Asana - How to get all tasks that are completed in a team - asana

I am trying to develop summary data of length of time from task creation to task completion for all tasks in a certain team. I want to look at how lang it is taking from start to finish on tasks (on average) for any given month. My team has 30 - 40 projects and we move tasks from project to project until it is completed.
I have tried the following URL on the explorer page in their documentation:
The response I get is:
{ "errors": [
"message": "Must specify exactly one of project, tag, or assignee + workspace",
"help": "For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors:"
} ] }
Since I am specifying a project ID why am I getting this error?
************************ EDIT ************************************
OK...thanks for that. I am usding the following code and using only a workspace did indeed fix my issue. When I use the following code using asana gem in ruby I get results....363 results.
allTasks = client.tasks.find_all(assignee: nil, workspace: nil, project: 999999999999999999,completed_since: nil, modified_since: nil, per_page: 100, options: {})
allTasks.each do |task|
Let's say the developer of the Asana gem messed up and is ignoring my "per_page: 100". Isn't Asana limited to 100 or less results? Why am I getting 363? How Do I know that this really is all of them?

When you specify a project for the /tasks endpoint, you mustn't specify a workspace (the Asana API infers the workspace from the project). (Admittedly, the workspace could be optional, so I've filed this as a bug.)
Also, to directly answer your original question, we don't currently support directly querying for every task in a team. Fetching tasks in each project is the best approach.


Custom build task not showing in YAML task list

We wrote a custom Azure DevOps build task, but we can't find it in the YAML editor task list. It doesn't even show up in search.
This is my task.json:
"id": "17813657-13c6-4cd8-b245-8d8b3b0cf210",
"name": "ApplitoolsBuildTask",
"friendlyName": "Applitools Build Task",
"description": "Add the Applitools dashboard as a tab in the Azure DevOps build results page.",
"categories": [ "Build" ],
"category": "Build",
"author": "Applitools",
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 44,
"Patch": 0
"instanceNameFormat": "Applitools Build Task $(version)",
"execution": {
"Node": {
"target": "dist/index.js"
I also tried with only categories property, and it still didn't show in the search.
I then tried downloading Augurk locally and examined its content (also available in GitHub:, and I saw in AugurkCLI it doesn't even have categories property, as it has a typo: categorues, and for some reason it still shows up. This leads me to think there's no relation between that property and the task list.
I also tried examining the XML file and saw it has <PublisherDetails> section, which my .vsix file doesn't have. What should I put in my vss-extension.json file to have it? And will it help getting my extension to show up in the Task List?
Note that in the Classic editor (the one with the UI) I see it just fine, in the right categories (if I have the "category" property), and if I don't have it then it still shows up when I search. The problem I have is to get my build-task to show up in the YAML editing Task List.
Indeed, our team is fixing this issues now. The issue caused by the YAML assistant panel doesn't allow tasks without input parameters. But worked in classic editor.
Before our fixed release deployed, you can use this workaround to achieve your customize task appeared in the YAML editor task list:
Change your script to accept an input parameter. And then the task will appeared in YAML editor task list.
You can reference this ticket we received recently. We will inform you here once we deployed the fixed release and the issue be fixed.
Well, it seems it's a bug on Microsoft side. I don't have any input fields in the build task, and the Azure DevOps YAML editor task list filters out any task that doesn't have input fields.
They told me they had fixed it:
The fix should be available in a few weeks.

BuildHTTPClient not able to get Build Definition Steps?

