YQL error into pressure when use u=c - yql

good morning,
I starting to use a YQL for extract a weather condition for my town.
I live in Italy and set the query with u=c parameter, but in this case the pressure value is wrong.
If I request without u=c the query return:
pressure "1006.0"
but if I send a query with u=c return is:
pressure "34067.08"
my query is:
https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="codogno,it") and u=c&format=json

I think Yahoo got it wrong. So if you requested u=c then it returns millibars but it is not expected value you must convert it to inch then you got the real millibars.
then if you requested u=f then it returns in but it is not as expected value it is a millibars so you must again convert it to an in.
Maybe we should consider a new provider.


influxdb - some values become null when request with mean() or median()

i have an issue with influxdb query.
when I query normally:
SELECT "distance" FROM "testdb"."autogen"."laserdistance" WHERE time > timeA AND time < timeB
I will get back all the data without error.
if I query with either mean() or median():
SELECT mean("distance") AS "mean_distance" FROM "testdb"."autogen"."laserdistance" WHERE time > timeA AND time < timeB GROUP BY time(some_interval) FILL(null)
I will sure get back some null value in a very inconsistent pattern(sometime a lot, sometime not so much).
I understand that FILL(null) is the one responsible for the null issue to fill in the interval that don't have value.
is there a way to get the nearest value instead of fill it with null?
Use FILL(linear):
linear - Reports the results of linear interpolation for time intervals with no data.
Doc: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/query_language/data_exploration/#group-by-time-intervals-and-fill

Writing data over Influx HTTP API returns OK, but table is empty

I'm writing batched data over HTTP API like this
max=100.0,mean=20.0,event_type=0,probability=0.6,min=0.0 1529087114083
max=100.0,mean=80.0,event_type=1,probability=0.6,min=0.0 1529087114083
max=100.0,mean=20.0,event_type=2,probability=0.6,min=0.0 1529087114083
max=100.0,mean=80.0,event_type=3,probability=0.6,min=0.0 1529087114083
And the request returns 204 which is "ok" according to Influx API docs.
Still, when I want to check my data in admin
SELECT median("mean") AS "median_mean", mean("mean") AS "mean_mean"
FROM "sfb"."autogen"."demo" WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY
:interval: FILL(null)
I get
Your query is syntactically correct but returned no results
Solved: need to specify proper timestamp precision - otherwise it calculates wrong data and data is not visible

Twitter search api with hindi characters in the query returns 403 error

I am receiving 403 error from search api when using this query:
"सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य जॉन्स हॉपकिन्स विश्वविद्यालय" OR "एमए एन ए
पौष्टिक सहायता उत्पाद निगम" OR "मेडिसिन्स सैंस फ्रंटियर्स"
Error I have got from Twitter's api is:
{exceptionCode=[8e13056f-6071abbc], statusCode=403, message=Missing or
invalid url parameter., code=195, retryAfter=-1,
rateLimitStatus=RateLimitStatusJSONImpl{remaining=447, limit=450,
resetTimeInSeconds=1464249586, secondsUntilReset=695}, version=4.0.1}
It is strange because if I cut any element from original query it works.
The request I send is:
Do you have any idea what is wrong?
You just hit a query limit, you can get similar failures with even a simple repeated A OR B query once it gets over the max length.
q: A UTF-8, URL-encoded search query of 500 characters maximum,
including operators. Queries may additionally be limited by
Since you want an OR, you should probably query 3 times and union the results in your code.

How can I insert query result value into a constant string?

For example, I queried the value of the number of hours some system has been running without downtime, and I want to return a string "the system has been running for ? hours", where ? is the value I just queried.
There is no way to do this request within InfluxDB itself. It will only return the results of the query. It cannot be configured to return anything additional.

YQL sample query returns max 260 results

I am following YQL sample query
select * from local.search(500) where query="sushi" and location="san francisco, ca"
but I get 260 max count instead of 500. I tried also to use limit 500 after 'where' and different keywords, always get maximum 260 results. How do you increase it?
The underlying API that the local.search table uses (Yahoo! Local Search Web Service) has restrictions on the number of results returned.
The results parameter (the number of results "per page") has a maximum value of 20.
The start parameter (the offset at which to start) has a maximum value of 250.
Since you ask for the first 500 results, YQL makes multiple queries against the Local Search API returning 20 results at a time. Therefore the start values are 1, 21, 41, ... 241. This brings back 260 results, as you have seen.
Since the YQL query asks for more results, the next start value is tried (261) which is beyond the allowed range so the underlying service returns an error (with the message "invalid value: start (261) must be between 1 and 250"). If you turn on "diagnostics" in the YQL console, you will see the "Bad Request" being returned.
Nothing you do to the query will bring back more results than the underlying service allows.
I figured out, I was missing paging number, so 0++ will work
select * from local.search(0,500) where query="sushi" and location="san francisco, ca"
