How to connect to iPhoneSimulator with VS2017 in MAC - ios

I am trying to debug my iOS application with iPhone simulator, unfortunately I can't connect to it. It's showing me "Building", but without any success to launch it on simulator.


iOS emulator will build and emulate, but it won't load the app

I program with VS Code, and using it, I have been able to build and emulate apps through the command line with Xcode emulators and have used the ionic cordova emulate --list command to make sure I know that there are emulators available. However, when the emulator loads on my mac, the app only shows the loading screen and is stuck there indefinitely. Is this a network issue or an emulating issue? How can I fix this?
I'm on macOS Monterey 12.5. I've already tried running with --target, and with or without that, I always get ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** in the command line, so it should work. However, I also get this weird statement I will share in case this helps narrows the problem. When I used --target and picked the id number for the emulator I wanted for ios, I still got this statement:
No simulator found for "F470F755-F086-4D32-8F17-624F06968F94. Falling back to the default target.
Building for "iPhone SE (3rd generation)" Simulator (, iPhone-SE-3rd-generation).
Building project: /Users/nikgiuliani/projects/embark/platforms/ios/Embark.xcworkspace
Configuration: Debug
Platform: emulator
Target: iPhone SE (3rd generation)
The weird thing is the emulator id number I used was for iPhone SE (3rd generation), so why would this A: not find the emulator even though it's there, and B: why would it fall back on a "default emulator" when that's the emulator I chose? Build still loads in spite of this statement in the console.

No internetconnection deploying Flutter App (release) on IOS(14+) device

I'm trying to deploy my Flutter app on a iPhone IOS 14.4. IOS 14 don't support debug mode, so I run "flutter run --release". But when I open the application on my iPhone, it won't connect to the internet and my database. It works well on my Xcode IOS simulator in debug mode. I think it has something to do with release instead of debug.

Unable to app run on my simulator: macOS Sierra

I am unable to launch my app on simulator using Xcode 7.3.1 iPhone 5s simulator. I am getting an error message in Xcode is "DTAssetProviderService could not start DTXConnection"
Build app
The app will still install on the simulator, even with the error
Launch the app manually on the simulator
Go to Xcode
Click Debug > Attach to Process > Your App Name

what is mean app installation failed

I am using xcode 6.1 and osx 10.10. when I am running the app in device, The alert message shows as "app installation failed" and "the packet is unknown".my app running in ios simulator bur not not running in the device (ipad 8.1).
Try the following steps
1.Check for the certificate
2.Delete the existing app from the iPad
3.Clean the Project
4.Install the application again

Running xcode iOS simulator build

I developed an iOS app with Facebook integration. I need to send an iOS simulator build for Facebook to review how the Facebook integration works on my app.
The link provides the instructions on how to create the iOS Simulator build.
The said link provides code that creates the iOS simulator build
xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator{version}
What I wanted to do is to run the app iOS Simulator Build. I want to test if iOS simulator build works.
I searched and found this:
Launch an iOS app in the simulator without XCode
which asked me to use this code to run the iOS simulator build.
/Applications/\\ Simulator -SimulateApplication ${PROJECT}/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/<yourapp>.app/<yourapp>
Yes, the iOS simulator runs however it does not launch my app.
How should I run the iOS simulator build on the simulator? Need help on this. Thanks!
Addition Note:
I am using Xcode 5.1.1
I had success using ios-sim. Then run with ios-sim launch <yourproject>.app
Update instructions for Xcode 6.x and later using simctl:
xcrun simctl install booted /path/to/your/built/
xcrun simctl launch booted
