Interaction between quantifiers and sets in z3 - z3

I am currently trying to use Z3 to encode a simple program logic for an untyped language with sets.
My symbolic execution engine needs to prove the validity of the following formula:
To this end, we ask Z3 to check the satisfiability of:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((result Set))
(let ((phi1
(forall ((x Real)) (=> (select result x) (> x value))))
(= result (union (singleton head) tail))))
(not (and phi1 phi2)))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs unknown.
My guess is that the problem lies on quantifying over a variable that is bound to a set.
To check this, I simplified the formula above, obtaining:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real))(=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((x Real))
(=> (select (union (singleton head) tail) x)
(not (<= x value))))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs
This confirms my guess that the problem lies on the quantification
over a variable that is bound to a set.
My question is whether or not Z3 supports formulae that include
quantification over sets. And, if so, what am I doing wrong?

Quantifier reasoning is always hard for SMT solvers, and in this case you have nested quantifiers. I'm not surprised to hear Z3 simply said Unknown in the first case. Also note that you are quantifying over what's essentially a function (Sets as you implemented are really functions), which makes it even more difficult. But even if you quantified over simpler things, nested quantifiers are never going to be easy to discharge.
Did you try skolemizing your formula, putting it into prenex-normal form, and getting rid of the existentials? That might get you a bit further though you might have to come up with appropriate patterns for instantiation.


z3 4.3.2 fails to find a model for Why3-generated (satisfiable) goals

I'm trying to use Why3's Z3 back-end in order to retrieve models that can then be used to derive test cases exhibiting bugs in programs. However, Z3 version 4.3.2 seems unable to answer sat for any Why3 goal. It looks like some of the axiomatic definitions used by Why3 somehow confuse Z3. For instance, the following example (which is a tiny part of what Why3 generates)
(declare-fun abs1 (Int) Int)
;; abs_def
(forall ((x Int)) (ite (<= 0 x) (= (abs1 x) x) (= (abs1 x) (- x)))))
results in timeout with the following command line:
z3 -smt2 model.partial=true file.smt2 -T:10
On the other hand, changing the definition to
(declare-fun abs1 (Int) Int)
;; abs_def
(forall ((x Int)) (=> (<= 0 x) (= (abs1 x) x))))
(forall ((x Int)) (=> (> 0 x) (= (abs1 x) (- x)))))
will get me a model (which looks pretty reasonable)
(define-fun abs1 ((x!1 Int)) Int
(ite (>= x!1 0) x!1 (* (- 1) x!1)))
but if I try to add the next axiom present in the original Why3 file, namely
;; Abs_pos
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (<= 0 (abs1 x))))
again Z3 answers timeout.
Is there something I'm missing in the configuration of Z3? Moreover, in previous versions of Why3, there was an option MODEL_ON_TIMEOUT, which allowed to retrieve a model in such circumstances. Even though there was no guarantee that this was a real model since Z3 could not finish to check it, in practice such models generally contained all the information I needed. However, I haven't found a similar option in 4.3.2. Does it still exist?
Update The last axiom Abs_pos was wrong (I toyed a bit with Why3's output before posting here and ended up pasting an incorrect version of the issue). This is now fixed.
The additional axiom
(assert (not (forall ((x Int)) (<= 0 (abs1 x)))))
makes the problem unsatisfiable, since abs1 always returns a non-negative integer and with the additional axiom you require the existence of a negative result for abs1 for some x. The web version of Z3 returns unsat as expected, see here.

Horn clauses in Z3

Z3 now supports solving for inductive invariants (implying a desired property) if the semantics of the program to analyze is given as Horn clauses.
The version in the master branch of the Z3 source code on however does not support this feature. Since Z3 solves these Horn clauses problems by the PDR algorithm, which uses interpolation, I compiled instead the interp branch (d8b31773b809), which supports (set-logic HORN).
As far as I understood, a Horn-clause problem is to be specified with unknown predicates representing invariants, and a predicate over X×Y is just a function from X×Y to Bool. So far so good.
The first example I tried is just a problem of inferring an inductive invariant for a for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) loop.
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (or (> I 10) (not (inv I)) (inv (+ I 1)))))
So far so good, got sat. Now just added (assert (not (inv 15)) and I got unsat. I then tried
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (not (inv 15)))
and got unsat.
What am I doing wrong?
Use the "unstable" branch.
The "interp" branch is for internal development and the state of this branch can fluctuate.
I get the answer "sat" on your second problem.
A slightly more interesting version of the first problem is:
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (or (> I 10) (not (inv I)) (inv (+ I 1)))))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (=> (inv I) (<= I 11))))
It produces the obvious inductive invariant.
If you replace the last assertion by
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (=> (inv I) (<= I 10))))
Instead you get a (hard to read) proof.

