AutoLayout UITableViewCell - ios

I am working with autoLayout for UITableViewCell
So here is my xib and constraints
Here I set constraints such that tableView has dynamic height
Whenever I run on iphone5, it looks this way correctly which I want
But when I run the same thing on ipad it shows this way
So I am not understanding how to make the ipad version look same as iphone version, Not understanding which constraints I am missing.

When working with autolayout constraints, formulate what you want into sentences.
I want the yellow view to be pinned to the right.
I want the yellow view to be pinned to the top and bottom.
I want the yellow view to have width of 50.
I want my label to be pinned at the top and bottom.
I want my label to be pinned to the left.
I want my label to be pinned to my yellow view, with 10 pixels between them. (Thus growing in width along with the superview width).
And there you have all your constraints. Now you just have to add them one by one. Top, Bottom, Right to superview and Width constraint with a constant of 50 for the yellow view. Top, Bottom, Left to superview and Right to Yellow view with constant of 10 constraints.
You've pinned your yellow view to the left of the superview, so on bigger screens, it will grow to fulfill that constraint.

It looks like you pinned the left edge of the yellow view to the left edge of the table view cell with a 300pt offset. That means on the iPad, the yellow view is still 300pts offset from the left edge of the screen, and grows to fill the rest of the width available.
What you probably want to do instead is pin the right edge of the yellow view to the right edge of the table view cell with a 0pt offset, then also pin the yellow view's width to its desired size.


UITableView(Cell) does not fill up entire screen

See this image:
The tableview does not fill up the screen, while I seated equal widths and heights to superview. I also tried to set the constrains to all zero's on leading trailing top and bottom. The black image you see has a trailing space of 5 to the content view, but the image is not on the far right side on iPad or iPhone 7.
How can I make the TableView as big as the screen? Thanks.
Remove all constraints of your UITableView
Pin your UITableView to top, left, right and bottom with 0
Make sure not to use constraints to margings
Alternatively use the size inspectors Autoresizing.

How to implement constraints for 2 labels between 2 images for xib file

I'm trying to recreate a custom table view cell in my xib file as shown below. The company's square image is on the left. The company's name and company's booth (2 UI Labels) are to the right of the company's image. The star button is to the right of the text and is a square image. I guesstimated that the company's image and favorites button should be about 8px from the top and edge.
I tried to create 4 constraints for the top, bottom, left, and right of every element (image, 2 UI labels, and button). I also added 1:1 aspect ratio constraint to the image and button to make sure the image would be square. Then I aligned the left edge of the 2 UI labels. I vertically centered the image and the button. However, it came out with no star button and the location and title switched. How do I create this design using constraints?
Their is no difficulty with that.
First if we talk about your left UIImageView, Set following constraints,
Leading constraint
Fixed Height
Fixed Width
Centre Vertically
After that the UIImageView on left, set following constraints,
Trailing space from superview
Fixed Height
Fixed Width
Centre Vertically
Now for both Labels, put them in a UIView and give that UIView following constraints,
Leading space from left image view.
trailing space from right image view.
top space from superview
bottom space from superview
Now for upper UILabel, Set following constraints,
Leading space
Trailing space
top space
Now for lower UILabel, Set following constraints,
Leading space
Trailing space
top space from upper UILabel
bottom space
After all this, i think that this will work for you.
You can use the constraints in the image below. It will work for all screen size and for any height of row.

UIScrollView and Autolayout prevent contentview compression

In IB I have a view controller that contain a scrollview.
The red view is inside the scrollview
The minimum height of the red view is 504px, so on iphone 4 it should scroll and on iphone >=5 it should extend and layout the buttons to fill the blank.
I set the constraints of the red view to 0 from top, leading, trailing and bottom of the scrollview and also centered horizontally and vertically.
My redview has a minimum height of 504
The blue and green views have equal height
Everything is fine for iphone >=5 but for iphone 4 the red view is compressed to be the size of the scroll view and the buttons are touching each others.
After multiple constraints adjustments I'm wondering if it's even possible to do what I want 100% in IB with autolayout
You say (emphasis mine:)
"I set the constraints of the red view to 0 from top, leading, trailing and bottom of the scrollview and also centered horizontally and vertically. My redview has a minimum height of 504"
First, I can see some redundancy (the bold part).Your redView does not need the vertical constraint since you have already pinned it on the edges of the scrollview and has a defined minimum height.
But this could or not be the cause of the buttons coming closer together, depending on the rest of the constraints.
Have you set vertical space constraints for the buttons?

Unable to get the constraints right in xcode storyboard

I was playing around with iOS 8 auto layout and constraints and ran into this simple issue, and wondering if someone can help me.
All I want to is to create view (uiview) and have a label at the bottom center.
So I created a new project, Main story board is set to wAny hAny.
Dragged a view into it
x: 16, y:20
Width 275, Height:560
Color : Green
Added the following constraints
Pin top space to superview
pin leading space to superview
Pin hight
Pin width
Added a label and centered it to the bottom of the view
on the label, pinned leading space to superview
pinned bottom space to superview
Currently not seeing any constraints error
using iPhone 6 in the simulator
in portrait mode, I can see the full view and the label at the bottom
Now rotated to the left which is now the screen is in landscape mode. but the view is still on the left side of the screen vertically and 1/2 of it is cut.
So my question is how can I fix this issue so the view also rotate or I can the whole view with the label?
Generally you don't want to be pinning to one side and not the other because as the view size changes (such as with rotation) only one side of the view will get pulled, and that's exactly what you're seeing.
So, either you should not pin and instead centre horizontally in the superview (and allow the intrinsic content size of the label to set the size) or you should pin both leading and trailing (so the label will always be resized to full width).

UIView hug all subviews using Auto Layout

In the above, the orange, blue and green views are subviews of the yellow view. I need the parent (yellow) view's borders to hug its subviews. The only movement that's occurred between the two images is the green subview moving up and to the right.
Because the bottom of the orange view is now lower than the bottom of the green view, the parent view hugs the orange view's bottom edge.
Similarly, because the green view's right edge is past the blue view's right edge, the parent view hugs the green view's right edge.
Is there a way to do this with Auto Layout constraints, or would I have to write custom code?
For the bottom edge, both the orange and green views require two vertical space constraints each. They are:
Vertical space constraint with relation set to "Greater Than or Equal" and constant set to 0.
Vertical space constraint with relation set to "Equal", constant set to 0 and a priority lower than the first constraint.
The first constraint ensures that no matter what, the space will be greater than or equal to zero. The second constraint says if possible, also have the space equal to exactly zero.
The above can then be replicated for the right edges of the blue and green views, using horizontal space constraints instead.
