How to monitor resources during slurm job? - memory

I'm running jobs on our university cluster (regular user, no admin rights), which uses the SLURM scheduling system and I'm interested in plotting the CPU and memory usage over time, i.e while the job is running. I know about sacct and sstat and I was thinking to include these commands in my submission script, e.g. something in the line of
#SBATCH <options>
# Running the actual job in background
srun my_program output.out &
# While loop that records resources
JobStatus="$(sacct -j $SLURM_JOB_ID | awk 'FNR == 3 {print $6}')"
#sleep time in seconds
while [ "$JobStatus" != "COMPLETED" ]; do
#update job status
JobStatus="$(sacct -j $SLURM_JOB_ID | awk 'FNR == 3 {print $6}')"
if [ "$JobStatus" == "RUNNING" ]; then
if [ $FIRST -eq 0 ]; then
sstat --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,MaxRSS -P -j ${SLURM_JOB_ID} >> usage.txt
sstat --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,MaxRSS -P --noheader -j ${SLURM_JOB_ID} >> usage.txt
sleep $STIME
elif [ "$JobStatus" == "PENDING" ]; then
sleep $STIME
sacct -j ${SLURM_JOB_ID} --format=AllocCPUS,ReqMem,MaxRSS,AveRSS,AveDiskRead,AveDiskWrite,ReqCPUS,AllocCPUs,NTasks,Elapsed,State >> usage.txt
However, I'm not really convinced of this solution:
sstat unfortunately doesn't show how many cpus are used at the
moment (only average)
MaxRSS is also not helpful if I try to record memory usage over time
there still seems to be some error (script doesn't stop after job finishes)
Does anyone have an idea how to do that properly? Maybe even with top or htop instead of sstat? Any help is much appreciated.

Slurm offers a plugin to record a profile of a job (PCU usage, memory usage, even disk/net IO for some technologies) into a HDF5 file. The file contains a time series for each measure tracked, and you can choose the time resolution.
You can activate it with
#SBATCH --profile=<all|none|[energy[,|task[,|filesystem[,|network]]]]>
See the documentation here.
To check that this plugin is installed, run
scontrol show config | grep AcctGatherProfileType
It should output AcctGatherProfileType = acct_gather_profile/hdf5.
The files are created in the folder referred to in the ProfileHDF5Dir Slurm configuration parameter (in slurm.conf)
As for your script, you could try replacing sstat with an SSH connection to the compute nodes to run ps. Assuming pdsh or clush is installed, you could run something like:
pdsh -j $SLURM_JOB_ID ps -u $USER -o pid,state,cputime,%cpu,rssize,command --columns 100 >> usage.txt
This will give you CPU and memory usage per process.
As a final note, your job never terminates simply because it will terminate when the while loop terminates, and the while loop will terminate when the job terminates... The condition "$JobStatus" == "COMPLETED" will never be observed from within the script. When the job is completed, the script is killed.


