You tube Search API - Video Id Prefix with '-' sign? - youtube

Few video Ids are prefixed with '-' sign. When we search these Id's with prefix on Youtube, it says no records found. However, Youtube is able to play these videos.
Eg: (Video will play) (No results
I would like to know: what all characters could come as prefix so that I can allow or remove them before my Youtube API call? Or is there any standard way to handle this thing?

You refer to 'API call' using the URL is not making a API call, its calling the search URL. The URL unfortunatly does not work using a URL encoded parameter.
I suggest to implement this using YouTube API V3. In PHP this correctly retrives the video based on a ID even if it starts with hyphens. I have provided a PHP snippet below...
//In PHP
function videosListById($service, $part, $params) {
$params = array_filter($params);
$response = $service->videos->listVideos(
array('id' => '-xYmfZ2Ic_M'));
To see this in action you can visit the following URL;


Hiding YouTube API for client using server

My inexperience has left me short of understanding how to hide an API Key. Sorry, but I've been away from web development for 15 years as I specialized in relational databases, and a lot has changed.
I've read a ton of articles, but don't understand how to take advantage of them. I want to put my YouTube API key(s) on the server, but have the client able to use them w/o exposure. I don't understand how setting an API Key on my server (ISP provided) enables the client to access the YouTube channel associated with the project. Can someone explain this to me?
I am not sure what you want to do but for a project I worked on I needed to get a specific playlist from YouTube and make the contents public to the visitors of the website.
What I did is a sort of proxy. I set up a php file contains the api key, and then have the end user get the YT content through this php file.
The php file gets the content form YT using curl.
I hope it helps.
The way to hide the key is to put it in a PHP file on the server.
This PHP file will the one connecting to youtube and retrieving the data you want on your client page.
This example of code, with the correct api key and correct playlist id will get a json file with the 10 first tracks of the play list.
The $resp will have the json data. To extract it, it has to be decoded for example into an associative array. Once in the array it can be easily mixed in to the html that will be rendered on the client browser.
$apiKey = "AIza...";
$results = "10";
$playList = "PL0WeB6UKDIHRyXXXXXXXXXX...";
$request = ",contentDetails,snippet&maxResults=" . $results .
"&fields=items(contentDetails%2FvideoId%2Cid%2Csnippet(position%2CpublishedAt%2Cthumbnails%2Fdefault%2Ctitle))" .
"&playlistId=" . $playList .
"&key=" . $apiKey;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $request,
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
if (curl_errno($curl)) {
$status = "CURL_ERROR";
// check the HTTP status code of the request
$resultStatus = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($resultStatus == 200) {
$status = "OK";
//Do something with the $resp which is in JSON format.
//Like decoding it into an associative array
} else {
$status = "YT_ERROR";
<!-- your html here -->
Note: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER is set to false. This is in development. For prod it should be true.
Also note that using the api this way, you can restrict the calls to your api key bounding them to your domain. You do that in the googla api console. (Tip for production)

Accessing public Instagram content via Instagram API without expiring accesstoken

i want to show public contents from instagram related to a specific hashtag (everything works fine with that) but i can't to renew the access_token everytime it expires.
("do not assume your access_token is valid forever." -
To renew it manually is not an option i have to make sure there is a valid access_token at ANY time without re-authenticating.
Any ideas or questions? :)
I have one idea, but without API (and access_token). You can make requests to the web-version of Instagram with ?__a=1 parameter. I do not know how long it will work but now there is workflow:
You want to show public content with hashtag space, for example.
Add it to url and add GET-parameter ?__a=1:
Make the GET-request. It returns json with nodes in top_posts (8) and media (18). Each node has owner, caption, number of comments and likes. But the most important part is in thumbnail_src and display_src.
There is page_info in media object which helps to paginate results. You need end_cursor (for example, J0HWE9rjAAAAF0HWE9qvgAAAFiYA)
Add the value from end_cursor to the url:
Repeat 3-6 to get newest posts with specific hashtag.
Update to the ?__a=1 url param. This appears to have stopped working with users '/account/?__a=1' endpoints.:( Still works on tags apparently.
Instagram shut down their public API. Here's a quick and dirty workaround in PHP:
function getPublicInfo($username) {
$url = sprintf("$username");
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$content = explode("window._sharedData = ", $content)[1];
$content = explode(";</script>", $content)[0];
$data = json_decode($content, true);
return $data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0];
Not sure for how long it's gonna work. Here's one for Javascript.

