Error: import graphlab - machine-learning

I would like to count with your help, in regards to the following error:
ACTION REQUIRED: Dependencies libstdc++-6.dll and libgcc_s_seh-1.dll not found.
Ensure user account has write permission to C:\GraphLab\IntalledPackaged\Anaconda2\envs\gl-env\lib\site-packages\graphlab
Run graphlab.get_dependencies() to download and install them.
Restart Python and import graphlab again.
By running the above function, you agree to the following licenses.
Load some house sales data
Dataset is from house sales in King County, the region where the city of Seattle, WA is located.
I would like to have your advice in regards to this matter if possible, meaning, what could I do? I already tried : gl.get_dependencies(), and I go these results:
NameError Traceback (most recent call
last) in ()
----> 1 gl.get_dependencies()
NameError: name 'gl' is not defined
And I already tried to uninstall the software and install it again.
I would thank help in the matter.

You need to fully spell out the prefix "graphlab"; not "gl".
So try graphlab.get_dependencies() and that should import those dependencies for you.
I'm assuming this is your personal machine so you should have write permissions already, but it wouldn't hurt to check that as well if the above doesn't work.


Nasdaq ITCH order book build -> EOF error when expanding '.gz' file

I'm trying my first steps in ML using Jupter's IPython, I was advised to start with Nasdaq's order book ITCH dataset to create models. I'm following the same steps in this tutorial on github.
I can't seem to unzip/expand files from the ITCH dataset, when executing the function may_be_download(url) and the following code (code cell nr.5 in tutorial):
file_name = may_be_download(urljoin(FTP_URL, SOURCE_FILE))
date ='.')[0]
I get the following error; EOFError: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
Nor am I able to simply unzip the file by clicking on it in Finder or using gzip & gunzip methods in Terminal.
I took the following steps:
Executed all previous code cells (1-4)
Copied the file 03272019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz to a folder named data in the relative path
First I went clicked on the sample link in the notebook
Then logged in as a guest and navigated to the folder Nasdaq ITCH
Then located the file 03272019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz and copyed it a local folder.
Executed code cell nr.5 listed above.
I've search and tried numerous solutions to similar issues listed here on Stack and Github, but none seem to solve this particular problem. I would deeply appreciate any help and thoughts on what may be occurring and how I might go about solving this.
I'll leave you with a picture of the error logs, assuming it may be of some help
Thanks for reading.
I downloaded that file and one other from that site. They both appear to be corrupted, both failing with incomplete deflate data.
What's more, there are MD5 signatures for the files there, and what is downloaded has MD5 signatures that do not match.
This is not being caused by the ftp server doing end-of-line conversions, because the lengths of the file in bytes match exactly the lengths on the server. Also a histogram of the byte values shows no bias.

Invalid symbol: "default"

My Android project in Xamarin keeps failing to build due to below error
invalid symbol :"default" default.png res/drawable/default.png
not sure what is causing this to happen.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
default is c# keyword, you need rename your picture's name.
As mentioned before default is the keywords and that why it's failing . I wanted to share the lists so you may save your time by not using other keyword . We have quite a large number of keywords in c#:
Please find the few list mentioned in link below:
So if u use any of the reserved names u may come across this kind of error.

Cobol error but cannot find it like I normally would find errors?