Vivado Synthesis hangs in Docker container spawned by Jenkins

I'm attempting to move our large FPGA build into a Jenkins CI environment, but the build hangs at the end of synthesis when run in a Docker container spawned by Jenkins.
I've attempted to replicate the environment that Jenkins is creating, but when I spawn a Docker container myself, there's no issue with the build.
I've tried:
reducing the number of jobs (aka threads) that Vivado uses, thinking
that perhaps there was some thread collision occurring when writing
out log files
on the same note, used the -nolog -nojournal options on the vivado
commands to remove any log file collisions
taking control of the cloned/checked-out project and running commands
as the local user in the Docker container
I also have an extremely small build that makes it through the entire build process in Jenkins with no issue, so I don't think there is a fundamental flaw with my Docker containers.
agent {
docker {
image "vivado:2017.4"
args """
--mac-address <MAC_ADDRESS>
steps {
sh "chmod -R 777 ."
dir(path: "${params.root_dir}") {
timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') {
// Create HLS IP for use in Vivado project
sh './'
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
// Create vivado project, add sources, constraints, HLS IP, generated IP
sh 'source && vivado -mode batch -source tcl/setup_proj.tcl'
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
// Create block designs from TCL scripts
sh 'source && vivado -mode batch -source tcl/run_bd.tcl'
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
// Synthesize complete project
sh 'source && vivado -mode batch -source tcl/run_synth.tcl'
This code block below was running 1 job with a 12 hour timeout. You can see that Synthesis finished, then a timeout occurred 8 hours later.
[2019-04-17T00:30:06.131Z] Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:01:53 ; elapsed = 00:03:03 . Memory (MB): peak = 3288.852 ; gain = 1750.379 ; free physical = 332 ; free virtual = 28594
[2019-04-17T00:30:06.131Z] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2019-04-17T00:30:06.131Z] Synthesis finished with 0 errors, 0 critical warnings and 671 warnings.
[2019-04-17T08:38:37.742Z] Sending interrupt signal to process
[2019-04-17T08:38:43.013Z] Terminated
[2019-04-17T08:38:43.013Z] Session terminated, killing shell... ...killed.
[2019-04-17T08:38:43.013Z] script returned exit code 143
Running the same commands in locally spawned Docker containers has no issues whatsoever. Unfortunately, the timeout Jenkins step doesn't appear to flush open buffers, as my post:unsuccesful step that prints out all log files doesn't find synth_1, though I wouldn't expect there to be anything different from the Jenkins capture.
Are there any known issues with Jenkins/Vivado integration? Is there a way to enter a Jenkins spawned container so I can try and duplicate what I'm expecting vs what I'm experiencing?
EDIT: I've since added in a timeout in the actual tcl scripts to move past the wait_on_runs command used in run_synth.tcl, but now I'm experiencing the same hanging behavior during implementation.
The problem lies in the way vivado deals (or doesn't deal...) with its forked processes. Specifically I think this applies to the parallel synthesis. This is maybe, why you only see it in some of your projects. In the state you describe above (stuck after "Synthesis finished") I noticed a couple of abandoned zombie processes of vivado. To my understanding these are child processes which ended, but the parent didn't collect the status before ending themselves. Tracing with strace even reveals that vivado tries to kill these processes:
restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted nanosleep ...>) = 0
kill(319, SIG_0) = 0
kill(370, SIG_0) = 0
kill(422, SIG_0) = 0
kill(474, SIG_0) = 0
nanosleep({tv_sec=5, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7f86edcf4dd0) = 0
kill(319, SIG_0) = 0
kill(370, SIG_0) = 0
kill(422, SIG_0) = 0
kill(474, SIG_0) = 0
nanosleep({tv_sec=5, tv_nsec=0}, <detached ...>
But (as we all know) you can't kill zombies, they are already dead...
Normally these processes would be adopted by the init process and handled there. But in the case of Jenkins Pipeline in Docker there is no init by default. The pipeline spawns the container and runs cat with no inputs to keep it alive. This way cat becomes pid 1 and takes the abandoned children of vivado. cat of course doesn't know what do do with them and ignores them (a tragedy really).
|-sh,30 -c ...
| |-sh,31 -c ...
| | `-sleep,5913 3
| `-sh,32 -xe /home/user/.jenkins/workspace...
| `-sh,35 -xe /home/user/.jenkins/workspace...
| `-vivado,36 /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.2/bin/vivado -mode tcl ...
| `-loader,60 /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.2/bin/loader -exec vivado -mode tcl ...
| `-vivado,82 -mode tcl ...
| |-{vivado},84
| |-{vivado},85
| |-{vivado},111
| |-{vivado},118
| `-{vivado},564
Luckily there is a way to have an init process in the docker container. Passing the --init argument with the docker run solves the problem for me.
agent {
docker {
image 'vivado:2019.2'
args '--init'
This creates the init process vivado seems to rely on and the build runs without problems.
Hope this helps you!