Resolving two types of YouTube channel URLs in API v3

I'm taking a youtube url as user input.
The logic I have is as follows:
if(URL === link_to_video) then get video
else if( URL == link_to_channel) then get all_videos_of_channel.
I am doing this via JavaScript and using the YouTube API v3.
The problem is, it seems youtube has two types of URLs to youtube channels.
/channel/, eg:
both the above links will take you to the same channel, but my current uploader code supports only /user/CalvinHarrisVEVO.
is there any way to make both the URLs behave similarly in terms of obtaining the channel videos?
One solution would be to parse the url and then apply this logic:
if there is `channel` in the url link
call the APIv3 with the **id** of the channel
Ressource : youtube.channels.list
else if there is 'user'
call the APIv3 with the **forUsername** of the channel
Ressource : youtube.channels.list
Check :

YouTube v3 API (.NET) - Get URI of newly posted video resource?

After scouring the v3 API documentation (and using the API explorer), I am not able to determine how to obtain the URI of a newly uploaded video resource (or any video resource).
I am aware that the video's ID is readily available and it is trivial to construct a URI from the ID. For example, I have this extension method:
public static Uri GetUri(this Video video)
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder
Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttp,
Host = "",
Path = video.Id,
return uriBuilder.Uri;
However, it seems strange that the video resource would not include a few different URLs (regular, shortened and embed-able come to mind).
I also recognize I am probably over thinking this because the only volatile part of the URL is the video ID. I guess I could always put the host name in a config file :)
Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
You can get the video ID from the upload response once your request is executed.
YouTube API samples have a great upload example for this.
Once you have the video id, you can construct the full URL as{video_id}{video_id}

Twitter API 1.1 - render twitter's links

I want to display the tweets of an account in my website. The problem is that the tweets appear always with the format, instead of the full link as desired by me.
For instance, I obtain:
the rules of the game are all implemented - local players can play together in this link:
if you are very curious... then, here is the link to the xodul's section under development:
and I want that these tweets appear like this:
the rules of the game are all implemented - local players can play together in this link:
if you are very curious... then, here is the link to the xodul's section under development:
To make my application I've followed the instructions from:
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 (from here we can get the text of each tweet, with the links coming in the format:
Rendering links in tweet when using Get Statuses API 1.1 (the code of the highest scored answer, in this link replaces, for instance, the text "" with the hyperlink "<a target='_blank' href=''></a>")
I appreciate very much any help on how to render the twitter's links!
With the tutorial you followed you can use these attributes to show actual link.
Note: In API v1.1, entities will always be included unless you set include_entities to False or 0.
The urls entity
An array of URLs extracted from the Tweet text. Each URL entity comes with the following attributes:
url: The URL that was extracted
display_url: (only for links) Not a URL but a string to display instead of the URL
expanded_url: (only for links) The fully resolved URL
indices: The character positions the URL was extracted from
JavaScript only solution for now to get Twitter posts on your site without using new 1.1 API and actually returns the full url in posts, not the twitter shortened version :-)
Thank you for your answers.
After analyzing the JSON in the suggested link (, I wrote a solution to the exposed problem:
// ...
$twitter_data = json_decode($json); // last line of the code in:
// print the tweets, with the full URLs:
foreach ($twitter_data as $item) {
$text = $item->text;
foreach ($item->entities->urls as $url) {
$text = str_replace($url->url, $url->expanded_url, $text);
echo $text . '<br /><br />';
// optionally, here, the code from:
// can be added, too.
