Use an ID token or access token at userinfo endpoint? - oauth-2.0

I have a client API, that is a confidential client. When I authenticate with an open id provider, I am redirected to my callback with an authorization code, which is immediately exchanged to receive a refresh token, an access token, and an ID token.
Now, I create a session cookie that has a uuid for the authenticated user. When the user makes a request, do I...
Use my access token to call the providers userinfo endpoint to get the user info.
Read the validated ID token to get the users info.
When it comes to using the refresh token I see 2 options:
After reading a valid ID token or access token during a request, use the refresh token to get a new access or ID token to store at a new uuid, which is returned to the user with an updated cookie. While requiring the user to sign in more, this means the users session becomes invalid after inactivity on their part equaling the lifetime of the access or ID token. This is potentially more secure.
Use the ID token or access token until valid and then refresh to get a new one. If the refresh never expires, the user will never have to sign in again even if inactive for a long period of time ( unless cookie expiration is low ) Potentially less secure.

A few notes first:
the lifetime of the application session is (typically) independent of the lifetime of the ID token; the latter is just an assertion about the user's identity, it doesn't represent a session
your first option doesn't work with a parallel requests e.g. when a user has opened multiple tabs to your application or the application uses Javascript calls
But foremost: a refresh token should not be used to get a new ID token, it should only refresh the access token; a user needs to be present to get a new ID token with the same semantics as the original one.

In short, you only use an authentication token to access userinfo_endpoint uri.
OpenID Connect allows the use of a "Discovery document," a JSON document found at a well-known location containing key-value pairs which provide details about the OpenID Connect provider's configuration, including the URIs of the authorization, token, revocation, userinfo, and public-keys endpoints.
You can research each applications unique discovery page uri from their docs for example here is
You make a get request to the discovery document uri and from this document you find the userinfo_endpoint uri.
Example response from microsoft
"authorization_endpoint": "{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize",
"token_endpoint": "{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token",
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
"jwks_uri": "{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys",
"userinfo_endpoint": "",
"subject_types_supported": [
Google's discovery doc uri
Get an Authorization token. For example pull up Network -> Fetch/ XHR now look around and try to find a request header with the key 'authorization'. Copy 'Bearer {the id}' and put in the header of a get request like the picture shown below.
GET or POST /oidc/userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6Il…
Microsoft Example Postman Request


Obtaining user's email using Apple's IdentityToken

On my mobile app I use apple-id authorization. My implementation uses ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider class and does not require additional proxy web-application, that sends request to Apple. All interaction is done on the mobile client.
All things work ok, and I get authorized and I get IdentityToken from Apple.
Now, I want to send this IdentityToken (looks like "AjzN91mNajN3401jazOs001m3ks") to the server. And on the server side I want to extract user's email from this token.
For Google to solve the same task I have to send GET request with token, like that
and if token is valid in response I get JSON with user's email inside.
How can I do the same for the Apple using Apple's identity key?
Update #1:
My project has 2 parts, client part (frontend) and server part (backend).
The functionality to obtain IdentityToken looks like that (AuthManager is just a delegate):
var provider = new ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider();
var req = provider.CreateRequest();
authManager = new AuthManager(UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow);
req.RequestedScopes = new[] {
var controller = new ASAuthorizationController(new[] {
}) {
Delegate = authManager,
PresentationContextProvider = authManager
ASAuthorizationAppleIdCredential credentials = await authManager.Credentials;
When I get credentials, there is credentials.IdentityToken property available.
Now, I want to send this identity token to the server, to let the server check this token and obtain user's email using this token from the Apple server, like I do for Google (described above).
And I do not understand, how can I do that.
What Apple endpoint and what HTTP request (GET, POST) should be used to achieve this task?
In OpenID Connect, the Identity Token is never sent to the Provider. I think this is just a typo/naming issue and you mean the Access Token.
The end result of the user authenticating is two tokens:
the Access Token, an opaque token which is not meant to be introspected by the Client. It may or may not be a JWT.
an ID Token, a JWT which contains the user claims.
To obtain the user's email address, decode the ID/Identity Token's JWT payload. To do this in Swift, see these SO answers. The JWT should contain an email value. It looks like the email address may also be an instance property of ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider, so you should be able to get them from
There does not appear to be a way to directly validate the Access Token. Most OpenID Connect Providers offer a Userinfo Endpoint, or a Token Instrospection Endpoint (I think this is the Google endpoint that was linked in question), but Apple does not. A number of steps were already performed to obtain the Access Token, however, which should make it impossible to forge. If you really only want the email address, though, JWTs are cryptographically signed, so verifying the JWT should guarantee it was issued by Apple. You can also verify the Refresh Token as shown in Apple Developer docs. In your code above, I don't see a way to access Refresh Token, but if you followed an alternative flow as shown in one of the tutorials here or here, you would be able to.

