Change detail transition animation UISplitViewController - ios

I have a UISplitViewController. When run in compact mode the detail views are "pushed" onto the navigation stack like pages (with the back button in the navigation bar).
I would like to simply change the page transition animation from a push from the side, to a modal style animation: i.e., have the detail view slide in up from the bottom. But only have it animate as a modal when the UISplitViewController is in compact mode (running on smaller devices - i.e., iPhones, etc).
An image for context:
As you can see, this is a normal page transition, but I would like the detail to slide up like a "page sheet" transition if possible.
I've tried modifying the segue in Main.storyboard however that changes the transition even for regular sizes (i.e., iPads, etc) which makes an additional detail view slide over the side-by-side view that's seen on regular sized devices.
Any help is appreciated!

Although it is doable, I would highly recommend against it. If you still want to go ahead with it, the simplest way would be to create two identical viewControllers with two different segues and segue types. Then you can make a check on device idiom and call the relevant segue. Again, I would not recommend such an approach


UISplitViewController in UITabBarController - SplitView Navigation Bar Glitch / Bug or me doing something wrong?

PROBLEM: I discovered a strange behavior of UISplitViewController when embedding it in a UITabBarController. The setup is quiet simple and can be reproduced without any coding. Create a StoryBoard based app and drag a UITabBarController onto the StoryBoard and make it the initial view controller. Then drag a UISplitViewController onto the board and make it an item of the UITabBarController. Embed the UISplitViewControllers detail view controller in a UINavigationController as well. Finally, set the background color of the master and detail view controllers to something noticeable.
The StoryBoard should look like this:
Step 1: Run the application on an device which can show master and detail at the same time (e. g. iPad or big screen iPhone). You should notice that the master is not extending under the bars and instead, the background of UISplitViewController shines through.
Step 2: Rotate the screen to portrait so the master gets collapsed. Swipe in from the side to reveal the master. At this point, both navigation bars are showing the correct background color.
Step 3: Rotate the screen back to landscape. Now the detail has the background of the UISplitViewController and the master is showing the correct color.
On start, the tableview of the master is not extending under the navigation bar.
When and only if revealing the master in portrait mode and then rotating back, the glich changes so that now the master extends under the bars and the detail does not anymore.
If not revealing the master in portrait, you can rotate as many times as you want without changing the behavior
It only happens on devices which can show master and detail at the same time
It only happens when embedding a UISplitViewController in a UITabBarController
Why are master and detail not expanding correctly under their navigation bar?
Why does this only happen on iPad/iPhone Plus and not on regular iPhones (there everything works exactly as expected)?
Is there any fix I could apply to make this work on iPad?
Is there a better design approach than having a TabBar with a master-detail flow embedded? For me a TabBar just seems right to switch between different types of content in my app and I don't want to have a full width tableview on iPads. The SplitViewController also seems to be the right approach to display my content...
5 Month later there is still no solution for this. Moreover, as I was stumbling across this issue once again while developing another app, I found this old post from 2015 having the same issue: Navigation bar for split view controller is darker when inside a tab bar controller
So I guess Apple has no intention on fixing their own controllers and we developers are screwed. The only way we can have a UITabBar at the bottom while showing a UISplitViewController above with proper translucent UINavigationBars is to implement our own container view controllers.
I finally solved the issue by using a plain UIViewController with a UITabBar pinned to the bottom while using the UIViewController containment API to show/hide my UISplitViewControllers.

Displaying user information on an popover alert view controller

I am working on an app for a Cafe where users can "sign in" to their seats.
Currently I am thinking of a way to present basic user information of seated people. What I am envisioning is to when the table gets tap, a square information box (pardon my primitive language) appears in the middle with the background being blurred out. I am hoping to have something flexible so that i can add tab and such to this so called box.
I have been looking at popover alert controllers and apparently there is limited information on them in regards to the iPhone. Is there a reason why popover view is not used for iPhones as compared to iPads? Moreover, is there a smarter UI to handle this or should i just segue to the next view when tapped.
Basically, popovers are iPad-only because iPhone screens are too small to make them effective. UIAlertController is a similar alternative, though it may not lend itself to what you're trying to accomplish.
Segueing to a new view for the user information is definitely a solid option, or if you want to preserve the feeling of staying on the same view you can animate a custom view over top of your current view, often from the bottom in the style of a keyboard or the settings drawer.
I think you are mixing up two different concepts: Alerts vs View Controllers being displayed modally.
Alerts – as the name suggests – are used to bring something important to the attention of the user. They usually interupt the current flow.
View Controllers presented modally are similar to what you discribe: a new View Controller moves over the current one, and the current one is blacked out to put emphasis to the new one. As you rightly pointed out though, this is hardly used on iPhone: This is because iPhones historically have rather small screens, and scaling down a view controller leaves hardly any room for content.
View Controllers presented as popovers is yet another thing: Here, you show the new view controller in a separate window that originates from a specific point in your UI.
This document might be of interest for you.
You may want to use a Modally presented View Controller. For this, you will create the view you want to pop up in a separate view controller. Then, control-drag in a segue from the parent view to the Modal of type Present Modally. You can even get your blurriness by setting your Modal's background to clear and adding a Visual Effect with Blur to its view.
Now, give the segue an identifier in the right hand pane so you can call it programatically.

