Website and Firefox Plugin -

I have created a website that downloads videos from Youtube. But now I want this as a firefox plugin.
I searched in google since last 2 days but hard luck to find the things. So please help me to convert my website code to firefox plugin.

Take a look to Add-on SDK. Here the documentation, and you can also download it from Github.
I would say that the Getting Started section of Add-on SDK docs is a good place to start your reading.
You can also join the IRC channel #jetpack on and ask help directly to the SDK team, if you have any doubt!


How to build app Twitter using Retrofit?

I need to help. I'm doing a project about Twitter, but I don't know how to build it by using Retrofit. I really need some documents or an available one to make a reference.
Thank you!!!
This is an example in a complete tutorial for retrofit, I suggest you read the whole tutorial before you start working on the Twitter example, good luck:

How to embed tweets in umbraco / articulate articles?

This video is showing how to embed tweets in umbraco 7. In the current version it does not seem to work anymore. When I try to do it I get the error message "not supported".
Is there anything additionally to do to get this working? Any additional packages?
I think that feature uses OEMBED, it's possible that Twitter have updated their API and the functionality is broken. I'd log an issue on the Umbraco Issue logger: so that the core dev are aware of the issue and can investigate further.
Could also try this package , have used it before and works perfect but haven't tried it on v7 yet but it says it work and i trust Matt (the guy that made it big umbraco dev and contributor) so should work.

How to setup Nitro with Texniccenter

Kindly tell me how to setup texniccenter with nitro as i haven't find any helpful material on google
I am also using sumatra and it is working fine but nitro isn't working with it
and just result in a message
"cannot exeecute the command"
i want specific answer to it how to setup texniccenter and nitro together to work successfully and what will be the name of the server in case of using nitro
Its khalid mahmood here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well no one replied and at last i got the solution specific for nitro usage with texniccenter
with the help of the very last post on the following link
and i can also post image of my conf if u wish, once i get accross 10 reputation restriction imposed by stackoverflow to post images

Rally api to get data for Release Burnup

I need rally api to get data for Release Burnup, to display chart in iOS. I tried rally rest api, but i'm having a trouble to figure out how it works. Can anyone help me? Here is the link for where you can get more info.
See Developer Portal here for links to API toolkits and for javascript AppSDK2. There is no toolkit specific for iOS. A built-in ReleaseBurnup served by a first generation analytics service can be displayed via AppSDK2rc3 StandardReport component. This is the same report that used to be available in AppSDK1, so for the supported config parameters see this page.
End up using look back apis, worked for me.

Google oAuth example

I'm looking for a worked example of how to call into Googles oAuth service with a view to simply uploading a txt file. On googles docs I have the followed the example
but it won't compile .... CalendarScopes.CALENDAR is the problem and I can't see what Jar contains this class. I imported every Jar in the google-oauth-java-client-1.12.0-beta download (Also every jar in google-api-java-client-1.12.0-beta ) I dobn't understand the diff between these but that is for another day.
Any pointers would be welcome.
CalendarScopes.CALENDAR that you mentioned is not a part of a jar file but a scope for Calendar API provided by Google. For a sample to show how to implement that, here is one.
In the meanwhile, I would also suggest going over the following links to develop an understanding of the OAuth and how to use it with the different APIs.
OAuth Playground - This is very helpful when trying to learn about different API and permissions relating to those.
OpenID Connect Official Documentation
Hope this helps.
