Quantifier in Z3 - z3

Basically, I want to ask Z3 to give me an arbitrary integer whose value is greater than 10. So I write the following statements:
(declare-const x (Int))
(assert (forall ((i Int)) (> i 10)))
How can I apply this quantifier to my model? I know you can write (assert (> x 10)) to achieve this. But I mean I want a quantifier in my model so every time I declare an integer constant whose value is guaranteed to be over 10. So I don't have to insert statement (assert (> x 10)) for every integer constant that I declared.

When you use (assert (forall ((i Int)) (> i 10))), i is a bounded variable and the quantified formula is equivalent to a truth value, which is false in this case.
I think you want to define a macro using quantifiers:
(declare-fun greaterThan10 (Int) Bool)
(assert (forall ((i Int)) (= (greaterThan10 i) (> i 10))))
And you can use them to avoid code repetition:
(declare-const x (Int))
(declare-const y (Int))
(assert (greaterThan10 x))
(assert (greaterThan10 y))
It is essentially the way to define macros using uninterpreted functions when you're working with Z3 API. Note that you have to set (set-option :macro-finder true) in order that Z3 replaces universal quantifiers with bodies of those functions.
However, if you're working with the textual interface, the macro define-fun in SMT-LIB v2 is an easier way to do what you want:
(define-fun greaterThan10 ((i Int)) Bool
(> i 10))


Interaction between quantifiers and sets in z3

I am currently trying to use Z3 to encode a simple program logic for an untyped language with sets.
My symbolic execution engine needs to prove the validity of the following formula:
To this end, we ask Z3 to check the satisfiability of:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((result Set))
(let ((phi1
(forall ((x Real)) (=> (select result x) (> x value))))
(= result (union (singleton head) tail))))
(not (and phi1 phi2)))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs unknown.
My guess is that the problem lies on quantifying over a variable that is bound to a set.
To check this, I simplified the formula above, obtaining:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real))(=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((x Real))
(=> (select (union (singleton head) tail) x)
(not (<= x value))))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs
This confirms my guess that the problem lies on the quantification
over a variable that is bound to a set.
My question is whether or not Z3 supports formulae that include
quantification over sets. And, if so, what am I doing wrong?
Quantifier reasoning is always hard for SMT solvers, and in this case you have nested quantifiers. I'm not surprised to hear Z3 simply said Unknown in the first case. Also note that you are quantifying over what's essentially a function (Sets as you implemented are really functions), which makes it even more difficult. But even if you quantified over simpler things, nested quantifiers are never going to be easy to discharge.
Did you try skolemizing your formula, putting it into prenex-normal form, and getting rid of the existentials? That might get you a bit further though you might have to come up with appropriate patterns for instantiation.

How to deal with recursive function in Z3?

(set-option :smt.mbqi true)
(declare-fun R(Int) Int)
(declare-const a Int)
(assert (= (R 0) 0))
(assert (forall ((n Int)) (=> (> n 0) (= (R n ) (+ (R (- n 1)) 1)))))
(assert (not (= a 5)))
(assert (not (= (R a) 5)))
I have tried the above code in Z3,But Z3 unable to answer.Can you please guide me where i have made the mistake ?
As a general pattern don't expect MBQI to produce models
involving functions that
only have an infinite range of different values.
If you really must, then you can use the define-fun-rec construct to define
a recursive function. Z3 currently trusts that the definition
is well-formed (e.g., that the equation corresponding to the function
definition is satisfiable).
(set-option :smt.mbqi true)
(declare-fun F (Int) Int)
(define-fun-rec R ((n Int)) Int
(if (= n 0) 0
(if (> n 0) (+ (R (- n 1)) 1)
(F n))))
(declare-const a Int)
(assert (not (= a 5)))
(assert (not (= (R a) 5)))
Z3 uses recursively defined functions passively during search: whenever
there is a candidate model for the ground portion of the constraints, it
checks that the function graph is adequately defined on the values of the candidate model. If it isn't, then the function definition is instantiated on the selected values until it is well defined on the values that are relevant
to the ground constraints.

