TFS / MTM 2015 - invite users to re-run tests after bugfix - tfs

Scope: I need a possibility to re-assign, on a bugs basis, the test case again to the same tester/testers which has reported this bug.
MTM 2015 got this "Verify function" under the testing center menu "Test" - Verify bugs and by right clicking on a bug in the list.
Now when I do this, it'll start the MTM test runner with me as the assigned tester. But thats actually not what I need.
I came as far as this with my researches:
TFS 2015 hasn't any "Verify" function - only available from version 2017.1 or later (more here on section: Verify a bug, re-run tests ...)
So could anybody help me out of this (updating to TFS 2017 or later is no option for the moment)?

The simplest and effective way still is using bug workitem workflow to track the process. Even without the verify function in TFS2015, you still could link your test case in the bug workitem. You need to customize the bug work item type. Add a custom filed such as retest and add a condition (retest filed need to change to pass) during the transform from active to resolve.
Then just set "assign to" filed = work item creator to make sure the test case run again by the same tester/testers which has reported this bug.
However this will create a new test result in a new test run. It will not update the original test result. If you just want to rerun failed test cases from TFS 2015. Unfortunately ,this is not an inbuilt feature. More details please refer this issue in GitHub.


TFS 2015 Associate Build/Release to Manual Test Runs

I'm trying to associate a test run to a release if possible, and if not then a build.
I need to either be able to associate it before the run, or after when we view the history.
I've been looking online and all I can find are references to functionality of 2017 that isn't in 2015.
Is this possible?
It's not possible in TFS2015 for now. You have to upgrade your TFS server to TFS2017updae2. Detail steps please follow this tutorial: Run automated tests from test plans in the Test hub
We are using TFS2017 Update 2, but also there it is, alas, not possible to manually run test cases against a RELEASE.
It is only possible to select a BUILD, which is not accurate in our case, because our RELEASE consists of 5 different SW components, each having it's own BUILD number.
I posted this as a feature request on the user voice forum, here:
Please vote.

How to link a bug created on Microsoft Test Manager to TFS?

I want to be able to see the bugs created on MTM in TFS without having to manually create them again. If anybody has any insight on how to automate this process please help.
When you are working with MTM you are either executing Test Cases or doing Exploratory testing when you are creating bugs.
If you are executing test cases MTM will automatically associate any Bugs created with the Test Case in context. However, as your Test Case may test multiple PBI's the tool does not know which PBI is in context.
Note: I am not sure if, when using the 'Add Requirement' option to create a Test Suit that I linked to your PBI if the link to the PBI is created.
If you are doing exploratory testing, where you don't have a Test Case, then you can choose to "Explore a requirement". In this case both Bugs and Test Cases created are associated with the PBI in context.
If you run the reporting services Backlog Overview report you will see the number of tests passing and failing against PBI as this report follows the indirect links.

TFS 2010 - How to associate a bug with a Build

I'm working in a project and I'm trying to optimize testing process so, when I execute a test case and I found a bug, I would like to associate this bug to the current build.
The builds are created automatically but when I try to select the built in the droplist there are not builds to select, so... How can I do it to get all the builds that I've made automatically?
Maybe is there any issue with Global List?
Im using VS 2010 and I have installed TFS 2010 Power Tools.
Thanks in advance!!
The global list is normally updated by an event subscription on the server that handles the BuildCompleted event. On your TFS server, there should be an executable named BisSubscribe.exe. You can use that to verify or fix the subscription. For more details, check out Jason Prickett's blog post on How to filter the Build Completion Event.

Is it possible to link a bug to a unit test?

If I create a bug in TFS, is it possible to associate it with a unit test and be notified if this bug is fixed/broken?
Not exactly, but the workflow can go the other way: instead of creating a bug up-front, you can let Team Foundation Server handle the work item creation for you. If you create a continuous integration build that runs your unit tests, you can create a bug assigned to the user who submitted the changeset if that build fails (including because the unit tests fail.)
A good article on configuring continuous integration to do this is in MSDN Magazine.
A new feature in TFS 2010 is Gated Check-in, which will prevent this failing code from getting checked-in by requiring the build and test steps to complete successfully before they get committed.
There is, currently, no mechanism to do what you desire. You can force users to check in changes tagged with a work item, which you can then manually examine. Provided the user either alters a test class or creates a new one, and checks in with the fix, you can see whether it is done or not. But, there is no automagic "if this test is changed, alert me".
If you need some type of "change and alert" functionality, I would examine CodePlex and see if there are any tools of this type. It could be facilitated at the database layer, as well, but I am not sure what kind of monkeying that would take. I have not looked at the service endpoints for the latest TFS, so there may be a way to poll to see if there are changes.
Wish I had a better answer, but this is an interesting ASK, so I would consider going to Microsoft Connect for TFS and requesting the feature. It could be included in a future rev if enough people are interested in this feature.

Enforce tests run before TFS check in

Does anyone know how to enforce that all tests pass before a TFS check in?
TFS provides so-called Gated check-ins. That means: the complete build (which includes the test runs) is run and has to pass, otherwise the check-in is rejected. It's quite performance-demanding and somewhat time-consuming, when working in a larger team, but otherwise works like a charm.
You can use the default "Testing checkin policy".
If you want to create your own testing policy, you can use this.