xvfb-run unreliable when multiple instances invoked in parallel

Can you help me, why I get sometimes (50:50):
webkit_server.NoX11Error: Cannot connect to X. You can try running with xvfb-run.
When I start the script in parallel as:
xvfb-run -a python
You can reproduce this yourself like so:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
xvfb-run -a xterm &
Of the 10 instances of xterm this starts, 9 of them will typically fail, exiting with the message Xvfb failed to start.
Looking at xvfb-run 1.0, it operates as follows:
# Find a free server number by looking at .X*-lock files in /tmp.
find_free_servernum() {
# Sadly, the "local" keyword is not POSIX. Leave the next line commented in
# the hope Debian Policy eventually changes to allow it in /bin/sh scripts
# anyway.
#local i
while [ -f /tmp/.X$i-lock ]; do
i=$(($i + 1))
echo $i
This is very bad practice: If two copies of find_free_servernum run at the same time, neither will be aware of the other, so they both can decide that the same number is available, even though only one of them will be able to use it.
So, to fix this, let's write our own code to find a free display number, instead of assuming that xvfb-run -a will work reliably:
# allow settings to be updated via environment
: "${xvfb_lockdir:=$HOME/.xvfb-locks}"
: "${xvfb_display_min:=99}"
: "${xvfb_display_max:=599}"
# assuming only one user will use this, let's put the locks in our own home directory
# avoids vulnerability to symlink attacks.
mkdir -p -- "$xvfb_lockdir" || exit
i=$xvfb_display_min # minimum display number
while (( i < xvfb_display_max )); do
if [ -f "/tmp/.X$i-lock" ]; then # still avoid an obvious open display
(( ++i )); continue
exec 5>"$xvfb_lockdir/$i" || continue # open a lockfile
if flock -x -n 5; then # try to lock it
exec xvfb-run --server-num="$i" "$#" || exit # if locked, run xvfb-run
(( i++ ))
If you save this script as xvfb-run-safe, you can then invoke:
xvfb-run-safe python
...and not worry about race conditions so long as no other users on your system are also running xvfb.
This can be tested like so:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do xvfb-wrap-safe xchat & done which case all 10 instances correctly start up and run in the background, as opposed to:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do xvfb-run -a xchat & done
...where, depending on your system's timing, nine out of ten will (typically) fail.
This questions was asked in 2015.
In my version of xvfb (2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.2), this problem has been fixed.
It looks at /tmp/.X*-lock to find an available port, and then runs Xvfb. If Xvfb fails to start, it finds a new port and retries, up to 10 times.

Goal of zero downtime, how to use upstart with sockets & (g)unicorn:

My goal is zero downtime deployments for an ecommerce app, and I'm trying to this in the best way possible.
I'm doing this on a nginx/unicorn/django setup as well as a nginx/unicorn/rails setup for a separate server.
My strategy is to set preload_app=true in my file, then reload by sending a USR2 signal to the PID running the server. This forks the process and it's children and a pre_fork/before_fork can pick up on this and send a subsequent QUIT signal.
Here's an example of what my pre_fork is doing in the guincorn version:
# ...
# socket doesn't come back after QUIT
# works, but I'd prefer the socket for security
# bind='localhost:8333'
# ...
def pre_fork(server, worker):
old_pid_file = '/opt/run/my-website/'
if os.path.isfile(old_pid_file):
with open(old_pid_file, 'r') as pid_contents:
old_pid = int(
if old_pid !=
os.kill(old_pid, signal.SIGQUIT)
except Exception as err:
And here's a selection from my sysv script which performs the reload:
DESC="my website"
CMD="$ENV_PATH/bin/python $SITE_PATH/ run_gunicorn -c $GUNICORN >> $STDOUT_LOG 2>>$STDERR_LOG"
sig () {
test -s "$PID" && kill -$1 `cat $PID`
run () {
if [ "$(id -un)" = "$RUN_AS" ]; then
eval $1
su -c "$1" - $RUN_AS
reload () {
echo "Reloading $DESC"
sig USR2 && echo reloaded OK && exit 0
echo >&2 "Couldn't reload, starting '$DESC' instead"
run "$CMD"
case $action in
I chose preload_app=true, for the zero-downtime appeal. Since the workers have the app preloaded into memory, then as long as I switch processes correctly, it should simulate a zero downtime result. That's the thinking anyway.
This works where I'm listening to through a port but I haven't been able to get it work over a socket.
My questions are the following:
Is this how the rest of you are doing this?
Is there a better way, for example with HUP somehow? My understanding is you can't use preload_app=true with HUP though.
Is it possible to do this using a socket? My socket keeps going away on the QUIT and never coming back. My thinking is that a socket is more secure because you have to have access to the filesystem.
Is anyone doing this with upstart rather than sysv? I'd ideally like to do that and I saw an interesting way of accomplishing that by flocking the PID. It's a challenge with upstart because once the exec-fork from gunicorn/unicorn takes over, upstart is no longer monitoring the process it was originally managing and needs to be re-established somehow.
You should look at unicornherder from my colleagues at GDS, which is specifically designed to manage this:
Unicorn Herder is a utility designed to assist in the use of Upstart and similar supervisors with Unicorn.

