting and make the map feel cluttered when I add my own annotations to the map as well.
I am searching for a way to turn these POIs off in the API but have yet to find the correct property or method to do so.
Just to note, it does appear possible as the new OpenTable app is using Apple Maps, but has found a way to remove these POI annotations. I would post images of each to show the difference, but apparently I need 10 reputation points to do this!
If anyone can even point me to a link that will show me how to remove these, I'm happy to read documentation.
Looking at the documentation there is a showsPointsOfInterest as of iOS 7, just set it to NO (ObjC) or false (Swift).
