API docs for previous versions? - openlayers-3

Are the API docs for previous versions online anywhere? The links I find are all to "latest" but I'd like to access API docs for 3.18 and 3.20.

Sure they are see the following links: http://openlayers.org/en/v3.18.0/apidoc/ and http://openlayers.org/en/v3.20.0/apidoc/


How to use flutter_google_places_autocomplete in flutter using it's latest version?

I am very new to Flutter, don't know how to implement it. An example would be great.
Here's an example blog post by Alfian Losari on Medium.com. Easy to find that blog post if you search 'flutter google maps places' on google by the way.
And I suggest that you take a look at official google maps plugins changelog. Because the example in that blog post using old marker api, where you have to add your markers on GoogleMapsController. So if you want to update the plugin, you will run into problem.
The marker api has changed and you have to refactor the code in that blog post if you want to use with upgraded google maps plugin, please take a look at the answer on the question that I've asked.

Versioned URLs: how can I tell search engines about more recent versions of the current page?

I'll explain with a comparison of the hosted documentation for two projects: PostgreSQL and Django. The PostgreSQL project has documentation which follows the schema http://www.postgresql.org/docs/<MAJOR>.<MINOR>, while the Django project has documentation which follows the URL schema https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/<MAJOR>.<MINOR>. Google, however, treats these projects very differently: when searching Google for "Django foobar", the results all link to the most recent version, as is probably desired; but when searching Google for "Postgres foobar", the results link to an ad hoc variety of different versions, some of which are very old.
It seems like the Django project has some technique for informing Google of the most recent documentation. However, I don't know what this technique could be. I would like to know in order to host my own versioned documentation.
Django has the canonical link element configured in all versions
<link rel="canonical" href="https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/http/urls/">
And: /en/stable/topics/http/urls/ redirects to the newest version.
For now that is: /en/1.8/topics/http/urls/
So google ends up showing the latest version :)

Implementing xoai 4.x

I would like to implement a standalone oai-pmh version 2 data provider server using xoai 4.1.x without DSpace.
Can anyone direct me to any documentation for doing this or to a reference implementation?
Its posible, but you will need a repository to manage the contents that oai serve.
You should check https://github.com/lyncode/xoai/wiki for help and https://github.com/lyncode/xoai to get the code.

Website and Firefox Plugin

I have created a website that downloads videos from Youtube. But now I want this as a firefox plugin.
I searched in google since last 2 days but hard luck to find the things. So please help me to convert my website code to firefox plugin.
Take a look to Add-on SDK. Here the documentation, and you can also download it from Github.
I would say that the Getting Started section of Add-on SDK docs is a good place to start your reading.
You can also join the IRC channel #jetpack on irc.mozilla.org and ask help directly to the SDK team, if you have any doubt!

Google Adwords API 'getKeywordVariations' not working properly

I'm trying to use the 'GetKeywordVariations' method of the google adwords API, documentation at this page. According to the documentation, it should return these fields, including lastMonthSearchVolume. When I try this, i get all the fields except for lastMonthSearchVolume. Does anyone know why?
I found the answer. i was using the older version of the API. Updating to the latest version fixed it .
