Codenameone IOS build online errors - ios

So I tested building my app using the Codenameone send to IOS debugger build. It worked perfectly, as far as the build goes, however I didn't add this to the build that worked:
ios.gplus.clientId = "helloworld"
So I added that to the build hints and now it errors out on the IOS debugger build. The error log doesn't appear to be very helpful.
Any insights as to why this broke the build would be appreciated.

Thanks for that, it seems to be a regression in a recent VM change we'll try to fix this for the upcoming update later this week.


React native release building at iOS error

Sorry, but I hate *pple. I have many reasons, and it is one of them. Debug version works fine even without any critical warnings, but release crashes at some screens
XCode version 12.5
React-native 0.65.1
Step by step commenting and redeploying helped me to find the root of this trouble. Now, I know, but I can't understand why, you I can't pass custom methods to Array.prototype or Object.prototype. It worked with debug version without any troubles, but release didn't :(

Flutter error when running for release. IN debug works fine

I receive an error when ever I try to run the Release version of my app and the app sticks on the launch screen. I never have an error with the debug version, which has been well tested.
I haven't been able to find any information on this error message here at Stackoverflow or in the git forums. So hoping someone can help me on this one, as I'm completely stuck!
Here is the error message from Xcode:
2019-10-30 11:00:28.072780+0800 Runner[1311:409348] Metal API Validation Enabled
../../third_party/dart/runtime/vm/ 425: error: unreachable code
Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks
I solved this issue by changing to a newer version of Dart, which contained a fix for this issue.
I did this by switching my channel to run on Master Channel (from Beta channel).
Here's is some instructions that I used, I hope it can be of help to anyone else experiencing this issue:
Flutter Channels - Github

Appcenter application pushing error form command line

I am working on Mobile app automation in VSTS using xamarin. Code was successfully executed on the local emulator, but while pushing to the appcenter from command line i am facing error Test Chunking failed.
I tried with admin privileges also, still i face issue can i know the solution.
Are there any further information? At the moment it sounds like the same problem that appeared at the official Xamarin forums.
For me, what did the trick was to change the target framework of the Xamarin UI tests project to .Net Framework v4.6.1 (net461).

Unity Debug log not showing in iOS build

guys I've been struggling with the following issue for couple of days and hope that somebody could help me.
I want to get my app logs from running iOS device. If I run the app from the Xcode, then I see my logs in debug view as expected.
However, when I download a build from my testflight app I'm not able to access the logs anymore. Google suggest that I use Xcode -> Devices -> Log of a device, but there are only system events log and no messages from my app.
Running Unity 5.5.2.p2, Xcode 8.2.1. with ios 10 and 9 tested.
Would appreciate any help, because this issue is really exhausting.
After a bit more searching I found out that it's not possible, unfortunately. But I've managed to make a solution, hope it helps somebody.
Apple's native NSLog prints all the logs to a console app even after the app was downloaded from TestFlight.
I made a simple iOS plugin wich catches all the debug logs and forwards them to a NSLog. Make sure you call
somewhere on app start.
Hope this will help somebody. The plugin is here
Archiving for TestFlight means Build Configuration is release.
SO you won't be able to see the dubug log on testflight build.
Follow this link to make a debuggable TestFlight build.
Or simply add DEBUG=1 on Release section under Preprocessor Macros

Xamarin IOS MonoTouch (Unable to Build Successfully on any profile other than Debug in Visual Studio 2015)

Hi guys I have been struggling with this error for a few days now and I could not find out what's really going on, basically it throws an error "error : Failed to compile the generated registrar code. Please file a bug report at" i got the complete output of the build in this link
building in Debug mode and iPhoneSimulator works fine and infact can run through the App without any problems... however when I want to use Ad-Hoc so I can produce a signed App for test flight so it can be bug tested by my beta testers I can't because of that error, please note I got no experience in Objective-C and my App in concern is built on C# Mono using Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015, hope you guys can help me out thanks...
Turns out the error was caused by a file with register.cs name that caused the issue thanks to the bug helpers of Xamarin i was able to remove the issue and was able to build the IPA file, for those who will encounter this try to watch out for the class names you use on your MonoTouch Projects
