Removing Apple Maps Default Annotations - ios

I have been building an app that pins places to a map and have been using Apple Maps for it thus far. However, I've noticed that when zoomed in, the default POI annotations that Apple has included in its maps are quite distracting and make the map feel cluttered when I add my own annotations to the map as well.
I am searching for a way to turn these POIs off in the API but have yet to find the correct property or method to do so.
Just to note, it does appear possible as the new OpenTable app is using Apple Maps, but has found a way to remove these POI annotations. I would post images of each to show the difference, but apparently I need 10 reputation points to do this!
If anyone can even point me to a link that will show me how to remove these, I'm happy to read documentation.

Looking at the documentation there is a showsPointsOfInterest as of iOS 7, just set it to NO (ObjC) or false (Swift).


How to implement clickable info-bubble on tap of marker in HERE maps in iOS?

I have integrated HERE maps successfully in my iOS app, but now I am facing an issue in implementing info-bubble on tap of markers on HERE map.I have searched on HERE documentation for iOS SDK, but can't find anything relevant. There are many solutions for JS, but nothing for iOS.
This feature doesn't seem to exist on iOS and Android. In order to create a similar behaviour in iOS, you should use NMAMapOverlay instead and add your own subviews/styling to it.
The iOS SDK documentation states that NMAMapOverlay can be used to display custom UIView-based content at a fixed location on the map. (...) Then, give the overlay a NMAGeoCoordinates location and add it to a map. The overlay will automatically be repositioned on the screen as the map moves.
You can find more information about the best practices for the implementation here:

Apple Map issue with around 2000 annotations

We've integrate Apple native map in our iOS application. But, we're facing some performance issue when playing with Map.Can we get some better performance if we will replace Apple native map with Google map OR Do we have any other way ??
I don't think any map is going to like having 2000 annotations added to it, personally I think you need to sit down and work out a way of greatly reducing that. Perhaps only show visible annotations then add and remove them as the user scrolls around. Or if they zoom out 200 groups into 1.
It will be a job but worth it.

IOS | Display several self-chosen locations on a map

I'm working on my first IOS app and I need to display a map where the user can see their current location and several locations specified by me in the form of pins or so.
Would also be cool if they could immediately plan a route to these locations.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You display a map on iOS with MKMapKit, an official library that allows you to add Apple Maps to your app. You can also set pins (MKPointAnnotation) and do routing (MKDirections API) with that.
There is a Ray Wenderlich tutorial covering the basics of MapKit here:

iOS7 Map Kit remove default location icons

I am wondering if it's possible to remove all the default icons from the map kit. I did a lot of researches and tried a couple of different ways. Couldn't find any way to do this. Don't know if anybody can help us out.
It won't get rid of all those icons (I think the road markings will stay) but you can use the iOS 7 MKMapView property showsPointsOfInterest, setting it to NO to remove shops and other icons.
[myMapView setShowsPointsOfInterest:NO]
From the docs:
When this property is set to YES, the map displays icons and labels for restaurants, schools, and other relevant points of interest. The default value of this property is YES.
From what I know Apple is not possible to delete the icons kit IOs7 the maps, there may be some way to let him invisible, but could not find a way to do the same as you said you tried several ways I tried too and got no success, I have helped

Applying annotations to map kit

My problem is that I cannot find any up to date tutorials with iOS6 and map kit that include storyboards instructing you on how to apply annotations/pins with the use of for-ordinates.
My homework tells me that the tutorials out there are xib, iOS 5 related which now defeats the point because apple implemented their own maps with ios6 and are no longer using Google's..
I've used google and checked out apple's developer's guide..
I can't be the only one searching for this answer...?
Many thanks.
The MapKit API is essentially same between iOS5 and iOS6 - what changed was the source of the mapping data, the graphic design of the maps, and the use of vector data over bitmap data. But most of this is opaque at the API level. Between iOS versions you continue to use the same framework and classes. There are a few additions (such as MKMapItem, routing) and a few simplifications, but any code written for Apple's iOS5 MapKit SDK will work with iOS6 MapKit.
Issues of xib vs. storyboard tutorials are not specific to MapKit, and nothing in MapKit relies on one or the other, so you shouldn't allow that to confuse you. However, here is an iOS6 tutorial to get you started:
For an overview of changes between ios5 and ios6 MapsKit, take a look at the WWDC video from 2012,Getting Around Using Map Kit.
so by using the code below, I've manage to place one pin by using coordinates and placing it in viewDidLoad, but when the code is copied, it fails to build. Any solutions for adding multiple co-ordinates?
