Unable to app run on my simulator: macOS Sierra - ios

I am unable to launch my app on simulator using Xcode 7.3.1 iPhone 5s simulator. I am getting an error message in Xcode is "DTAssetProviderService could not start DTXConnection"

Build app
The app will still install on the simulator, even with the error
Launch the app manually on the simulator
Go to Xcode
Click Debug > Attach to Process > Your App Name


Facebook review build must work on Xcode 7.3 simulator?

Facebook has rejected a simulator build created with Xcode 9.4.1, targeting iOS 11+, that was submitted for review with the message:
Please ensure that the Simulator Build provided works with Xcode Version 7.3, as this is the software our team uses in review. More information about creating simulator builds can be found here.
Is it possible to create such a build with Xcode 9?
I have tried installing the build I submitted on the Xcode 7.3.1 simulator like this:
xcrun simctl install booted \
but when I try to launch the app it crashes immediately, leaving an assertion failed: message with some hex digits in the system log. I suspect this is because it does not support iOS 9.3, which the simulator is running, but there could have been other changes to the simulator that are causing it to fail.
The link facebook provided says to run in the Xcode iPhone 5 simulator, but my version of Xcode only seems to have simulators going back to the 5s.
Do I need to make my app run under iOS 9.3? Or re-write it in swift 2.2 so I can build it using xcode 7.3?

How to start Meteor app on specific iOS simulator

After my Xcode upgraded to version 7.3 I'm not able to start my Meteor apps on simulators other then iPhone-6s-Plus. When I enter command
meteor run ios
having no any simulator running it automatically starts iPhone-6s-Plus. But if I start some other simulator using Xcode then that's what I get trying to run app (using --verbose)
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to iPhone-6s-Plus, 9.3
An error was encountered processing the command
(domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=159): Invalid device
How I can run my apps on any other simulator then iPhone-6s-Plus?
OK, seems it is normal behaviour with Meteor v1.3 described in documentation: http://guide.meteor.com/mobile.html#running-your-app
Currently, this will always run your app on a simulated iPhone 6s
Plus. Use ios-device to open Xcode and select another simulator
So command
meteor run ios-device
will open generated iOS project in Xcode where you will be able to select any other simulator or connected device.

what is mean app installation failed

I am using xcode 6.1 and osx 10.10. when I am running the app in device, The alert message shows as "app installation failed" and "the packet is unknown".my app running in ios simulator bur not not running in the device (ipad 8.1).
Try the following steps
1.Check for the certificate
2.Delete the existing app from the iPad
3.Clean the Project
4.Install the application again

xcode 6.1 crash after build application succeeded

Xcode is crashing without any error after build application succeeded
when I run my app on device. It does this every time.
I'm using Xcode 6.1 on OS X 10.10.

Xcode iPhone simulator is not launching app

I am creating an app in IOS platform with Cordova (2.1.0) framework. When I select the iPhone simulator (6.1) with Xcode 4.5.2 and give a run, the build succeeds but the app is not launching on the simulator. Why is this happening?
Just reset your simulator and quit your xcode and Simulator. Then Restart the xcode again. Clean the Code and now run the project. It should work properly. Hope it helps you.
