UITableView(Cell) does not fill up entire screen - ios

See this image:
The tableview does not fill up the screen, while I seated equal widths and heights to superview. I also tried to set the constrains to all zero's on leading trailing top and bottom. The black image you see has a trailing space of 5 to the content view, but the image is not on the far right side on iPad or iPhone 7.
How can I make the TableView as big as the screen? Thanks.

Remove all constraints of your UITableView
Pin your UITableView to top, left, right and bottom with 0
Make sure not to use constraints to margings
Alternatively use the size inspectors Autoresizing.


How to implement constraints for 2 labels between 2 images for xib file

I'm trying to recreate a custom table view cell in my xib file as shown below. The company's square image is on the left. The company's name and company's booth (2 UI Labels) are to the right of the company's image. The star button is to the right of the text and is a square image. I guesstimated that the company's image and favorites button should be about 8px from the top and edge.
I tried to create 4 constraints for the top, bottom, left, and right of every element (image, 2 UI labels, and button). I also added 1:1 aspect ratio constraint to the image and button to make sure the image would be square. Then I aligned the left edge of the 2 UI labels. I vertically centered the image and the button. However, it came out with no star button and the location and title switched. How do I create this design using constraints?
Their is no difficulty with that.
First if we talk about your left UIImageView, Set following constraints,
Leading constraint
Fixed Height
Fixed Width
Centre Vertically
After that the UIImageView on left, set following constraints,
Trailing space from superview
Fixed Height
Fixed Width
Centre Vertically
Now for both Labels, put them in a UIView and give that UIView following constraints,
Leading space from left image view.
trailing space from right image view.
top space from superview
bottom space from superview
Now for upper UILabel, Set following constraints,
Leading space
Trailing space
top space
Now for lower UILabel, Set following constraints,
Leading space
Trailing space
top space from upper UILabel
bottom space
After all this, i think that this will work for you.
You can use the constraints in the image below. It will work for all screen size and for any height of row.

UICollectionView is too wide. How can i make it the width of the device?

I created a new UICollectionView in the storyboard. My problem is that the cells try and fit a larger width than the width of the device, so the ones on the right get cut off. What's a good way to fix this?
you need to pinned all edges of your UICollectionview...check out here
By pinned all edges, you'll get equal height and width of screen
You need to add the proper constraints to your collection view. If you want it to be the width of the screen, then add 0 length spacing constraints to both edges of the controller's self.view (top and bottom as well if you want it full height).

Constrains different on iPhone 4 and iPad

I have this layout when running it on an iPhone 6, which is EXACTLY what i want:
However, here it is when running on the iPhone 4S (or on the iPad):
I really can't wrap my head around this. As you can see, the above picture has the text leaving the area, and the image being "shrunken". It is as if, the first image has the image resizing itself, and in the latter the text is filling up the blank space. How do i fix this?
Here are the constraints for the left-side image, and the right-side table:
Left image:
Right table:
And here they are selected in IB:
am not sure what you are doing with other elements but for the table and image i can suggest you those constraints. first clear all constraints of these two element and then try those.
for table in right side -
top to superview
bottom to superview
width - fixed
trailing to superview
for image on left
top to superview
bottom to superview
leading to superview
trailing to superview
put constraint values are according to your design. this will keep the right side table fixed width and resize the image to fill the rest of gap. i think this will solve your problem.
So, it's a little hard without being able to try out the layout myself, but here's what I think you need to do:
On your left image, remove the "Trailing Space To Superview" constraint.
On your right tableview, add a Width constraint, constraining the table to its current width.
This means the text in the table will stay in the same location, and the left image will grow or shrink depending on the space available.

AutoLayout UITableViewCell

I am working with autoLayout for UITableViewCell
So here is my xib and constraints
Here I set constraints such that tableView has dynamic height
Whenever I run on iphone5, it looks this way correctly which I want
But when I run the same thing on ipad it shows this way
So I am not understanding how to make the ipad version look same as iphone version, Not understanding which constraints I am missing.
When working with autolayout constraints, formulate what you want into sentences.
I want the yellow view to be pinned to the right.
I want the yellow view to be pinned to the top and bottom.
I want the yellow view to have width of 50.
I want my label to be pinned at the top and bottom.
I want my label to be pinned to the left.
I want my label to be pinned to my yellow view, with 10 pixels between them. (Thus growing in width along with the superview width).
And there you have all your constraints. Now you just have to add them one by one. Top, Bottom, Right to superview and Width constraint with a constant of 50 for the yellow view. Top, Bottom, Left to superview and Right to Yellow view with constant of 10 constraints.
You've pinned your yellow view to the left of the superview, so on bigger screens, it will grow to fulfill that constraint.
It looks like you pinned the left edge of the yellow view to the left edge of the table view cell with a 300pt offset. That means on the iPad, the yellow view is still 300pts offset from the left edge of the screen, and grows to fill the rest of the width available.
What you probably want to do instead is pin the right edge of the yellow view to the right edge of the table view cell with a 0pt offset, then also pin the yellow view's width to its desired size.

Resize proportionnaly between iphone 4 and 5 screens with XCode

I am trying to use auto layout in x code to correctly resize my view to switch between iphone 4 and 5.
I have a similar problem as the one presented in the picture. Let's consider the UILabel at the bottom is fixed.
I want the top UILabel to be at the middle of the space between the navigation bar and the bottom label. I don't know how to add a constraint that says "top space and bottom space must be equal". As a result, I can only fix one of the two constraints and I cannot get the expected result.
The way I do this in IB, is to embed the top label in a UIView. Give that view a standard vertical spacing constraint to the top layout guide, and another to the bottom label. Also give it a fixed width. Give the label centerX and centerY constraints to this view, and it should keep it centered in different screen sizes.
How about adding a container view that fills up the space between the 1st label and the navigation bar, and then center the 2nd label inside the container view.