a datatype contains a set in Z3

how can I make a datatype that contains a set of another objects. Basically, I am doing the following code:
(define-sort Set(T) (Array Int T))
(declare-datatypes () ((A f1 (cons (value Int) (b (Set B))))
(B f2 (cons (id Int) (a (Set A))))
But Z3 tells me unknown sort for A and B. If I remove "Set" it works just as the guide states.
I was trying to use List instead but it does not work. Anyone knows how to make it work?
You are addressing a question that comes up on a regular basis:
how can I mix data-types and arrays (as sets, multi-sets or
data-types in the range)?
As stated above Z3 does not support mixing data-types
and arrays in a single declaration.
A solution is to develop a custom solver for the
mixed datatype + array theory. Z3 contains programmatic
APIs for developing custom solvers.
It is still useful to develop this example
to illustrate the capabilities and limitations
of encoding theories with quantifiers and triggers.
Let me simplify your example by just using A.
As a work-around you can define an auxiliary sort.
The workaround is not ideal, though. It illustrates some
axiom 'hacking'. It relies on the operational semantics
of how quantifiers are instantiated during search.
(set-option :model true) ; We are going to display models.
(set-option :auto-config false)
(set-option :mbqi false) ; Model-based quantifier instantiation is too powerful here
(declare-sort SetA) ; Declare a custom fresh sort SetA
(declare-datatypes () ((A f1 (cons (value Int) (a SetA)))))
(define-sort Set (T) (Array T Bool))
Then define bijections between (Set A), SetA.
(declare-fun injSA ((Set A)) SetA)
(declare-fun projSA (SetA) (Set A))
(assert (forall ((x SetA)) (= (injSA (projSA x)) x)))
(assert (forall ((x (Set A))) (= (projSA (injSA x)) x)))
This is almost what the data-type declaration states.
To enforce well-foundedness you can associate an ordinal with members of A
and enforce that members of SetA are smaller in the well-founded ordering:
(declare-const v Int)
(declare-const s1 SetA)
(declare-const a1 A)
(declare-const sa1 (Set A))
(declare-const s2 SetA)
(declare-const a2 A)
(declare-const sa2 (Set A))
With the axioms so far, a1 can be a member of itself.
(assert (select sa1 a1))
(assert (= s1 (injSA sa1)))
(assert (= a1 (cons v s1)))
We now associate an ordinal number with the members of A.
(declare-fun ord (A) Int)
(assert (forall ((x SetA) (v Int) (a A))
(=> (select (projSA x) a)
(> (ord (cons v x)) (ord a)))))
(assert (forall ((x A)) (> (ord x) 0)))
By default quantifier instantiation in Z3 is pattern-based.
The first quantified assert above will not be instantiated on all
relevant instances. One can instead assert:
(assert (forall ((x1 SetA) (x2 (Set A)) (v Int) (a A))
(! (=> (and (= (projSA x1) x2) (select x2 a))
(> (ord (cons v x1)) (ord a)))
:pattern ((select x2 a) (cons v x1)))))
Axioms like these, that use two patterns (called a multi-pattern)
are quite expensive. They produce instantiations for every pair
of (select x2 a) and (cons v x1)
The membership constraint from before is now unsatisfiable.
(assert (select sa1 a1))
(assert (= s1 (injSA sa1)))
(assert (= a1 (cons v s1)))
but models are not necessarily well formed yet.
the default value of the set is 'true', which
would mean that the model implies there is a membership cycle
when there isn't one.
(assert (not (= (cons v s1) a1)))
(assert (= (projSA s1) sa1))
(assert (select sa1 a1))
We can approximate more faithful models by using
the following approach to enforce that sets that are
used in data-types are finite.
For example, whenever there is a membership check on a set x2,
we enforce that the 'default' value of the set is 'false'.
(assert (forall ((x2 (Set A)) (a A))
(! (not (default x2))
:pattern ((select x2 a)))))
Alternatively, whenever a set occurs in a data-type constructor
it is finite
(assert (forall ((v Int) (x1 SetA))
(! (not (default (projSA x1)))
:pattern ((cons v x1)))))
(assert (not (= (cons v s1) a1)))
(assert (= (projSA s1) sa1))
(assert (select sa1 a1))
Throughout the inclusion of additional axioms,
Z3 produces the answer 'unknown' and furthermore
the model that is produced indicates that the domain SetA
is finite (a singleton). So while we could patch the defaults
this model still does not satisfy the axioms. It satisfies
the axioms modulo instantiation only.
This is not supported in Z3. You can use arrays in datatype declarations, but they can't contain "references" to the datatypes you are declaring. For example, it is ok to use (Set Int).