We are using the BuildHTTPClient to programmatically create a copy of a build definition, update the variables in memory and then save the updated object as a new definition.
I'm using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.WebApi.BuildHTTPClient 16.141. The TFS version is 17 update 3 (rest api 3.x)
This is a similar question to but I'm trying to stay within using the BuildHttpClient libraries and not go directly to the RestAPIs.
The problem is the Steps list is always null along with other properties even though we have them in the build definition.
UPDATE Posted as an answer below
After looking at #Daniel Frosts attempt below we started looking at using older versions of the NuGet package. Surprisingly the supported version 15.131.1 does not support this but we have found out that the version="15.112.0-preview" does.
After rolling back all of our Dlls to match that version the steps were cloned when saving the new copy of the build.
All of the code examples we used work when you are using this package. We were unable to get Daniel's example working but the version of the Dll was the issue.
We need to create a GitHub issue and report it to MS
First Attempt - GetDefinitionAsync:
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(DefinitionTypesDTO.serverUrl, new VssCredentials());
BuildHttpClient bdClient = connection.GetClient<BuildHttpClient>();
Task <BuildDefinition> resultDef = bdClient.GetDefinitionAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, buildID);
BuildDefinition updatedDefinition = UpdateBuildDefinitionValues(resultDef.Result, dr, defName);
updatedTask = bdClient.CreateDefinitionAsync(updatedDefinition, DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName);
The update works on the variables and we can save the updated definition back to TFS but there are not any tasks in the newly created build definition. When we look at the object that is returned from GetDefinitionAsync we see that the Steps list is empty. It looks like GetDefinitionAsync just doesn't get the full object.
Second Attempt - Specific Revision:
int rev = 9;
Task <BuildDefinition> resultDef = bdClient.GetDefinitionAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, buildID, revision: rev);
BuildDefinition updatedDefinition = UpdateBuildDefinitionValues(resultDef.Result, dr, defName);
Based on SteveSims post we were thinking we are not getting the correct revision. So we added revision to the request. I see the same issue with the correct revision. Similarly to SteveSims post I can open the DefinitionURL in a browser and I see that the tasks are in the JSON in the browser but the BuildDefinition object is not populated with them.
Third Attempt - GetFullDefinition:
So then I thought to try getFullDefinition, maybe that's that "Full" means of course with out any documentation on these libraries I have no idea.
var task2 = bdClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, "MyBuildDefName","$/","TfsVersionControl");
Still no luck, the Steps list is always null even though we have steps in the build definition.
Fourth Attempt - Save As Template
var task2 = bdClient.GetTemplateAsync DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, "1_Batch_Dev");
I tried saving the Build Definition off as a template. So in the Web UI I chose "Save as Template", still no steps.
Fifth Attempt: Using the URL as mentioned in SteveSims post:
Finally i said ok, i'll try the solution SteveSims used, using the webclient to get the object from the URL.
var client = new WebClient();
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
var json = client.DownloadString(LastDefinitionUrl);
//Convert the JSON to an actual builddefinition
BuildDefinition result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BuildDefinition>(json);
This also didn't work. The build definition steps are null. Even when looking at the Json object (var json) i see the steps. But the object is not loaded with them.
I've seen this post which seems to add the Steps to the base definition, i've tried this but honestly I'm having an issue understanding how he has modified the BuildDefinition Object when referencing that via NuGet?
After looking at #Daniel Frosts attempt below we started looking at using older versions of the NuGet package. Surprisingly the supported version 15.131.1 does not support this but we have found out that the version="15.112.0-preview" does.
After rolling back all of our Dlls to match that version the steps were cloned when saving the new copy of the build.
All of the code examples above work when you are using this package. We were unable to get Daniel's example working but we didn't try hard as we had working code.
We need to create a GitHub issue for this.
Found this in my code, which works.
Use this package, not sure if it could have an impact (joke).
private Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi.BuildDefinition GetBuildDefinition(string projectName, string buildDefinitionName)
var buildDefinitionReferences = _buildHttpClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(projectName, "*", null, null, DefinitionQueryOrder.DefinitionNameAscending, top: 1000).Result;
return buildDefinitionReferences.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == buildDefinitionName && x.DefinitionQuality != DefinitionQuality.Draft);
With the newer clients Steps will always be empty. In newer api-versions (which are used by the newer clients) the steps have moved to Phases. If you use GetDefinitions or GetFullDefinitions and look in
you'll find them. (GetDefinitions gets shallow references so the process won't be included.)
The Steps collection still exists for compatibility reasons (we don't want apps to crash with stuff like MethodNotFoundExceptions) but it won't be populated.
I was having this problem, although I able to get Phases[0] information at runtime, but could not get it at design time. I solved this problem using dynamic type.
dynamic process = buildDefTemplate.Process;
foreach (BuildDefinitionStep tempStep in process.Phases[0].Steps)
// do some work here
Not, it is working!
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client version 16.170.0 I can get build steps through process.Phases[0].Steps only with process and step being dynamic as #whitecore above stated
var definitions = buildClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(project: project.Name);
foreach (var definition in definitions.Result)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\n {0} - {1}:", definition.Id, definition.Name));
dynamic process = definition.Process;
foreach (dynamic step in process.Phases[0].Steps)

How to associate a test result posted to VSTS with a testcase residing in VSTS?

We have an automation test framework written in Java.
At present, I can post a new test run to VSTS.
I can then post a new test result to the test run, eg:
'errorMessage':'successfully completed vstsPostTest'}
However, when viewing the test result entry in VSTS, the testCaseTitle always seems to be overridden with value: 'myTestCaseTitle'.
Thinking this may be because I haven't associated the posted result with a testcase that resides in VSTS, I have added the testCase id parameter, and specified the ID of a random existing testCase in VSTS, eg,
{'testCaseTitle':'is title now necessary?',
'errorMessage':'successfully completed vstsPostTest'}
My posted result still has the generic title 'myTestCaseTitle' - and I have seen nothing yet in VSTS which illustrates a link between the posted result and the specified testcase which resides in VSTS.
What else is necessary to:
a) Ensure that a posted result uses the specified testCaseTitle value (or receives it from the ID of the associated testCase)
b) See that either a testCase or story in VSTS is flagged as failing/passed, based on the latest testrun results. (ie, identify where stories are failing as a result of automated regression testing)
Many thanks
Try to specify test point ID:
POST: https://[team project url]/_apis/test/runs/[test run id]/results?api-version=3.0-preview
"priority": 1,
"outcome": "Passed"
You can get test point id by using Test points REST API
With thanks to Starains help. As commented: I ended up carefully following this MS post:… To others reading: after a VSTS test plan, suite, case is created: post a new test run (specify plan ID), then post a new test result (specify testPoint ID, outcome, etc) then get the testResult ID and update that test result to state: Completed. This is the minimum to affect the outcome of a test case in VSTS.

