Appcenter application pushing error form command line -

I am working on Mobile app automation in VSTS using xamarin. Code was successfully executed on the local emulator, but while pushing to the appcenter from command line i am facing error Test Chunking failed.
I tried with admin privileges also, still i face issue can i know the solution.

Are there any further information? At the moment it sounds like the same problem that appeared at the official Xamarin forums.

For me, what did the trick was to change the target framework of the Xamarin UI tests project to .Net Framework v4.6.1 (net461).


Codenameone IOS build online errors

So I tested building my app using the Codenameone send to IOS debugger build. It worked perfectly, as far as the build goes, however I didn't add this to the build that worked:
ios.gplus.clientId = "helloworld"
So I added that to the build hints and now it errors out on the IOS debugger build. The error log doesn't appear to be very helpful.
Any insights as to why this broke the build would be appreciated.
Thanks for that, it seems to be a regression in a recent VM change we'll try to fix this for the upcoming update later this week.

Firebase storage download trouble in iOS device (Unity)

I met unknown trouble trying to setup firebase storage for iOS. I can't download even 1 file in device, but it runs perfectly in Editor.
I am using reference.GetFileAsync() method. Firstly I assumed that I made some wrong package setup or some other silly mistake, but I checked it many-many times. Each Quickstart project here works well on my end. My current project settings and firebase storage settings are identical to provided test examples I run in iOS device successfully.
Here is a xCode output trying to download the file. That is looped and contains only that info: codeshare
Any of logs googling doesn't give me any solution or even idea.
Please, give me some thoughts where to search the problem.. I am totally confused.
I am using MacOSx, Unity 5.5.0/5.5.1, latest Firebase Unity SDK (v1.1.2)
The reason was that firebase database package automatically changed from .NET Subset to .NET option. Changing back solved the problem. But anyway, that means we can't use firebase storage + database in same iOS project in Unity.. That's bad
Firebase Developer here. I'm sorry you encountered this error and I can confirm this was a regression from our initial build in January. This issue has since been resolved in the latest version of Firebase Storage for Unity ( released for general availability for mobile at GDC.
The latest version will work with the full .Net SDK which is also required for the realtime database in Unity.

Xamarin IOS MonoTouch (Unable to Build Successfully on any profile other than Debug in Visual Studio 2015)

Hi guys I have been struggling with this error for a few days now and I could not find out what's really going on, basically it throws an error "error : Failed to compile the generated registrar code. Please file a bug report at" i got the complete output of the build in this link
building in Debug mode and iPhoneSimulator works fine and infact can run through the App without any problems... however when I want to use Ad-Hoc so I can produce a signed App for test flight so it can be bug tested by my beta testers I can't because of that error, please note I got no experience in Objective-C and my App in concern is built on C# Mono using Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015, hope you guys can help me out thanks...
Turns out the error was caused by a file with register.cs name that caused the issue thanks to the bug helpers of Xamarin i was able to remove the issue and was able to build the IPA file, for those who will encounter this try to watch out for the class names you use on your MonoTouch Projects

Sencha app with Cordova on Xcode

I am trying to build a ios package using sencha and phone gap. I followed the steps here I am able to build and run the package on ios simulator. However, I can only see the index.html page. All the model, view and controller folders with js files created by sencha are not copied there. So, I am not able to run the app which i built using sencha.
When i click on the app/view/Main.js i get error The requested URL was not found on this server.
Any help on this would be great.
I think that the problem is that they expect you to run only the "production" version of you app inside cordova. When you set production the microloader is not used and everything is compiled into one file instead. That should solve the issue.

Code Signing Failure Blackberry Ant tools

I am using phonegap and sencha touch to build mobile applications. I have successfully built Android and iOS application. When it comes to blackberry application, I am using the procedure given at phonegap docs.
I can able build and deploy application on to the simulator. But when it comes to code signing it always getting failed.
When I run the command "ant build" the signature tools pops up and closes successfully, I even get 75 emails to my inbox.
Note: I have only sigtool.csk and sigtool.db. Is this the problem?
Any Suggestions?
Well at last I got the solution. If you get a code signing error which does not specify any details, just uninstall and reinstall Java, Blackberry web works and Ripple emulator in the same order. It works for me.