I am working on a COBOL project and normally can find compile errors very easily within my program by looking through the error messages in the compile listing. But I just found one that I cannot seem to find all that easily.
This is how I select the job to see the locations of the errors:
O Job#( ) Jobname MaxRC
S J40195 myFile 000008
J30902 SSabdd33 000000
J50339 SSrrrr09 000000
J50325 SSeeeee0 000004
108 CWPERRM TEST0001 XPDTR --> I would select this option to see the errors
Error Statements Here:
I am not sure what these error statements mean.
Not Off-topic, so you can have an answer.
If attempting to use Compuware's Expediter IBM Mainframe debugger product and you want to understand any of the messages, you need to find the Xpediter Messages and Codes manual at your installation and any local installation-specific documentation on how the product should be used at your site.
You should be able to register on, for free, and have access to downloadable manuals, for free, but you will need to locate the license information at your site and check that there are not already internal procedures for obtaining the documentation.
When receiving error messages, consult the messages manual first. If this does not give a resolution, consult colleagues, the appropriate local support group, Compuware support (your site is paying for that, but ensure you follow local procedures for doing so, there may be a central contact point at your site for support requests to software suppliers), search the web.
Sometimes you will be able to circumvent that by searching the web early, or asking questions somewhere, but many times simply looking in the manual will be enough, and other times they will be site-specific issues, so better to go through everything in the approximate order above.
If you are not intending to use Xpediter for a program and you get the messages, it means that the "wrong" JCL is being used, which usually means that the wrong compile method has been selected from an ISPF panel. You need to find out, at your site, colleagues being the easiest way, how to compile a program without using Xpediter. This will be/can be entirely site-specific, so you have to find out how it is done at your site and you can get nothing but generalised answers here which will sometimes confuse, send you down a wrong route and waste your time, or otherwise not be other than tangentially helpful to you.

update module on import to python interpreter

In short
How to force python interpreter to load the most up-to-date code version of my module everytime I make some changes in the module code?
Or at least reload the last modified version by typing
>>> from myModule import *
into console, without necessity to restart whole python console and setup everything again and again anytime I make some changes? This is extremely unpleasant behavior for debugging.
--------- LONGER STORY -----------
I tried to delete the .pyc file, and import it again - but it has no effect. It does't even create .pyc file again - so I expect it completely ignore my "import" command if the module is already loaded.
this also does not help:
>>> mymodule.myfunc() # the old version
>>> del myModule # unload mymodle from python conole / interpeter
... # now I removed .pyc
... # now I make some modifications in mymodule.myfunc() code
>>> mymodule.myfunc() # module is unknonwn, ... OK
>>> import myModule # try to load modified version
>>> mymodule.myfunc() # stil the old version :(((((, How it can remember?
I have tried also Spyder where is this feature called "User Module Deleter (UMD)"
which I thought should do exactly this, but it seem it doesn't (Yes, I checked that it is turned on).
Maybe I'm missing something - can somebody explain me how is it supposed to be used?
Is this somehow affected by the fact that the imported module is not in "Working directory" but in PYTHONPATH ?
(Spyder dev here) I think at the moment you are not able to reload a module directly in the console (but we are considering to change this in the future).
The idea about UMD is that it will reload your modules but only if you run a file from the editor that imports them. It doesn't work if you want to reload them directly in the console.
Let's say you developed a module, then you are probably using it in a different script that (most likely) you'll be writing in our editor and send it to run to our console. UMD is a little bit of magic that reloads it for you when that happens.
Maybe useful for others. In Spyder 3.0.0, the modules can be reloaded by,
Tools -> Update modules names list.
It worked for me.

Records in Erl (Erlang question)

Is there a way to use records directly in erl? No matter what I try, it always says it canno find the record. I am trying to do mnesia transactions and I cannot go too far without my records. Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you!
Yes, use help() and find these commands in the shell.
rd(R,D) -- define a record
rf() -- remove all record information
rf(R) -- remove record information about R
rl() -- display all record information
rl(R) -- display record information about R
rp(Term) -- display Term using the shell's record information
rr(File) -- read record information from File (wildcards allowed)
rr(F,R) -- read selected record information from file(s)
rr(F,R,O) -- read selected record information with options
These are a clever hack in the shell, they allow you to load record definitions used in modules when they were compiled. Use the rr command to load it from your module.
Remember that these are only available for the interactive shell to use.
How do you mean? In the shell, then it is as Christian wrote. If you mean in a module then you still have to define records before you can use them. See the erlang docs, online at, for a description on how to do this. They are only a compile time construction, so they don't exist as such.