Refreshed OAuth2 token has invalid signature (Azure AD OAuth2)

I'm trying to create an authentication flow where the user's access token is kept in a server-side session along with the refresh token, and when the token expires it is renewed if the session is still valid. However, the token I get back from Azure AD after refresh has an invalid signature, when verifying it with the same method as the original token.
Here's a runnable gist that illustrates the problem:
What I'm doing is basically this:
When the user requests a page, check for a session. If none exists, redirect to /auth which redirects to Azure AD, and when I'm returned I have a valid token which I store in the session.
Verify the token from the session using jwks-rsa. (This normally works fine, so I'm purposely adding something to the token string to make the signature invalid in the test code.)
If token verification failed, and there is a refresh token on the session, try to fetch a new token using that refresh token. This request normally returns with status 200 OK and a new set of access/refresh tokens.
Verify the new access token using the same code as was used to verify the old one (now without garbling the token). This should work, IIUC, but it fails with the error invalid signature.
Why does my newly refreshed token not pass verification?
I was able to create a simpler flow for reproducing this; the gist has been updated. It now does the following (printing these messages, along the way):
no session, redirecting to /auth
successful auth callback, redirecting to /
verifying old token
decoded user id e7f02a6e-510c-430d-905c-f8a0e63206c2
fetching /me with renewed token
got user id e7f02a6e-510c-430d-905c-f8a0e63206c2
verifying new token
token verification failed: invalid signature
In addition to validating the token myself, I now also send a request to Azure with it, hoping that such a request would fail for an invalid token. But it passes!
You're code is using the v1 Endpoint to obtain the initial access token but the v2 Endpoint to exorcise the refresh token. These two endpoints operate differently. In particular, the v1 Endpoint uses "resource" while v2 uses "scopes".
The reason this is happening is your calling v1 explicitly but relying on the v2 /openid-configuration for the Refresh Token endpoint.
To correct this, change line 19 of refresh-auth-token.js to
const configResponse =
await fetch(`${AZURE_TENANT}/.well-known/openid-configuration`)

Myob - AccountRight Live Api v2 Skip login screen

I am using accountright Live api v2 by MYOB. I want to get access token without going to login screen. When I send a CURL request to obtain access token i am redirected to myob login screen, how to skip that? The request I am sending is to url:
and params sent are:
[client_id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[client_secret] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[scope] => CompanyFile
[redirect_uri] =>
[grant_type] => authorization_code
After your initial request to the API to get the access token, you should also be provided with a refresh token. Access tokens expire after a period of time, and need to be refreshed.
From the Refreshing an Access Token section in the Authentication Documentation:
Access tokens have a limited life span and when you receive one you'll
also receive an Expiry Time for it and a Refresh Token. Once your
access token expires it can no longer be used to access the API. So
you'll need to trigger a refresh. You do this by POSTing the following
'client_id' // your API Key
'client_secret' // your API Secret
'refresh_token' // your refresh token
'grant_type' // this should say refresh_token
To this url:
Note: while the data is formatted into a URL Query String you do not
pass the information via the URL (that would be a GET request), you
must pass the query string in the body and POST this to
As an example, I store my access and refresh tokens in a database, along with an expected expiry time 10 minutes in the future. If a request is going to be made after that time, I call the refresh procedure to update the access token, and am able to proceed on my merry way without needing to show the login prompt each time.
You do need to have it shown at least once to find out which user is logging in, and the GUID of the Company File to connect to.
If you are talking about the first time auth, then there is no way to do it. You have to redirect the user to the login page by returning the url.
If you are talking about refresh the token, then it's easy.
I'm not sure how you implement the API connection. I'm using the myob ruby sdk.
The ruby sdk is so easy to use and it will do all those auth operations for you.

