Preparing data in TLV8 - ios

I'm writing a HomeKit (so perhaps Bluetooth) characteristic in TLV8 format. Apple doc says
The value is an NSData object containing a set of one or more TLV8's,
which are packed type-length-value items with an 8-bit type, 8-bit
length, and N-byte value.
According to Wikipeida a type-length value is
A binary code, often simply alphanumeric, which indicates the kind of field that this part of the message represents;
The size of the value field (typically in bytes);
Variable-sized series of bytes which contains data for this part of the message.
I have no idea how to pack one. I suppose I can write raw bytes to NSData, but what do I write for pad, if I need any padding, etc. So is there an example of how to do that?

Oh I figured it out.
TLV8 consist of three sections: "Tag", "Length", and "Value". I don't know what 8 means.
Both tag and length are UInt8. I believe what the tag may be depend on where the TLV8 is used. Length is the length of the value. Value is the content it self.
So when I want to send a simple 1 as a value, I use:
let tag = 0x02 // For example
let length = 0x01
let value = 0x01
let data = Data(bytes: [tag, length, value]) // NSData


Writing UInt16List via IOSink.Add, what's the result?

Trying to write audio samples to a file.
I have List of 16-bit ints
UInt16List _samples = new UInt16List(0);
I add elements to this list as samples come in.
Then I can write to an IOSink like so:
IOSink _ios = ...
List<int> _toWrite;
just works, no issues with types despite the signature of add taking List<int> and not UInt16List.
As I read, in Dart the 'int' type is 64 bit.
Are both writes above identical? Do they produce packed 16-bit ints in this file?
A Uint16List is-a List<int>. It's a list of integers which truncates writes to 16-bits, and always reads out 16-bit integers, but it is a list of integers.
If you copy those integers to a plain growable List<int>, it will contain the same integer values.
So, doing ios.add(_sample) will do the same as ios.add(_toWrite), and most likely neither does what you want.
The IOSink's add method expects a list of bytes. So, it will take a list of integers and assume that they are bytes. That means that it will only use the low 8 bits of each integer, which will likely sound awful if you try to play that back as a 16-bit audio sample.
If you want to store all 16 bits, you need to figure out how to store each 16-bit value in two bytes. The easy choice is to just assume that the platform byte order is fine, and do ios.add(_samples.buffer.asUint8List(_samples.offsetInBytes, _samples.lengthInBytes)). This will make a view of the 16-bit data as twice as many bytes, then write those bytes.
The endianness of those bytes (is the high byte first or last) depends on the platform, so if you want to be safe, you can convert the bytes to a fixed byte order first:
if ( == Endian.little) {
_samples.buffer.asUint8List(_samples.offsetInBytes, _samples.lengthInBytes);
} else {
var byteData = ByteData(_samples.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _samples.length; i++) {
byteData.setUint16(i * 2, _samples[i], Endian.little);
var littleEndianData = byteData.buffer.asUint8List(0, _samples.length * 2);

Convert string to only byte in Objective-C

I have a problem, want to convert a decimal byte to a hexadecimal byte, pass it to string to be able to make the conversion more quickly but now my question is as follows. Know how can I convert a string to a byte the string
NSString *var = #"0x21";
Byte cmd = 0x21;
You can convert an instance of NSString to an instance of NSData with -dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion: or to a C array with -getCString:maxLength:encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding.
In both cases you have a pointer to an object resp. to a char[]. Putting that pointer into the Byte array, will convert the pointer and copy its value, but not the referenced data.
Additionally: In your example you try to save 0.4 (zero – period – four) and 0.5 (zero – period – 5) into a Byte[]. This will not do the job, you probably expect. It will convert the value to a value of type Byte (an integer type!) and store that value. Integer values greater than 255 will be converted, too.
Therefore you have to use a mutable data object and concat the binary representation of the different types individually.