Navigation Bar item Become Title ( while slide, without disappear)

Im sorry if the Title of question isn't 100% correct. To be honest Im not sure how to describe my question. I have problem. I have app which has Navigation Controller (title is called List). In navigation controller I have "Add" item. When I touch the Item, new View Controller is called. When I touch Back button, which is called "List". When I do slide gesture to go back, Button < called "Title" disappear and again appear even if name is same - "Title". I made gif animation to be clear. Does anybody know how to make my app just slide the title without any (dis)appear? Thank you very much and sorry If my english is not best:)
This is the standard UINavigationController behavior and I don't believe you can easily change this. Two options come to mind:
If you really want this feature, the simplest solution is to tell your navigation controller to not show the navigation bar:
Then you can add your own navigation bar to your scenes. You'll have to manually add back buttons that you hook up to IBAction that pops the view controller (or an unwind segue to the previous scene). If your app supports landscape mode, you may also want to tweak the rotation behavior so it's shorter in landscape mode than portrait mode (like the navigation controller does).
By doing this, you still enjoy the navigation controller functionality (pushing and popping), though you're manually adding navigation bars to every scene. The UX isn't going to be identical and you lose interactive pop gesture, too, but it's probably the easiest was to achieve your desired transition animation.
If that's not adequate (e.g. you need interactive gesture for popping, etc.), then you can write this yourself, retiring the navigation controller entirely and then use custom interactive transitions. This was introduced in iOS 7 (see WWDC 2013 video Custom Transitions Using View Controllers) and revised in iOS 8 (see WWDC 2014 video View Controller Advancements in iOS 8).
Frankly, these both feel like heavy-handed solutions (especially the second one), but if you really want to change the animation of the navigation bar associated with the navigation controller, then these are two options. Personally, I'd step back and do a cost-benefit analysis of this endeavor and decide whether this is worth it for a fairly minor UI issue.

how to swipe across UINavigationController tree leaves without pushing?

This app provides 6 screens of detail form input that are accessed through a master table view using a UINavigationController.
So the user starts are the master screen used as a menu, and drills down each of the detail view in turn. The depth of the tree is 2: at level 1, there is the master view (the menu). At level 2, there are all the 6 detail views.
Now, the most common workflow is to go through each of the 6 detail screens in turn, in a linear fashion. Having to go back to the menu each time is cumbersome at best.
I would therefore like to offer the user the possibility to go from one detail screen to the next or previous with a swipe gesture.
How can I do that?
I can set up 2 UIGestureRecognisers. No problem. I even linked them to a push segue, and it works, but this is not the behaviour I'd like: I want the depth to stay at 2. In other words, I would like the segues to replace not push the view at the top of the navigation stack.
What would be the best way?
Second: the views switch one the swipe gesture is over. I would rather have the animation start during the swipe, with the user having the opportunity to change her mind when watching the next/previous view partially appear, exactly as the photo app handled swiping from one photo to the next/previous.
Is that even possible?
Thanks for any insight.
It looks to me that you are looking for something like UIPageViewController with UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll.
You can segue to that UIPageViewController from your master tableView and add your 6 detail VC to it as pages.
Here is a tutorial on how to use a UIPageViewController in a storyboard.
Please note that this scroll style is only available on iOS6.0+.

"Slide" segue between UITabBar views

My iOS 5 app uses storyboarding with a UITabBarController. There are three "tabs" each displaying a view controller which has been linked using a relationship back to the UITabBarController. At the moment each view controller appears when you tap the relevant tab, as expected. However, for a more gracious transition I would like to slide the view controllers on and off screen.
By way of example, if I am currently on Tab 0 and then select Tab 1 the view controller on screen (for Tab 0) should slide off to the left-hand side of the screen, and the new view controller (for Tab 1) should slide on from the right-hand side of the screen.
I have been able to achieve this behaviour using a custom UIView as the tab bar but would like to know whether this is possible with a custom segue in storyboarding, as that would certainly save a lot of coding (and also would keep things a fair bit neater in the project)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I think the relationship segue does not allow any customization as it just connect tab bar and the tab bar items together, and not a transition.
My guess is we have to do the transition ourselves when the view appeared.