Base CRM Rails Gem legacy search?

It looks like Base CRM has upgraded their API and replaced all of their endpoints/parameters.
Previously I was able to retrieve "Won" deals using this call:
session ="<LEGACY_ACCESS_TOKEN>") :won, sort_by: :last_activity, sort_order: :desc, page: 1)
This query recently started ignoring my parameters, yet it continued to respond with unfiltered data (that was fun when I realized that was happening).
The new syntax is:
client = "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>"), hot: true)
yet this does not work: :won) "Won") 8) # specified ID found in Base Docs for "Won"
I've looked into the most recent updates to the Base CRM Gem as well as the Base CRM API Docs but have not found a solution to searching by specific deal stage.
Has anyone had any luck with the new API and this kind of query?
Is there a way to use the legacy API?
I've left message with Base but I really need to fix this, you know, yesterday.
Thanks for your help!
The legacy API/gem responded with JSON where the v2 API/gem responds with a BaseCRM::Deal object:
# <BaseCRM::Deal
name="Cool Deal Name",
custom_fields={:"Event Location"=>"New York, NY", :Source=>"Friend"},
Checkout stage_id. Is this a bug? According to the Docs stage_id should return an integer between 1 and 10.

Jenkins, how to check regressions against another job

When you set up a Jenkins job various test result plugins will show regressions if the latest build is worse than the previous one.
We have many jobs for many projects on our Jenkins and we wanted to avoid having a 'job per branch' set up. So currently we are using a parameterized build to build eg different development branches using a single job.
But that means when I build a new branch any regressions are measured against the previous build, which may be for a different branch. What I really want is to measure regressions in a feature branch against the latest build of the master branch.
I thought we should probably set up a separate 'master' build alongside the parameterized 'branches' build. But I still can't see how I would compare results between jobs. Is there any plugin that can help?
I have started experimenting in the Script Console to see if I could write a post-build script... I have managed to get the latest build of master branch in my parameterized job... I can't work out how to get to the test results from the build object though.
The data I need is available in JSON at
http://<jenkins server>/job/<job name>/<build number>/testReport/api/json?pretty=true
...if I could just get at this data structure it would be great!
I tried using JsonSlurper to load the json via HTTP but I get 403, I guess because my script has no auth session.
I guess I could load the xml test results from disk and parse them in my script, it just seems a bit stupid when Jenkins has already done this.
I eventually managed to achieve everything I wanted, using a Groovy script in the Groovy Postbuild Plugin
I did a lot of exploring using the script console http://<jenkins>/script and also the Jenkins API class docs are handy.
Everyone's use is going to be a bit different as you have to dig down into the build plugins to get the info you need, but here's some bits of my code which may help.
First get the build you want:
def getProject(projectName) {
// in a postbuild action use `manager.hudson`
// in the script web console use `Jenkins.instance`
def project = manager.hudson.getItemByFullName(projectName)
if (!project) {
throw new RuntimeException("Project not found: $projectName")
// CloudBees folder plugin is supported, you can use natural paths:
project = getProject('MyFolder/TestJob')
build = project.getLastCompletedBuild()
The main test results (jUnit etc) seem to be available directly on the build as:
result = build.getTestResultAction()
// eg
failedTestNames = result.getFailedTests().collect{ test ->
To get the more specialised results from eg Violations plugin or Cobertura code coverage you have to look for a specific build action.
// have a look what's available:
You'll see a list of stuff like:
These are instances, the part in front of the # sign is the class name so I used that to make this method for getting a specific action:
def final VIOLATIONS_ACTION = hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsBuildAction
def final COVERAGE_ACTION = hudson.plugins.cobertura.CoberturaBuildAction
def getAction(build, actionCls) {
def action = build.getActions().findResult { act ->
actionCls.isInstance(act) ? act : null
if (!action) {
throw new RuntimeException("Action not found in ${build.getFullDisplayName()}: ${actionCls.getSimpleName()}")
violations = getAction(build, VIOLATIONS_ACTION)
// you have to explore a bit more to find what you're interested in:
pylint_count = violations?.getReport()?.getViolations()?."pylint"
coverage = getAction(build, COVERAGE_ACTION)?.getResults()
// if you println it looks like a map but it's really an Enum of Ratio objects
// convert to something nicer to work with:
coverage_map = coverage.collectEntries { key, val -> [, val.getPercentageFloat()] }
With these building blocks I was able to put together a post-build script which compared the results for two 'unrelated' build jobs, then using the Groovy Postbuild plugin's helper methods to set the build status.
Hope this helps someone else.