Quantifier in Z3

Basically, I want to ask Z3 to give me an arbitrary integer whose value is greater than 10. So I write the following statements:
(declare-const x (Int))
(assert (forall ((i Int)) (> i 10)))
How can I apply this quantifier to my model? I know you can write (assert (> x 10)) to achieve this. But I mean I want a quantifier in my model so every time I declare an integer constant whose value is guaranteed to be over 10. So I don't have to insert statement (assert (> x 10)) for every integer constant that I declared.
When you use (assert (forall ((i Int)) (> i 10))), i is a bounded variable and the quantified formula is equivalent to a truth value, which is false in this case.
I think you want to define a macro using quantifiers:
(declare-fun greaterThan10 (Int) Bool)
(assert (forall ((i Int)) (= (greaterThan10 i) (> i 10))))
And you can use them to avoid code repetition:
(declare-const x (Int))
(declare-const y (Int))
(assert (greaterThan10 x))
(assert (greaterThan10 y))
It is essentially the way to define macros using uninterpreted functions when you're working with Z3 API. Note that you have to set (set-option :macro-finder true) in order that Z3 replaces universal quantifiers with bodies of those functions.
However, if you're working with the textual interface, the macro define-fun in SMT-LIB v2 is an easier way to do what you want:
(define-fun greaterThan10 ((i Int)) Bool
(> i 10))

Z3: Extracting existential model-values

I'm playing around with Z3's QBVF solver, and wondering if it's possible to extract values from an existential assertion. To wit, let's say I have the following:
(assert (exists ((x (_ BitVec 16))) (forall ((y (_ BitVec 16))) (bvuge y x))))
This basically says that there is a "least" 16-bit unsigned value. Then, I can say:
And Z3-3.0 happily responds:
(model (define-fun x!0 () (_ BitVec 16)
Which is really cool. But what I want to do is to be able to extract pieces of that model via get-value. Unsurprisingly, none of the following seem to work
(get-value (x))
(get-value (x!0))
In each case Z3 rightly complains there's no such constant. Clearly Z3 has that information as evidenced by the response to the (check-sat) call. Is there any way to access the existential value automatically via get-value, or some other mechanism?
In Z3, get-value only allows the user to reference “global” declarations.
The existential variable x is a local declaration. Thus, it can’t be accessed using get-value.
By default, Z3 eliminates existential variables using a process called “skolemization”.
The idea is to replace existential variables with fresh constants and function symbols.
For example, the formula
exists x. forall y. exists z. P(x, y, z)
is converted into
forall y. P(x!1, y, z!1(y))
Note that z becomes a function because the choice of z may depend on y.
Wikipedia has an entry on skolem normal form
That being said, I never found a satisfactory solution for the problem you described.
For example, a formula may have many different existential variables with the same name.
So, it is not clear how to reference each instance in the get-value command in a non-ambiguous way.
A possible workaround for this limitation is to apply the skolemization step “by hand”, or at least for the variables you want to know the value.
For example,
(assert (exists ((x (_ BitVec 16))) (forall ((y (_ BitVec 16))) (bvuge y x))))
is written as:
(declare-const x (_ BitVec 16))
(assert (forall ((y (_ BitVec 16))) (bvuge y x)))
(get-value x)
If the existential variable is nested in a universal quantifier such as:
(assert (forall ((y (_ BitVec 16))) (exists ((x (_ BitVec 16))) (bvuge y x))))
A fresh skolem function can be used to obtain the value of x for each y.
The example above becomes:
(declare-fun sx ((_ BitVec 16)) (_ BitVec 16))
(assert (forall ((y (_ BitVec 16))) (bvuge y (sx y))))
In this example, sx is the fresh function. The model, produced by Z3, will assign an interpretation for sx. In version 3.0, the interpretation is the identity function. This function can be used to obtain the value of x for each y.