Best way to search the path in shell

I've got a small script called "onewhich". Its purpose is to behave like which, except that it will only give the FIRST occurrence of any executables specified as options, as found in the order they'd appear in the path.
So for example, if my path is /opt/bin:/usr/bin:/bin, and I have both /opt/bin/runme and /usr/bin/runme, then the command onewhich runme would return /opt/bin/runme.
But if I also have a /usr/bin/doit, then the command onewhich doit runme would return /usr/bin/doit instead.
The idea is to walk through the path, check for each executable specified, and if it exists, show it and exit.
Here's the script so far.
for what in "$#"; do
for loc in `echo "${PATH}" | awk -vRS=: 1`; do
if [ -f "${loc}/${what}" ]; then
echo "${loc}/${what}"
exit 0
exit 1
The problem is, I want to be better about PATH directories with special characters. Every second shell question here on StackOverflow talks about how bad it is to parse paths with tools like awk and sed. There's even a bash faq entry about it. (Proviso: I'm not using bash for this, but the recommendation is still valid.)
So I tried rewriting the script to separate paths in a pipe, like this"
for what in "$#"; do
echo "${PATH}" | awk -vRS=: 1 | while read loc ; do
if [ -f "${loc}/${what}" ]; then
echo "${loc}/${what}"
exit 0
exit 1
I'm not sure if this gives me any real advantage (since $loc is still inside quotes), but it also doesn't work because for some reason, the exit 0 seems to be ignored. Or ... it exits something (the sub-shell with the while loop that terminates the pipe, maybe), but the script exits with a value of 1 every time.
What's a better way to step through directories in ${PATH} without the risk that special characters will confuse things?
Alternately, am I reinventing the wheel? Is there maybe a way to do this that's built in to existing shell tools?
This needs to run in both Linux and FreeBSD, which is why I'm writing it in Bourne instead of bash.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but does eliminate the need to parse PATH at all:
onewhich () {
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what" 2>/dev/null && break
This just calls which on each command on the input list until it finds a match.
To parse PATH, you can simply set `IFS=':'.
if [ "${IFS:-x}" = "${IFS-x}" ]; then
# Only preserve the value of IFS if it is currently set
for f in $PATH; do # Do not quote $PATH, to allow word splitting
echo $f
if [ "${OLDIFS:-x}" = "${OLDIFS-x}" ]; then
The above will fail if any of the directories in PATH actually contain colons.
Your first method looks to me as if it should work. In practical terms, if it's really the $PATH you'll be searching, it's unlikely you'll have spaces and newlines embedded in directories there. If you do, it's probably time to refactor.
But still, I don't think you're at risk from the possibility of bad names clobbering your loop, since you're wrapping variables in quotes. At worst, I suspect you might miss the odd valid executable, but I can't see how the script would generate errors. (I don't see how the script would miss valid executables, and I haven't tested - I'm just saying I don't see problems at first glance.)
As for your second question, about the loop, I think you've hit the nail on the head. When you run a pipe like this | that | while condition; do things; done, the while loop runs in its own shell at the end of the pipe. Exiting that shell may terminate the actions of the pipe, but that only brings you back to the parent shell, which has its own thread of execution that terminates with exit 1.
As for a better way to do this, I would consider which.
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what"
done | head -1
And if you really want the exit values as well:
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what" && exit 0
exit 1
The second might even be fewer resources, as it doesn't have to open a file handle and pipe through head.
You can also split your path using IFS. For example, if you wanted to wrap your loops the other way around, you could do this:
for loc in $PATH; do
for what in "$#"; do
if [ -x "$loc"/"$what" ]; then
echo "$loc"/"$what"
exit 0
exit 1
Note that under normal circumstances, you might want to save the old value of $IFS, but you seem to be doing things in a stand-alone script, so the "new" value gets thrown out when the script exits.
All the above code is untested. YMMV.
Another way to get around the need to parse PATH at all is to run the builtin type command in new shell with a stripped environment (i. e. there simply are no functions or aliases to look up; cf. env -i sh -c 'type cmd 2>/dev/null).
# using `cmd` instead of $(cmd) for portability
onewhich() {
ec=0 # exit code
for cmd in "$#"; do
command -p env -i PATH="$PATH" sh -c '
export LC_ALL=C LANG=C
path="`type "$cmd" 2>/dev/null`"
if [ X"$path" = "X" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "error: command \"${cmd}\" not found in PATH" 1>&2
exit 1
case "$path" in
*\ /*)
printf "%s\n" "$path";;
printf "%s\n" "error: no disk file: $path" 1>&2
exit 1;;
exit 0
' _ "$cmd"
[ $? != 0 ] && ec=1
[ $ec != 0 ] && return 1
onewhich awk ls sed
onewhich builtin
onewhich if
Since which on success returns two full command paths if two commands are specified as arguments, exit 0 in the first onewhich script above aborts the program prematurely. In addition, if two commands are specified as arguments to which, the exit code of which is set to 1 even if only one command lookup failed (cf. which awk sedxyz ls; echo $?). To mimic this behaviour of the which command it is necessary to toggle on/off two variables (cnt and nomatches below).
onewhich() (
for cmd in "$#"; do
for loc in $PATH ; do
if [ $cnt = 0 ] && [ -x "$loc"/"$cmd" ]; then
echo "$loc"/"$cmd"
[ $cnt = 0 ] && nomatches=1
[ $nomatches = 1 ] && exit 1 || exit 0 # exit 1: at least one cmd was not in PATH
onewhich awk ls sed
onewhich awk lsxyz sed
onewhich builtin
onewhich if