Should Z3 prove monotonicity of <= (with respect to multiplication)?

This is the reduction of a more interesting problem, in which the missing property was (for positive k,M and N), that ((k % M) * N) < M*N. Below is an encoding of the simpler problem that a <= b ==> (a*c) <= (b*c). Such a query succeeds (we get unsat), but if the expression b is replaced by b+1 (as in the second query below) then we get unknown, which seems surprising. Is this the expected behaviour? Are there options to improve the handling of such inequalities? I tried with and without configuration options, and various versions of Z3, including the current unstable branch. Any tips would be much appreciated!
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(assert (> a 0))
(assert (> b 0))
(assert (> c 0))
(assert (<= a b))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* b c))))
(assert (<= a (+ b 1)))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* (+ b 1) c))))
This falls into nonlinear integer arithmetic (which has an undecidable decision problem, see, e.g., How does Z3 handle non-linear integer arithmetic? ), so it's actually not too surprising Z3 returns unknown for some examples, although I guess a bit surprising that it toggled between unsat and unknown for quite similar examples.
If it works for your application, you can try a type coercion: encode the constants as Real instead of Int. This will allow you to use Z3's complete solver for nonlinear real arithmetic and returns unsat with check-sat.
Alternatively, you can force Z3 to use the nonlinear solver even for the integer encoding with (check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) as in the following based on your example (rise4fun link: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/87GW ):
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(assert (> a 0))
(assert (> b 0))
(assert (> c 0))
(assert (<= a b))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* b c))))
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) ; unsat
(assert (<= a (+ b 1)))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* (+ b 1) c))))
; (check-sat)
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) ; unsat
Some more questions and answers on similar subjects:
Combining nonlinear Real with linear Int
z3 fails with this system of equations
Using Z3Py online to prove that n^5 <= 5 ^n for n >= 5
Can z3 always give result when handling nonlinear real arithmetic
Z3 Theorem Prover: Pythagorean Theorem (Non-Linear Artithmetic)

Horn clauses in Z3

Z3 now supports solving for inductive invariants (implying a desired property) if the semantics of the program to analyze is given as Horn clauses.
The version in the master branch of the Z3 source code on z3.codeplex.com however does not support this feature. Since Z3 solves these Horn clauses problems by the PDR algorithm, which uses interpolation, I compiled instead the interp branch (d8b31773b809), which supports (set-logic HORN).
As far as I understood, a Horn-clause problem is to be specified with unknown predicates representing invariants, and a predicate over X×Y is just a function from X×Y to Bool. So far so good.
The first example I tried is just a problem of inferring an inductive invariant for a for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) loop.
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (or (> I 10) (not (inv I)) (inv (+ I 1)))))
So far so good, got sat. Now just added (assert (not (inv 15)) and I got unsat. I then tried
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (not (inv 15)))
and got unsat.
What am I doing wrong?
Use the "unstable" branch.
The "interp" branch is for internal development and the state of this branch can fluctuate.
I get the answer "sat" on your second problem.
A slightly more interesting version of the first problem is:
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (or (> I 10) (not (inv I)) (inv (+ I 1)))))
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (=> (inv I) (<= I 11))))
It produces the obvious inductive invariant.
If you replace the last assertion by
(assert (forall ((I Int)) (=> (inv I) (<= I 10))))
Instead you get a (hard to read) proof.

Can Z3 output "anything" for unconstrained values of UF?

Some values of uninterpreted functions can be unconstrained during the search. For example, if in smt query only f(1) is called, then f(2), f(3) can be anything. Is there a way (some option may be) to know which values were not used during the solving and therefore can be anything?
For quantifier free problems, you can achieve that by using the option :model-partial to true.
Here is an example (also available here):
(set-option :model-partial true)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(assert (> (f 0) 0))
(assert (< (f 1) 0))
In this example, we get the output:
(define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Int
(ite (= x!1 0) 1
(ite (= x!1 1) (- 1)
BTW, in the next release (Z3 4.3.2), this option is renamed to :model.partial. In the next release, the options are grouped in modules.