Update bearer token without logging out and in again using WIF

Quick summary... Here's a pseudo-flow to show what I'm trying to accomplish...
Client (angular) -> Server (webapi/WIF)
Log in with username and pwd -> Validate login credentials and return bearer token with claims
Change selected client -> Send new bearer token with updated claims based on selected client
When changing selected client, the existing bearer token will of course be sent, so the server can use that to know who I am and verify I can change to the selected client before generating a new bearer token to return
More detail...
I am using the default code generated by WIF to log users in and return a bearer token that is then sent with every request from my app (angular). I call the TOKEN endpoint with my username and password, GrantResourceOwnerCredentials is called, the user is authenticated, the claims are set, and the access_token is returned. All well and good.
Here's the scenario I don't know how to handle. When the user is logged in, they have the claims for the default client to which they are assigned. However, they can change the client they're accessing at any time while logged in, but each client comes with its own set of claims, meaning that the bearer token needs to be replaced with one for the selected client.
I keep thinking there's a "public string ReturnNewBearerToken(AuthenticationTicket ticket)" function somewhere that would let me get a new token and return it as a string. But I've scoured the web and can't find anything to do this. Everything I've seen suggests that you have to log out and log back in to update your token, which I can't believe is the case. I can't know what client the user wants to access the app as until the log in, but once they're logged in I can't update the token? That would be a catch 22.
So, does anyone know how to do this with WIF?
The answer is in my comments above. The jist is that the line...
var tokenStr = Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket);
is what I needed to be able to return an encoded ticket as a bearer token to my angular app.

OAuth 2.0 for MVC - How does the RequestToken work?

I'm working with OAuth 2.0 for MVC, found here:
For anyone who's worked with this - I'm confused about the RequestToken. There is a controller implemented that lets you get a request token, which expires in 5 minutes, and you pass that token back in to get an AccessToken. But it never checks the request token for validity - it seems like you can pass in any access token you want to. What is the idea for the RequestToken here - are you supposed to create your own method of storing, referencing, and then deleting that token for those 5 minutes?
This is all about how OAuth works in conjunction with your application Id, application secret key and valid domains for your application. Here is the process in general
Your application sends a request to the OAuth provider using your application Id and secret along with a callback (return Url).
The OAuth provider gets the request, checks your application Id and secret and validates that the callback url is from a domain that you have specified for your application.
2a. If the callback url is not from a domain that you have specified, then the request is rejected with error.
2b If the callback url is from your domain, it returns a temporary request key to your server.
Given that you received a request key, you send that back to the OAuth provider to get the actual access token for the user.
Now, as to why the request key step is in place, this is to prevent and help protect 'bad people' from attempting to use your application id to falsely authenticate other users. By sending the request token to you (a callback URL that you have approved), the OAuth provider has confidence that the request actually came from your servers.
You most certainly could send any string back instead of the request token, but you would quickly get an error back from the OAuth provider as that request token does not correspond to any existing authentication request from any known application.
Lastly, I am not clear on what you mean by 'validating the request token'? You did not generate the token not probably do not have insight into the algorithm to generate the request token. Given that, I am not sure how you would validate this. If you are concerned about validating the first step, take a look at the Facebook OAuth process. In there, they recommend sending a request key as part of your return Url(as a query string parameter). That request key will come back to your application which you could then use as a validation that, indeed, this is a response to a request that you made. How you store and track that request key is up to you (session, database). In the PHP samples, they use a 'state' variable to track a unique/arbitrary string: Facebook OAuth Server Side Login Example (in PHP)