How can I remove duplicates (deduplicate) a mbox format email mailbox?

I've got a mbox mailbox containing duplicate copies of messages, which differ only in their "X-Evolution:" header.
I want to remove the duplicate ones, in as quick and simple a way as possible. It seems like this would have been written already, but I haven't found it, although I've looked at the Python mailbox module, the various perl mbox parsers, formail, and so forth.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
This a small script, which I used for it:
IDCACHE=$(mktemp -p /tmp)
formail -D $((1024*1024*10)) ${IDCACHE} -s
The mailbox needs to be piped through it, and in the meantime it will be deduplicated.
-D $((1024*1024*10)) sets a 10 Mebibyte cache, which is more than 10x the amount needed to deduplicate an entire year of my mail. YMMV, so adjust it accordingly. Setting it too high will cause some performance loss, setting it to low will let it slip duplicates.
formail is part of the procmail utility bundle, mktemp is part of coreutils.
I didn't look at formail (part of procmail) in enough detail. It does have such such an option, as mentioned in places like: and
'formail -D' and 'reformail -D' can only process one email per execution. Each mail needs to be separated from mbox first before being processed. I use reformail from maildrop instead since it's still in active development.
remove old idcache, tmpmail, nmbox
run .
nmbox is the output with duplicate messages removed.
#! /bin/sh
# $1 = mbox, thunderbird mailbox
# is called for each mail.
cat $1 | reformail -s ./
#! /bin/sh
# stdin: a email
# called by
if [ -f $TM ] ; then
echo error!
exit 1
cat > $TM
# mbox format, each mail end with a blank line
echo "" >> $TM
cat $TM | reformail -D 99999999 idcache
# if this mail isn't a dup (reformail return 1 if message-id is not found)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
# each mail shall have a message-id
if grep -q -i '^message-id:' $TM; then
cat tmpmail >> nmbox
rm $TM