Convert first two bytes of Lua string (in bigendian format) to unsigned short number

I want to have a lua function that takes a string argument. String has N+2 bytes of data. First two bytes has length in bigendian format, and rest N bytes contain data.
Say data is "abcd" So the string is 0x00 0x04 a b c d
In Lua function this string is an input argument to me.
How can I calculate length optimal way.
So far I have tried below code
function calculate_length(s)
len = string.len(s)
if(len >= 2) then
first_byte = s:byte(1);
second_byte = s:byte(2);
//len = ((first_byte & 0xFF) << 8) or (second_byte & 0xFF)
len = second_byte
len = 0
return len
See the commented line (how I would have done in C).
In Lua how do I achieve the commented line.
The number of data bytes in your string s is #s-2 (assuming even a string with no data has a length of two bytes, each with a value of 0). If you really need to use those header bytes, you could compute:
len = first_byte * 256 + second_byte
When it comes to strings in Lua, a byte is a byte as this excerpt about strings from the Reference Manual makes clear:
The type string represents immutable sequences of bytes. Lua is 8-bit clean: strings can contain any 8-bit value, including embedded zeros ('\0'). Lua is also encoding-agnostic; it makes no assumptions about the contents of a string.
This is important if using the string.* library:
The string library assumes one-byte character encodings.
If the internal representation in Lua of your number is important, the following excerpt from the Lua Reference Manual may be of interest:
The type number uses two internal representations, or two subtypes, one called integer and the other called float. Lua has explicit rules about when each representation is used, but it also converts between them automatically as needed.... Therefore, the programmer may choose to mostly ignore the difference between integers and floats or to assume complete control over the representation of each number. Standard Lua uses 64-bit integers and double-precision (64-bit) floats, but you can also compile Lua so that it uses 32-bit integers and/or single-precision (32-bit) floats.
In other words, the 2 byte "unsigned short" C data type does not exist in Lua. Integers are stored using the "long long" type (8 byte signed).
Lastly, as lhf pointed out in the comments, bitwise operations were added to Lua in version 5.3, and if lhf is the lhf, he should know ;-)

Get the size in KB of Marshal.dump output

I'm using Marshal.dump to serialize an array of objects, I need to get the size (in KB) of the returned value. Any ideas how to do that?
Since the output of Marshal.dump is a string, you can just ask for the length of that. The safest way to do this is to ask for bytesize:
dumped = Marshal.dump(array)
kb = dumped.bytesize / 1024
The bytesize method always returns the length of a string in bytes, whereas length returns the length of the string in characters. The two values can differ if you use a multi-byte encoding method like UTF-8.
What about kbytes = Marshal.dump(ary_of_objs).size / 1000.0?
var = Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(#result))
is life saver for me

TCP/IP Client / Server commands data

I have a Client/Server architecture (C# .Net 4.0) that send's command packets of data as byte arrays. There is a variable number of parameters in any command, and each paramater is of variable length. Because of this I use delimiters for the end of a parameter and the command as a whole. The operand is always 2 bytes and both types of delimiter are 1 byte. The last parameter_delmiter is redundant as command_delmiter provides the same functionality.
The command structure is as follow:
operand 2
parameter1 x
parameter_delmiter 1
parameter2 x
parameter_delmiter 1
parameterN x
command_delmiter 1
Parameters are sourced from many different types, ie, ints, strings etc all encoded into byte arrays.
The problem I have is that sometimes parameters when encoded into byte arrays contain bytes that are the same value as a delimiter. For example command_delmiter=255.. and a paramater may have that byte inside of it.
There is 3 ways I can think of fixing this:
1) Encode the parameters differently so that they can never be the same value as a delimiter (255 and 254) Modulus?. This will mean that paramaters will become larger, ie Int16 will be more than 2 bytes etc.
2) Do not use delimiters at all, use count and length values at the start of the command structure.
3) Use something else.
To my knowledge, the way TCP/IP buffers work is that SOME SORT of delimiter has to be used to seperate 'commands' or 'bundles of data' as a buffer may contain multiple commands, or a command may span multiple buffers.. So this
BinaryReader / Writer seems like an obvious candidate, the only issue is that the byte array may contain multiple commands ( with parameters inside). So the byte array would still have to be chopped up in order to feel into the BinaryReader.
The standard way to do this is to have the length of the message in the (fixed) first few bytes of a message. So you could have the first 4 bytes to denote the length of a message, read those many bytes for the content of the message. The next 4 bytes would be the length of the next message. A length of 0 could indicate end of messages. Or you could use a header with a message count.
Also, remember TCP is a byte stream, so don't expect a complete message to be available every time you read data from a socket. You could receive an arbitrary number of bytes at ever read.
